The Fall of Trost (Part 6) Taking back HQ

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Trost – 850

Y/N's Point of View

'That titan is killing the other' I said in my head.

Out of nowhere Armin came and picked us both up. We landed roughly on a rooftop nearby. "Mikasa, (Y/N). Are you two okay?" Armin asked us. Connie then landed next to Armin. "Are you guys alright" He asked us. "Yeah" Armin told him. "Then we better get out of here" Connie told us.

I was to shocked to speak. 'Thump' 'thump' 'thump' the sound of footsteps approaching came to a stop. Armin helped me up and I stood beside Mikasa. "Crap. Two fifteen meter titans!" Connie exclaimed. "No" Mikasa and I said at the same time. "That one's different" I pointed out the titan that saved Mikasa. Armin gasped and saw the decaying corpse bellow us. "How?" He gasped.

The titan screamed again, and the other titan screamed back. He got into a fighting stance. "What the?" I questioned to no one. The normal titan lunged at the other and the brown haired one hit him causing his head to go flying.

I continued to watch the fight. It's hand grew back almost instantly. The headless titan body went to get up so the other struck it at the nape. 'How did it know the weak spot was the nape!?' I questioned in my head.

"It just finished it off. It knows exactly were the weak pot was" Armin legit said my thoughts out loud. The titan began walking off. "Come on guys. Time to split. Last thing we need is him coming our way" Connie told us. "He has no reaction to us. Any other titans would have been on top of us by now" Armin pointed out. For some unknow reason I felt drawn to this titan, like it was familiar.

"What is that thing?" Mikasa asked. "Just sum it up as another abnormal. Hell their always an unpleasant surprise. Forget about, lets just get out of here" Connie told us. "Wait a minute! Just hold on. Mikasa's tanks are empty" Armin suddenly shouted. "Shit" I mumbled.

"Huh!? What are we going to do? We cant clear HQ without your help!" Connie shouted. I knelt beside her and began to undo my tanks. Mikasa and Armin looked at me. "(N/N) what are you doing?!" Mikasa shouted in panic. "Exactly what it looks like Mikasa. I'm giving you my gas" I replied. "But-" "Mikasa it's fine. I'm the youngest. It makes sense, I have the least skill. Just go" I told her.

Armin grabbed my hand and stopped me. "I'm sorry (N/N) but no. I couldn't live with myself if you died. I'm giving Mikasa my gas" Armin told me. "And besides, you are the second highest rank here" Connie added. "(Y/N) I'm not losing you" Mikasa told me. I sighed, there was no use fighting them.

Armin started undoing his gas tanks. "It's not a lot but it should do. It'll just go to waste if I have them. Just please, this time, use it more sparingly. Everyone's lives are riding on you" Armin told her.

I saw a look in her eyes. "Mika, Eren wouldn't be disappointed. You were the only one with guts back there" I told her. She looked at me in shock. "How did you-" "Your eyes. It's been like that's since were little" I smiled at her.

"There that should do it. ODM gears functional and I've restocked your blades. Just-just please, leave me this-" Armin said as he picked up a small blade that was left over from Mikasa's old ones. "-I'd just rather this be my end than being eaten" Armin explained.

I took the blade from his hand and threw it away, then bringing him into a hug. "I'm not leaving you Armin" I told him. Mikasa knelt down net to him next, placing her hand on his again. "Armin, I will not leave you behind" she told him. Armin's eyes widened and I let go. Standing back up. Mikasa helped Armin up almost immediately after.

"What do you mean? Titans are everywhere. You cant jump and carry me on your back-" Armin protested before being cut off by Connie. "Come on lets move" Connie told him as he grabbed his hand. We began running for the edge of the roof.

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