The Fall of Trost (Part 2) Goodbyes

303 12 8

Trost – 850

Y/N's Point of View

Everyone began running around. I went to find Mikasa because she always made me feel safe in these situations. I also wanted to say I love you to her in case I don't see her again. I have no doubt Eren will make it though, he is determined like me.

I found Bertholdt, Marco, Jean, Krista and Daz standing in a group as i was looking for Mikasa. I ran over. I quickly went to Krista and hugged her. "Thank you for always being Krista and being my friend" I told her. She smiled then looked worried. "Don't worry (N/N), we'll see each other later, okay?" Krista told me with optimism. "Okay" I said wiping a tear from my face. I got up and walked to Marco next, Krista went back to comforting a sick Daz. I was never good friends with Daz after he smack talked my brother.

I hugged Marco tightly and he hugged back. "Thank you for always being Marco and for being my friend and always helping me" I said as I hugged him. "It'll be okay. Thanks for being my friend too. Stay safe okay?" Marco replied. "Okay. You too" I told him as we parted.

I walked up to the giant next. I mean he is bloody tall. I tapped his arm. "Bertl?" I asked looking up. He looked down to me. "What do you need? Are you feeling okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice. I hugged him, tears spilling from my eyes. He is one of my best friends, someone I have always trusted. He hugged back. "I'm fine. Thank you for being you and always being there for me. Your one of my best friends, thank you" I whispered into him as tears fell from my eyes and I hugged him. "Thanks for being one of my best friends to. I'll be here for you" he replied. "I'll always trust you. Don't die on me, okay?" I ordered, nicely. "I'll try. Stay safe alright?" He responded. "I'll try" I mimicked him as we pulled away.

I walked over to Jean last. I needed to talk to him the most. I had what Krista described to be a crush on him. "Bloody hell me" I said as I walked over. Jean went to walk off, not noticing me. "Jean!" I called out to him. He stopped in his tracks. "(Y/N)?" He said as he turned around. "Can I talk to you?" I asked as I ran over. I stood in front of Jean looking up at him. "Sure, what do you need? Is it your head? Are you okay?" Jean began asking.

"I'm physically fine Jean. It's just- I-" I began stuttering. "I can't d-die without telling you something" I blurted out. "Firstly thank you for being my friend and being there for me all these years. You are one of my most trusted people. Thanks for always being you" I told him, deliberately skipping the part about the crush. "I also- look-" I began stuttering again. "While you calm down a bit can I please say something I cant die without telling you" Jean spoke. I gave him a nod and he began to speak.

"I- er- I- um" he began stuttering. I burst out laughing. 'I honestly didn't think this could happen, Jean stuttering-' I was pulled out of my thoughts by a set of lips crashing onto mine. I opened my eyes and stopped laughing. Jean was kissing me! I began fangirling on the inside as I kissed back. We broke apart and he looked down and... ashamed?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I just couldn't get the words out and-" he rambled on and on. I put my hand up for him to stop and I then hugged him. "Were going to talk about this later," I said with a smile and a giggle. He flushed bright red. I kissed his cheek. "Stay safe and don't die on me. Please" I smiled at him. "I'll try my best" he told me. "You better stay safe too" he added onto his statement. 'I know he is upset about the military police. I can tell by the way he's walking' I thought to myself.  I smiled at him.

We began walking down a hallway were some cadets were having panic attacks. I tried to ignore them and keeping looking for Mikasa. Jean and I were walking side by side until he collided with someone. Eren!

Jean immediately got angry and shoved Eren to the side. "Move" Jean snapped. I gave my brother an apologetic look. Eren then grabbed Jean's arm, 'shit' I thought. "Hey man what the hells wrong with you?" Eren asked. "What kind of a question is that? We're all about to become titan food. Even the people we love and care about. You expect me to sing you a happy little song? Your loving this, aren't you, you little psycho Of course you are, your whole life's aspiration is to be eaten. I was one day shy of shipping of to the interior-" Jean snapped again and grabbed a hold of Eren's shirt.

"Jean!" I tried calling out to him. "Jean get a hold of yourself-" Eren was cut of by Jean. "No, not all of us are suicidal" Jean shouted at Eren. I noticed Mikasa had walked over. "Thank the walls you're here Mikasa" I said as I hugged her. "Damn it, shut up for a second" Eren finally snapped, pushing Jean up against the pillar. "Eren, calm down" I tried to warn him. "We trained for this. What do you think the last three years were about? We survived. We started death in the face and lived. Not everyone can say that, can they? Some people couldn't take it and either ran or were thrown out. Hell some people even died! But not us, am I right? We made it through three years, what's one more day? You can do this Jean, alright? The MP's will still be waiting for you tomorrow. As for people you love and care about, I have my two sisters and my best friend here. I know how you feel" Eren released Jean and stepped back.

"Well at least there two of us worried about your little sister" Jean mumbled so Eren couldn't hear. I blushed at his statement. With that Jean walked off and yelled at Daz as he passed by.

"Eren, Mikasa, I need to talk to you quickly" I told my siblings. "What is it (N/N)?" Eren asked. " Just listen. Thank you for always being here for me. Being the best family anyone could ask for. Always protecting me and helping me. I love you both so, so much. Please don't die on me. I want to see the outside world with you. I love you" I told them as I pulled them both in for a hug. Mikasa had a faint smile on her face and a few stray tears while Eren smiled and hugged back tightly.

"Always (N/N)" Mikasa replied softly. "I love you both too" Eren told us. "Eren, (Y/N), listen. If things take a turn for the worst, I want you to come and find me" Mikasa told us. "What, we are in completely different squads!" Eren exclaimed. "Look its going to get ugly and when it does the plan is going to go out the window. Come and find me so I can protect you both" Mikasa ordered.

"Huh? The hell do you think you are?" Eren began. I just sighed and nodded in agreement. "(Y/N) I want you to stay close to me at all times. Especially with your head-" Mikasa was cut off by a garrison soldier named Ian. "Ackerman your with me. You've been assigned to the rear-guard on special orders, lets get moving" Ian told her. "But sir, I'm a cadet! I'll slow everyone down!" Mikasa tried to reason. "What?" Eren asked in a whisper. "You aren't being asked for a self evaluation here. Everything is falling apart. We need as many elite soldiers as possible to get things back on track" Ian said before he began walking off.

"Sir! With all due-" Mikasa was cut off by Eren headbutting her. "You've been given a direct order. Pull it together, now! This is bigger than the three of us and you know it. Humanity is on the verge of extinction. Just have some damn perspective" Eren yelled at her. I kicked Eren's leg. "Be grateful people are looking out for you Eren" I scolded.

"He's right, I'm sorry. This hole situation has my head spinning. Just please, let me do one thing, its bigger than the two of us to" Mikasa pleaded. "Alright" Eren gave in. Mikasa then grabbed his sleeve. "Just promise, promise me one thing. Whatever happens don't get yourself killed" Mikasa told him. Eren just pulled his sleeve away and walked off.

I went to walk off until Mikasa grabbed my arm. "Mikasa I have to go" I told her. "I told Eren he had to let me do at least one other thing that was bigger than the two of us. He knows exactly what I mean. Just stay here for a moment" She said as she dropped my sleeve and left me by a bench.

I stood by the bench and watched as she walked over to Ian again. They weren't far away so I decided to listen to what she was saying. "What do you need Ackerman?" He asked. "Sir with all due respect I'm not leaving my squad without my sister. Either she comes to or I don't go" she bargained with the superior.

"You're not in charge here Ackerman" he warned. She did her signature death glare and he sighed. "What rank is she?" Ian asked, giving in. "She ranked five in the training. She only got ranked down because she wasn't as tactical. She is just as good as me, she just lets her heart get in the way to much" Mikasa explained. "Fine. Grab her and lets go. We need to move out" Ian ordered. "Sir!" Mikasa said with a salute.

Mikasa ran back over to me. "I cannot believe you just bargained with a superior, not to mention threatened. Don't tell Eren" I started giggling. She smiled, "well I wasn't leaving without you so... Eren understood what I meant when I asked" she told me.

"Lets go then" I exclaimed as we ran off to Ian and his team. 

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