Coup d'état

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Inside the Walls – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

"Jean! What happened to your face?!" I rushed over to Jean who have a massive red mark on his face. I caressed his cheek. Hitch and Marlow were changing back into their uniforms. "The girl hit me with a branch. I was testing the idiots trust" Jean answered honestly. My face dropped and switched to one that held a glare. The captain came over and held me back.

"You bastard! Get over here! We'll see how you like it! Let go of me captain!" I snapped. The girl jumped back a bit. "Calm down" the captain rolled his eyes. "Calm down? This son of a bitch hit him!" I shouted, struggling to attack Hitch.

"I'm fine (Y/N). Let's just focus on saving Eren, yeah?" Jean spoke calmly. I huffed before I stopped struggling. "Fine" I muttered. The captain let me go. I turned to move beside Jean.

Right before he used his arm to hug me, I turned around and punched the girl square in the face. She stumbled back a few steps and held her nose. "Brat" Hitch growled. "Be grateful I wasn't holding a Knife. Don't. Touch. Him" I growled back.

"Enough. Let's keep moving" the captain spoke. "Sir" we all replied. We continued walking towards the checkpoint. It took at least another ten minutes.

A checkpoint soon came into view. A bunch of MP's stood around it. We hid in the tree line. "As far as I know, this is the least maned checkpoint in the region" Marlow explained. "Good. We'll handle things from here. Get back to your squad before they're suspicious" the captain ordered the two MP's.

"Marlow, Hitch" the captain called. They stopped and looked back at him. "We're grateful" the captain told them. "Sir" they both saluted. Hitch greased me off as she walked passed me, I just snuggled into Jean's side.

"Alright, this time, we're picking the fight" the captain told us. "Oh?" I looked to him, slight shock, but excitement present on my face. The captain nodded.

We began preparing a wagon. Jean, Connie, and Sasha were sitting in the front. Next thing I know, the three of them are riding a wagon straight through the checkpoint, while letting out a battle cry. The boxes smashed as they drove through.

Within minutes all that was left of the checkpoint, was a bunch of beaten MP's. We all waited around a tree for the captain. Jean stood next to me with a rifle. Mikasa knelt beside me, on my other side. Armin stood watch a few meters away. Sasha was up in a tree and Connie was keeping another lookout, blades in his hands.

Footsteps and a bunch on clinking noises made there way closer. Jean lifted his rifle, and I lifted my knife. "Stand down" the captain's voice spoke. It was the captain, and a plus one apparently. He was dragging an MP behind him.

"Captain, isn't he...?" Armin trailed off. The captain threw the MP to the ground in front of Armin. "He's with the interior police. I've got questions for him" the captain told us. The MP looked away and to the ground. "Let's move" the captain ordered. We all followed him as he continued to drag the MP.

Time Skip

"Screw you" the MP spat at the captain. The captain responded by kicking him in the face again. The MP was breathing heavily. Watching the captain torture this dude was tolerable. Boring, but tolerable.

The captain knelt down in front of the MP. "Where did they take Eren and Krista?" Captain Levi asked, again. "You bastards. You think your so brave? That post was maned by recruits. They barely even knew how to wipe their own arses. No ones going to think you're heroes for beating them down" the MP snarled.

"Yeah, the guilts tearing me apart" the captain replied sarcastically as he stood back up. He then shoved his foot inside the mans mouth. "But what really gets me is this mouth of yours. I'm gonna suggest that you start talking, while your still able to use it" the captain told him. "Now where are Eren and Krista?" He continued to interrogate. 

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