It Is...

529 14 3

Cadet Corps Training Grounds – 847

Armin's Point of View:

The brown haired girl from earlier came back and re-joined the group once again. I wonder what happened in the commandant's office. She seems rather cheerful though. I can't tell if I'm happy or upset that she reminds me of (Y/N). But it can't be her. She said her last name was Ral, not Jaeger

Whilst I was in the midst of thinking a thought came across me, 'why did she defend me earlier' it was really strange. She doesn't even know me. After a lot of internal debates whilst being lectured throughout the day I decided I needed to ask why she defended me. After deciding to talk to her I refocused on my tasks at hand.

Throughout the day we received many lectures about the history of the walls and were practicing our salutes. I unconsciously kept looking at the girl who defended me. It's nice to know that some strangers do care. I was looking at her when she looked back to me. Oh no, did she notice I was starring? She gave me a warm smile before returning to her notes. Damn she is so nice.

Time Skip

Y/N's Point of View:

We finally finished the day and were hanging out at our cabin/dorm things. I sat out on the porch and looked to the right. The boys were out the front talking about what I assumed to be Sasha, the girl I stood next to in line. The light became blinding as sun began setting.

I stood up and walked inside. I walked over to my bed and pulled out my bag. I sat down in a corner and opened it. I pulled out my family portraits and sighed. I was so distracted that I hadn't heard someone enter.

A sudden voice coughed startling me. I jumped out of my skin and instinctively held the portrait closer. I looked up and saw familiar blue eyes. Armin. "H-hi Armin" I stuttered. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you" he apologized. "It's perfectly fine" I told him slightly relaxing. "Anyway what do you need" I asked in my usual cheery manner.

"You said you were from Shiganshia, right?" he questioned. I paled, does he know it's me? Ugh I'll get kicked out of camp. "Yeah, why?" I asked, hiding my fear. "I am from Shiganshia too. I wanted to see if we had met before" he answered. "Oh... um..." how was I going to respond? "What's in your arms?" He then asked. "It's just a portrait of my family. That's all" I replied.

I pulled my bag over in an attempt to shove the portrait in. I opened my bag and shoved the portrait in. It was in the bag, but my friendship bracelet had fallen out. I looked up at Armin. He was standing there with an incredibly shocked look on his face.

"W-where did you get t-this?" he stuttered out. I sighed and looked up to him as he picked the bracelet up. "Hi Armin" I spoke putting a very big smile on my face. I saw tears forming in his eyes. "(N-N/N)?" he asked. "Yeah" I spoke with a soft sigh. "You're alive?" he then asked I smiled and stood up. "Nice to see you again Armin" with that he began crying.  I opened my arms and hugged him, he hugged back instantly.

"I t-thought you were dead. Where have you been all this time?" he questioned. "I was about to be eaten by a titan when a scout saved me. She couldn't bring herself to send me to a camp, so instead she took me to live with some of her friends" I explained. He finally stopped crying after a while. "I am so glad you are alright" he expressed.

We sat down on the edge of my bed in silence. We were both probably exhausted from crying. I really did miss him. "Hey Armin, do you remember the promise I made you two years ago?" I asked, "yeah?" he replied. "Well, I'm here to make good on it" I told him. He smiled widely, "as long as we both go, deal?" he said. "Deal" I responded.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while until I decided to speak up and ask about Eren. "Armin, I had a question as well" I stated. "Hmm" he hummed in response. "Is Eren with you guys? Is he alive?" I asked. "Yes, and yes. He is going to be so happy when he finds out!" he exclaimed. "No!" I shouted. Armin looked at me confused. "Armin, if we tell him he is going to get me kicked out. As far as they are concerned, I am your age. Technically I'm still too young to be here" I explained. He looked down at me a smiled. "Of course" he said kindly.

Time Skip

After talking and catching up with Armin he left. He managed to convince me to tell Mikasa I am here. He is really good with persuasion.

 It only took about five minutes after Armin left for the girls to start flooding in. I was pinning my family portraits on the wall when I noticed some people behind me starring. Most likely at the one with me, Eren and Mikasa. After pinning the pictures up I stood on the floor below the bunks.

The room suddenly went silent. I knew that meant Mikasa was here. She walked over to me and I stopped her at the bottom of the bunks. She looked at me with a shocked expression. I lifted my hand up and pointed to the locket that was now hanging outside of her shirt. "Crap" I heard her mumble under her breath.

"What is it? Do you not like the locket I got you?" I asked with a cheeky grin. She looked at me in shock. I pulled out my hair tie and looked her in the eye. "(N-N/N)?" she asked on the verge of tears. "Hey Mika" I said with a huge smile on my face. That was enough for her to break down.

She burst into tears and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back instantly. I teared up slightly but didn't cry fully.

We stood there for about five minutes before she pulled back and looked me in the eyes, "I thought you where dead. What are you doing here? Your too young" she blurted out. "Well for one you can thank the scouts for saving me, two I am here to train obviously and three I lied about my age" I explained.

By now everyone was looking at us. Mikasa stone faced again and turned to everyone else, "anyone tells her off and I swear you won't like what I do" she threatened. I giggled and everyone else shuddered.

We stood for about another five minutes, staring and looking at each other before we began hugging again. "When are you going to tell Eren?" she asked. "When I am ready. Right now I am just happy you are alive and are here now" I began to cry.

Mikasa pulled me in closer and I cried into the crook of her neck. I was on my tip toes. Why is she still so tall? I was crying a lot now.

I began to feel wet droplets of my head Was Mikasa crying again too, but silently? I looked up too her, "is, is it really you, (N/N)?" she asked. "Yes Mika... it is" I whispered.

Mikasa's crying got louder. No one dared to stop us. We cried for at least ten minutes before we were interrupted by a loud bang of the dorm doors opening simultaneously.

"What the fuck are you doing to Mikasa!" a voice boomed through the hall.  

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