Big Brother... Two

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Safe House – 850

Y/N's Point of View

I was up early today. I got dressed into a light blue skirt and a white shirt. I started cleaning the outside of the house right after.

I had been cleaning since about eight in the morning. The current time was about one in the afternoon. I was scrubbing the back of the house. I hadn't taken one break. I couldn't afford to, not if I wanted to see and spend time with Moblit and Hanji. I have to admit, I've grown rather close with Moblit, he's like a big brother too me. To be fair I see and love him as one. Not that i plan to tell him, he'd hate me.

I was scrubbing the outside of the wall when Connie and Sasha came around the corner. "I'm not taking a break" I told them straight away. The captain had gotten everyone to try and get me to take a break, heh, like I'd listen. I hadn't even listened to Jean or Mikasa. "You need a break (N/N)" Sasha replied as she hugged me. I gave her a brief hug before continuing my scrubbing.

"Well the captain sent us" Connie started. "I'm not taking a break" I repeated. "Section commander Hanji and executive officer Moblit are here" Connie finished. I paused for a moment, yeah right, nice try captain. "Yeah right. Tell the captain that I'm not taking a break till they get here. No point" I smiled. Connie sighed and face palmed. "We'll go tell them that then" Connie sighed. I simply nodded and refocused on the wall.

Not even five minutes later another set of footsteps approached. I heard the footsteps cease and then the crumple of grass. "I heard you won't take a break" Moblit's familiar voice spoke. I looked up and instantly made eye contact with the familiar light brown eyes. He knelt on the ground a few meters away from me. A smile immediately broke out on my face as I dropped the sponge and ran to him.

He opened his arms, and I ran into them. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He did the same to me. "I missed you! Are you okay? How are your burns?" I spoke. "I'm alright (Y/N), calm down. I should be asking you that, you were injured worse, and I missed you too" he replied. I hugged him tighter.

"Please, please don't get yourself killed. Please! I can't lose you too" I was on the edge of crying. Last time I saw him he was covered in burns and bruises. "I'll try my best, I promise. I never knew you cared so much" Moblit chuckled. "Of course I do!" I exclaimed as I pulled back and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Why wouldn't I? I see you as my brother, Moblit" I admitted. I watched his eyes widen. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud" I apologised. There was silence for a minute. "W-why are you apologising?" Moblit asked. "I thought you hated me for saying that" I answered truthfully. Moblit chuckled at my response.

"Why would I do that? I see and care for you as if you were my little sister. I didn't want to scare you by saying that" Moblit replied. "Because if I'm being honest, since you you've come back into my life, it's been better" Moblit continued. "Same. You've been able to make me smile or calm me down when no one else can. Thank you" I told him as I hugged him again. "Always" he whispered.

We broke apart after another moment and his face turned to a playfully serious one. "Now please... Take a damn break before you end up in a worse condition than Hanji!" Moblit ordered. "Okay, okay. I'm going, I'm going. Calm down" I told him. He helped me up. I wrapped my arm around his back, and he wrapped his around my shoulders. "Thank you" he thanked, smartly. "Your welcome executive officer" I was smart back.

He grumbled something under his breath, as we walked around the side of the house. Next thing I knew, I was in a headlock and he was ruffling my hair. "Hey!" I shouted, he laughed. "Next time don't be smart" he smirked. "I'll get you back for that" I vowed, he just laughed.

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