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Wall Rose Scout Headquarters – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

My heart was pounding out of my chest. My breathing ragged. Sweat dripping off of my forehead. It felt as if my lungs were about to burst. My legs feeling as if they were buckling under the weight. The sun bearing down wasn't helping my case either.

"This... Is... Too... Hard..." I puffed out. "Next time you shouldn't anger the captain" Jean chuckled. "Shut... Up... Horse face..." I replied. "Nah, you love me!" He shouted in reply. "That's... Becoming... Debateable!" I shouted back as I ran passed.

~ 11 Hours Earlier ~

Historia laughed as she backed away from him. "Did that hurt? Well I'm queen now so too bad! If you have a problem-" Historia cut herself off, due to a noise that came from the captain. He was... Chuckling? Everyone paled.

We all looked at him and he smiled. All the colour drained from my face. I jumped behind Mikasa. "Thanks you guys. I needed that" the captain replied. "Historia you broke the captain!" I shouted at her. He rolled his eyes, his smile still on his face.

"Nope! That is the scariest thing I have ever seen!" I shouted, beginning to run off. "You're running laps, Jaeger!" I heard the captain shout behind me. "Nope!" I smirked back. "Jaeger!" the captain called louder. I ignored him and kept running.

I heard footsteps running after me. 'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!' I internally started to panic. I could hear my friends laughing behind me. I turned a corner and ran smack into someone. I fell backwards to the ground. I shook my head and looked up. I saw Hanji and Moblit.

I immediately got back up. "Hey, cinnamon roll! What's the rush?" Hanji greeted with a smile. "Why are you running around the halls?" Moblit questioned, seriously. "Jaeger!" I heard the captain growl. Both of their heads looked the direction of the captain's voice. "What did you do?" Moblit sighed. "Hehe, would love to stay and chat but, I gotta run!" I told him.

I went to run off, but a hand grabbed the back of my collar. "You're running laps until your legs break, short Jaeger" I heard the captain's voice behind me. "No" I started struggling. I could see Hanji holding back giggles. "Hanji, please help me" I begged. The captain started dragging me back, Hanji and Moblit followed.

"What did you do?" Hanji chuckled. "He smiled. It was scary! So I stated it was scary and made a break for it" I shrugged. I heard the captain mumble something under his breath, I couldn't make out what he said though. "Well, I honestly don't blame you. Unfortunately, I'm not getting you out of this. It's too funny" Hanji laughed. I scowled.

"Hanji" I whined. "Nope" Hanji shook her head with a shit eating grin. Moblit shook his head and sighed, again. "Captain if I may, could you just give her a number of laps to run?" Moblit inquired. "You can run a hundred laps of HQ when we get back" you could practically hear the scowl in his voice.

"Um, could you just make it fifty? She is just a cadet. The youngest one too" Moblit stated. "Eighty laps of HQ and you've lost cleaning duties for a month" the captain bargained. "What?!" I shouted. "That's better than a hundred" Moblit smiled. "Thank you, Moblit" I thanked. The feeling of fear, beginning to creep up on me.

~ Present Time ~

"Come on (Y/N)! You've only got ten laps left" Jean encouraged. "I'm gonna die!" I exaggerated. "Can I have your food if you die?" Sasha asked. "Say no!" Connie shouted after. "The hell? Why are you both so weird?" I questioned to myself.

I saw a shadow coming up on my right. I looked and saw Mikasa. She was jogging beside me. "What are you doing Mika?" I asked. "I figure this was better than letting you run them on your own. Eren was going to come watch, but the captain gave him your cleaning duties" Mikasa shrugged. "Eren will do it wrong" I rolled my eyes.

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