57th Expedition (Part 4)

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Wall Maria – 850

Y/N's Point of View

"I'm with you!" Eren shouted.

We heard the screams of the soldier behind us as he was killed. Eren looked as thought he was fighting a battle inside of him. 'This is a part of the job that will take a while to get used to' I told myself.

I heard the female titan speeding up. "The target is accelerating!" Gunther exclaimed. "Just keep moving, we'll outrun the bitch" the captain ordered. 'How the hell are we going to outrun it?' I asked myself.

I looked back at the titan to see it reaching for Eren. The out the corner of my eye I spotted... Traps!? "Fire!" Erwin order-shouted. Then all of a sudden flashes and hooks came out. They hooked the female titan still.

We kept riding forward. I was jaw dropped but I didn't show it. "Everyone hitch your horses a bit further on then switch to ODM gear. I have to break away for a little while. Eld's in charge until I get back. Tuck in somewhere out of sight, away from the female titan and see to my horse" the captain ordered. Then he launched his ODM gear and went flying back to where the titan is.

"Wait what? They're going to take her alive? Seriously?" Eren questioned. Eren looked at all of us. "So, what do you think of us now Eren?! We outsmarted the damn thing!" Gunther asked. "Let this be a lesson to you, greenhorns! Don't ever underestimate the scouts! Never again, agreed?!" Oluo shouted.

"We're going to... talk... about you calling me a greenhorn again, later" I told him. "Agreed!" Eren shouted.

Time Skip

We all tied our horses up and hooked up a tree to the branch. "So, that was the plan from the start? We weren't winging it. Look I'm not complaining, I get keeping it from me and (Y/N) but keeping all you guys in the dark? I think you'd earnt a little more trust than that" Eren spoke.

"Damn your annoying" Oluo complained. "What? And your not?" I sassed back. "I hope you're not suggesting that the captain kept it from us because he thinks were a liability!" Petra shouted at him. "I'm sorry but I am. There's just no other way that makes sense" Eren replied.

Oluo growled then pointed his blade at Eren. "Enough of this! Petra knock the teeth out of his skull!" Oluo shouted. I unsheathed my blades and walked toward Oluo. "Now, let's not start this. I don't want to hurt you. But. If you hurt him so help me, I'll kill you were you stand" I growled as I pointed the end of my blade at his neck.

"Look, I hate to say it but Eren has a point. For being supposedly instrumental to the pan as we were, the captain didn't give us much to go on" Eld spoke up causing my to lower my blade and everyone to face him. "So what?" Gunther asked.

"That means he doesn't trust us. Kind of a big deal. Come on you guys, think about it. Maybe Eren isn't the only one who can change, maybe someone in the regiment is a titan spy" Eld spoke. "A spy? Are you sure about that?" Gunther asked.

"Well no, but I'm sure the commander believes it. He'd have to. And I'd wager you anything that the only people in the know are the survivors from five years ago" Eld answered. "So you mean like Hanji, Moblit, Section commander Mike and the captain?" I asked. "Yes, exactly" Eld told me. "Of course. That's got to be it" Gunther responded.

"I concur hole heartedly. Hear that snivel drop? There was a good reason" Oluo turned to Eren. "Eld?" I called. "Yeah?" He replied. "Can I push Oluo out of the tree?" I asked. He sighed, "no (Y/N). You can't" Eld told me. I groaned.

"-After all, in your case, it's a good way of narrowing down the list of suspects. Shiganshia is probably when the spy got in" Petra spoke. "So, you think this person is responsible for killing Sawney and Bean?" Eld asked. "Possibly. In fact after it happened the commander asked me this odd question" Petra mentioned.

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