Stohess Operation (Part 3)

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Stohess – 850

Y/N's Point of View

'Like hell! I'm not going to kill you, but you're not leaving! Not after what you've done!' I shouted in my head as I shot to the female titan.

"No, no! We can't let her get away!" Armin shouted. Mikasa shot off and joined me, we made eye contact and nodded. "We won't let her!" Mikasa and I shouted at the same time. Mikasa sliced of her fingers one hand, letting out a scream, at the same time I mirrored her exact actions on the other hand. Right down to the scream.

Annie's titan began to fall. I saw the fear in her eyes as she fell. I felt guilty. Mikasa and I landed side by side on her face. Mikasa spoke first, "It's over Annie. Now fall." Mikasa lifted off her face as silent tears streamed down mine. "I'm sorry" I told her, then I lifted off her face.

I watched Annie hit the floor. Eren's angry titan was at her within seconds. Dirt and debris flying everywhere. It began tearing her apart. Blood spraying everywhere. I landed and moved to beside Jean. I hugged him as I watched one of my friends be torn. She may be evil but she was a friend, and I made a promise. A promise I couldn't keep.

Her head was punched off and went flying. It landing with that same expression it had when I apologised. The guilt building up inside me. I accidently gripped Jean slightly tighter and he kissed my head.

Eren then leant into the nape. 'Shit!' I thought. "Oh no! He's going to devour her hole!" Hanji exclaimed. "Eren back off!" Jean shouted. "Don't do it!" I heard Mikasa shout from her position on the wall. "Eren! No!" I screamed.

Eren ripped the nape open and revealed Annie. "Eren stop! Stop it!" I shouted again as I tried to run to him. Tried. Jean had a grip on my torso and was holding me back in a hug like grip.

Eren stopped. He just starred at her. Then a sudden light and burst of wind and energy came from the two. I turned and gripped Jean tightly as the wind passed.

I looked back and saw the two titans combining. "They're merging?!" Armin exclaimed. I continued to watch, I heard Eren's titan scream out and a crystal began to form around the real, Annie Leonhart. "Stop it Eren!" Mikasa shouted as she landed and started running over. "Enough big brother!" I screamed.

Jean continued to hug me tightly as this event unfolded. My legs weakened beneath me and Jean eased my fall to the roof. I honestly couldn't believe this was happening. I also cannot believe how amazing the man helping me out is. 

In the blink of an eye the captain came in and sliced Eren from his nape. As soon as Eren was out I broke free of Jean's grasp and ran to my brother. "Eren!" I called out as I lifted him off the pavement.

I held him I my arms and hugged him close. He had strange markings on his face in a weird pattern. Mika and Armin came over quite quickly and kneeled beside us. After a few moments Eren began to slowly open his eyes. "Eren" Mikasa and I spoke softly at the same time. "Mikasa, (Y/N), is Annie...?" Eren trailed off.

Mikasa looked away while I hugged him tighter. We heard clanking and looked the direction of the crystal. Jean was forcefully smashing his sword into the crystal. I looked at him sorrowly and handed Eren to Mikasa.

I got up and limped over to Jean. The last bit of his blade snapped off. "Damn it!" Jean exclaimed. I grabbed his hand gently. Obviously the one Eren couldn't see. "All the shit we've been through and this is what we get! Annie! Wake up! Come on face the music! You owe us!' Jean shouted at the crystalized Annie.

"Jean" I called softly. "Don't be a coward! I know you can hear me!" Jean continued to shout. "Jean" I called louder but still softly. Jean raised the already dead blade above his head and went to smash down on the crystal again.

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