Battle of Orvud District

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Orvud District – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

We walked down the halls to a meeting room. I stood in between Jean and Mikasa. Jean held my hand in his. Historia walked in and stood in between Mikasa and Eren. "Once you're queen, you can punch that smug runt, right in the face" Mikasa smirked, whispering to Historia. "Huh?" Historia's eyes widened. "Mikasa and I will support you, one hundred percent" I added.

A soldier then walked in. "Sirs, we have determined the Reiss titan's location. It's south-west, approaching Orvud. It's fast, at this rate, it'll reach the walls before dawn" the soldier informed us. "Right, understood" the garrison in charge replied.

"Commander Erwin, I'm sure everyone here would like to hear your plan. How can we evacuate the people in such a short time?" The garrison asked. "That's not part of the plan" the commander replied. "What's that?" The garrison questioned. "The people of Orvud district, will need to stay exactly where they are" the commander told him.

"But commander" the garrison protested. The garrison then grabbed Erwin's collar. "What the hell are you thinking Erwin!? If we don't get those civilians out of the city, they'll die by the thousands!-" The garrison shouted at the commander. I pulled my hand from Jean's and ran around the side of the table. "-That hoaking monstrosity will be within a stone's throw of the wall by morning" The garrison shouted.

I grabbed the back of the garrisons jacket and forcefully pulled him off of the commander. "Stay. The hell. Back" I spoke threateningly. "The hell do you think you're doing cadet!?" The garrison shouted at me. He then lifted me up by the collar. Hanji placed an arm out to stop Moblit, Jean stopping Mikasa.

"That titan is an abnormal" Hanji told him. "Right! And what the hell does that even mean?!" The soldier shouted. "It behaves strangely. Unlike most titans we encounter, it's only attracted to large groups. Hence the word Abnormal. Put simply, given a choice between a few soldiers right next to it, and a distant but densely populated city, it'll choose the city-" Hanji began.

"-So if we were to evacuate Orvud's population, to the interior of wall Sina right now, the titan would change its course, destroying the wall and anything else its path. Left unchecked, it would make for the city with the greatest density of people, Mitras. The ensuing rampage would deliver a devastating blow to humanity. As we rode for Orvud, we had Eren Jaeger attempt to use his recently discovered power to control titans. Rod Reiss's titan didn't react in any way" Hanji explained.

"If we're to stop this thing, it'll have to be outside the walls of Orvud district. For that to happen, we require the citizens here to act as bait. However this doesn't change the fact that our first and foremost duty as soldiers is to protect the people. In the event that we're unable to halt the target, we'll take measures to minimalize civilian losses. We'll announce a district wide evacuation drill tonight. The people will be gathered away from the outer wall, ready to escape if the battel is lost" Commander Erwin explained.

The garrison soldier glared at the commander. "It seems there's no other choice" The garrison admitted. "The body of this titan is the largest we've seen yet. As such, it presents an easy target. Our wall mounted cannons should prove highly effective. But if we can't bring it down with artillery, the scout regiment will throw everything we have at it" the commander looked to Eren. Eren's eyebrows furrowed.

"Please, drop the cadet" Moblit requested. The garrison 'tch'ed and dropped me to the ground. I fell all the way onto the floor. I landed with a thud. "Learn your place cadet" the garrison grumbled before walking off. I glared at the man before I hand reached down in front of me.

I looked up and saw the commander. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. "Thank you for the assistance" the commander thanked. "Of course, sir. You have my loyalty, you know that" I saluted him. He smiled slightly and nodded.

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