The Fall of Trost (Part 5) He's gone...

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Y/N's Point of View

After a few minutes of flying Mikasa and I landed on a rooftop. I looked down and saw a whole bunch of cadet sitting on a roof below us. "Why is everyone here and not over the wall?' I thought to myself. I looked around. I heard Mikasa gasp. I looked the direction that she was looking in and I saw the HQ... Covered in titans. "Shit" I said out loud.

I looked back to the roofs and began to search for someone. Anyone. I saw looking over when I spotted a small group that consisted of... Annie! Marco! Bertholdt! Reiner! "Mikasa! Over there! It's Annie, Bertholdt, Reiner and Marco! Let's go" I told her and pointed there direction.

I jumped onto the roof and began running over. I'm sure Mikasa's following behind me. I ran past cadet after cadet. I could finally see them clearly.

"Bertholdt! Annie! Marco! Reiner!" I called out to them. Tears flowing down my cheeks. They turned slightly at my voice. I hugged the closest person, which happened to be Bertholdt. "H-hey (Y/N)" he said as he hugged back.

I released him and hugged Annie next. Followed by Reiner and Marco. "Thank the walls your all alright. You are alright, right?" I quickly checked them. "We're fine (Y/N)" Annie told me. "Stop your worrying" Reiner ordered me.

"Well sorry for being concerned for people I promised to protect" I sassily replied. "You do remember that, right?" I asked. "Of course" Reiner smiled at me. I went back and hugged Bertholdt again. "How's your head?" He asked as he hugged back. "Its fine. Marco, you good?" I redirected questions. 'I'm fine" he told me with a smile.

Then I remembered Armin, Eren and Jean. I was about to ask someone when Mikasa came running over. "Annie!-" Annie and I turned to face her. "-I know how bad things have gotten, and I know It's selfish and personal matters in the forefront, but have you seen Eren's squad?" She asked. "I was just about to ask Mika" I told her as I gave her a hug.

"Some squads made it back. I don't know about Eren's" Annie told us. My eyes widened. "We found Armin. He's over there" Reiner pointed at Armin. He was leaning against a wall with his head down.

I started to run over. "Armin!" I called out. "Armin" Mikasa called out after me. We both continued to run to out friend.

Armin's Point of View

"Armin!" I heard a voice call out for me. It sounded like (Y/N). It was followed by another voice calling out for me, "Armin!" It was definitely Mikasa.

'Mikasa, (Y/N). I can't. How do I tell them what happened to Eren? That I survived and it means nothing?'

I heard there footsteps coming closer. "I'm so useless. I wish I'd have died with him instead' I said in my head.

Y/N's Point of View

I raced over to Armin, Mikasa hot on my tail. I stopped in front of him and Mikasa and I both knelt down. "Armin are you okay? Your not hurt, are you?" Mikasa asked him. "Armin please tell me your alright!" I shouted, tears forming in my eyes. His head just jolted his head lower.

Mikasa stood up. "Armin, where is Eren?" Mikasa asked him as she looked around. He sounded like he was going to cry. "Armin?" I asked gently.

I watched as tears started dripping down his cheeks. I gasped and held a hand to my mouth. "Armin" Mikasa asked more sternly. Armin immediately looked up and I saw he had tears in his eyes as well as the ones dripping down his cheek. I felt sick to my stomach. "Eren..." I whispered to myself.

Mikasa saw his face and gasped. Her eyes widened. "They were the cadets of squad thirty four. Thomas Wagner, Nack Tierce, Milieus Zeremski, Mina Carolina and Eren Jaeger! These brave five upheld their duties. They died valiantly on the field of battle" Armin told us.

I burst out crying. Mikasa knelt down beside me and brought me into her arms. I cried into her shoulder as she rubbed my back. "No... No. No. No" I repeated over and over as I cried. Everyone just stood in shock. Out of everyone in the cadet corps I never cried. "Mika..." My voice came out as a whisper.

I cried. 'He can't be dead. No... Not Eren. Not my brother' I repeated in my head. "Eren..." I whispered as I cried.

"I'm so sorry Mikasa, (Y/N). It should have been me, not Eren. I... I couldn't do a thing! I'm worthless" Armin cried out. I stopped crying at his words and latched onto him. Mikasa placed a hand on his. "Armin you listen to me right now. You are not useless. And I'm sure as hell happy you didn't die. Don't you dare say that about yourself!" I scolded as I hugged him, tears streaming down my face.

"Armin" Mikasa spoke softly. He looked up and I let go of him. He looked at both of us. Mikasa and I having pretty much the same look in out eyes. "Calm yourself. We don't have time to be emotional right now" Mikasa told him. She helped him to his feet then me. "On your feet-" She then turned to Marco. "-Marco, if we eliminate the titans surrounding and inside HQ, we can there refuel our gear and get over the wall. Is that evaluation correct?" Mikasa asked him. I walked beside her.

"Well yeah, I guess so. But there is just to many of them out there. Even with you here-" Marco told her. "I can do it" Mikasa cut him off. "What?" Marco gasped. I moved beside her and took her hand in mine. "We" I told her simply.

"We're strong. Real strong. None of you come close. You hear me. We are warriors. Know this, we have the power to eliminate all the titans surrounding HQ-" Mikasa told them raising a sword. I made eye contact with Armin who gave me a look as to say, 'don't do this.' I just nodded at him, determinedly.

"-Even if we have to do it alone. As far as I'm concerned, we are surrounded by a bunch of unskilled, cowardly worms. You disappoint me. You can just sit here and twiddle your thumbs and watch how its done-" Mikasa was cut off by a fellow cadet. 

"Wait! Mikasa, (Y/N) are you out of your minds! That's crazy!" She shouted. "You cant be serious. Trying to take them all out by yourselves" Another chimed in. "There's no way you can hope to beat them" a third commented. I sent glares to all three.

"If we cant beat them, then we die. At least we have people waiting for us-" I mentioned. "-But if we win, we live. And the only way to win is to fight" Mikasa finished. With that we both shot our hooks and began flying off.

We struck down titan after titan. '27... 28... 29...30... 31' I counted in my head as I sliced nape after nape. I somehow heard a voice ordering around others from behind. It was Jean!

"Hurry up! Follow Mikasa and (Y/N)! Avoid lightning if you can and get back to HQ before you run out of gas!" Jean ordered everyone. 'Thank you, Jean,' I thanked in my head.

I noticed Mikasa was going to fast and using to much gas. "Mikasa!" I called out for her, but it was too late. I watched as the last of her gas spurted out of the gear. Then she fell. "Mikasa!" I screamed as she went down. I watched her hit a roof and fall further to the ground.

"Mikasa!" Armin shouted, he changed direction to get her. I followed after him. "Jean you lead the rest to HQ! I'm going after Armin!" Connie told Jean. "I'm coming with you!" Jean told him. "Don't be stupid. There are still titans everywhere! You got help the others" Connie shouted. With that I followed after Connie.

I sped past Connie and Armin. I landed on a roof momentarily looking for Mikasa. 'I cant lose her too. I won't lose her too!' I told myself. I heard a loud crash and looked over. I saw another titan punching another.

I quickly headed to them and looked at the ground. Mikasa! "Mikasa!" I shouted as I landed on the ground and brought her into a hug. "Damn it, don't leave me too" I told her as I hugged her. "I'm sorry (N/N)" she apologised. I just hugged her.

We looked up at the titan, with turquoise eyes and dark brown hair, which hit the other. It let out a loud, ear piercing scream. We covered out ears and watched. It was killing the other.

'That titan... It's killing the other!' I exclaimed in my head.

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