Reiner vs Eren

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Wall Rose - 850

Y/N's Point of View

Another lightning strike came, after that Eren's titan began to emerge. Letting out a scream and then punching Reiner's titan in the face.

Both titans fell and landed on the ground. Causing a massive crash and wave of dirt and ground to emerge and shoot into the air. Eren and Reiner had gotten into a fist fight. I was beyond upset at the current situation. I used whatever was around me to keep up with Eren.

Reiner had just punched Eren. He had punched that hard that Eren wasn't getting up. I watched as Reiner begin to approach him. I shot past Reiner and landed on Eren's chest. "Eren, you need to get up!" I shouted. He didn't move.

I grit my teeth and took off towards Reiner. I shot up to Reiner's face. And around to his nape "You lying bastard! Get away from my brother!" I shouted as I went for his nape. My blades made contact with Reiner's armour and shattered completely. I got thrown back due to the force of my hit.

Mikasa caught me mid air and helped me back to a tree. "We need to get Eren out of here!" I told her. She nodded and she both took off. She went for the nape while I went from his calves. My blades again made contact and shattered into many pieces. Not even a scratch was left of his armour.

Mikasa tried for the calves but had the same result. "Eren!" Mikasa called out. "Stay away form him Reiner!" I shouted as I hit him again, trying for his face. We both landed on his shoulders and started attempting to chip away at his armour. All we succeeded in doing was smashing our blades to bits. I looked back to Eren just to see him standing back up.

I grabbed Mikasa and pulled her off Reiner. We watched as Eren hit him. Unfortunately, Reiner hit back harder and Eren went flying. "Eren!" I shouted.

Eren stood back up again. 'Say what you will about my brother, but he is sure resilient' I internally cheered. "No! Back down! You can't win in a fist fight! Make a break for the wall! Eren please! Don't be rash!" Armin shouted from the wall.

Eren let out a roar before attempting to hit Reiner again "Eren!" Mikasa and I called out. Just as he was about to get punched Eren pulled a new move on Reiner. Locking him down. It took me a moment to realise, that's not just any move. That's Annie's move!

Reiner flipped Eren over but Eren grabbed him in a joint lock. After a few seconds Reiner's armour began to crack. "Yes! Go Eren!" I shouted Reiner attempted to flip him again, but it only resulted in Eren gaining another chance at an upper hand. Mikasa and I ran along the outskirt of the fight. "Eren!" Mikasa called out to him.

Eren's titan let out a loud scream and torn Reiner's arm off. The arm went flying and landed right by us. Moments later Armin came up beside us. "Eren, can you hear me!? Run away! You've got to get closer to the wall! They're trying to abduct you! We can't let that happen! Trust me, escape is our best option!" Armin shouted to Eren.

"You say that but Armin, come on, they're not just going to let us leave" Mikasa told him. "You're both right here. They aren't going to let us leave but if he heads back to the wall the rest of those scouts can help" I told them, pointing my blade at the scouts hanging on the wall.

"All three of you, fall back now!" someone ordered us. I turned around and saw Abel. I grit my teeth at the situation but followed my orders. Using my gear and heading back to and up the wall.

As I was flying back beside Mikasa a shadow flew over us. I looked up and saw Eren running after us. He got the wall and stopped abruptly, causing a gust of wind, accidently throwing a few of us back I held strong. I then moved and landed on Eren's shoulder. I gave his head a hug. "Thank you" I whispered.

"Nice one Eren! Good call!" Keji praised. "Looks like he's in control again" Mikasa mentioned. "Yeah, but Reiner's not just going to let him go. You're right escapes impossible" Armin commented. I held onto a strand of Eren's hair and looked towards Reiner. He was getting closer, step by step.

Hanji flew over and joined me on Eren's shoulder. "Hanji!" I greeted. "I'm glad you're alright (Y/N)" Hanji replied.

"Listen up Eren, if we're going to get you out of here then you've got to buy us some time! Stop Reiner dead in his tracks! Do you think you can break off his leg in another one of those joint holds?-" Hanji explained. "-Our blades don't do much good against him. He can't be out muscled, but he can be outsmarted if you play it right" Hanji finished. Eren looked at her and nodded. Hanji fangirled and blushed. "You can do this Eren. Kick that traitors arse" I told him, and he nodded again. "I'm counting on you" Hanji told Eren then we flew up back to the wall.

I moved back up the wall. Moblit handed me a few of his extra blades, I may have completely destroyed mine. Whoopsies. "Thank you Moblit" I thanked. "All good, I'm just glad you're okay. Try not to destroy these ones" he replied, and I smiled at him.

I started watching again when Reiner's speed suddenly picked up. "What the?" Armin questioned. "He's fast" Mikasa added. He smashed Eren into the wall and went to start punching him. Eren moved and quickly put Reiner in another joint lock. Reiner kept on throwing punches at him. Eren kept dodging them.

"Don't let Reiner pin you!" Armin shouted. "Throw him!" Mikasa advised. "Eren put that bastard on his arse! Do it for mum!" I shouted. Something clicked in Eren as he then kicked Reiner off him.

I flew along side Hanji as we monitored the fight. "Since when is he so light on his feet?" Keji asked. "We're completely and utterly useless!" Abel commented. "No. It's not possible that his whole body is as hard as stone from head to toe. He couldn't move as fast if that were the case. Warriors used to sheath themselves in armour, way back in the older days. They had to leave certain sections uncovered for freedom of movement though. Like the armpits and groin or, the spot behind the knee" Hanji explained.

She didn't need to sat more than that. I spend towards the spot behind Reiner's knee. Eren put him a whole body lock and started to break the armour on his back to rip his head off. "Yeah! That's how it's done!" Keji cheered.

Mikasa followed in pursuit of me. I glanced her direction as she glanced mine, we both nodded. We both then sped up simultaneously. Mikasa using the wall and myself using the trees to get closer to the boys. Then we both sliced the back of one of Reiner's knees each, in union. Reiner's legs went mostly limp. I landed beside Mikasa on a tree and saw Eren's titan glance our way.

Eren started squeezing tighter, causing Reiner's back armour to break even more. "You've got this!" Armin shouted to him. "Go for it Eren! Rip the traitors head off! Drag him out into the open!" Keji shouted.

Reiner started suddenly dragging Eren and himself across the ground. "The hell?" I questioned out loud as I followed in the trees. Then he suddenly stopped and let out an ear piercing scream. I shot from my tree to the wall to get a closer look. I was maybe twenty meters from Eren now, hell I was closer than Mikasa was.

"Everyone be on guard, he's calling for back up" Hanji ordered. "Try screaming for help without a head arsehole! It's almost off!" Keji yelled again. Reiner's back was breaking more and more by the second. 'Why did you do this?' The question still played in my mind.

A loud crack filled the air. I looked around but saw nothing. "Above you! Look out!" A soldier screamed. I looked up. Bertholdt had fallen off the wall and was heading straight for Eren and Reiner. "Shit! Eren!" I shouted.

I could feel the heat radiating off him as he fell. Once he hit the ground a massive blast threw me back against the wall, it was hot as hell and burned. Rock, debris and heat was thrown at me. I screamed out in pain. My back and head smashed into the wall, I could already feel the liquid seeping from a wound in my head. "Not again, not this again" I muttered as I did my best to stay conscious. 

I could hear everyone screaming up the wall. They'd be getting burns and be thrown too. I need to help.

I opened my eyes as best as I could. When I opened them, I saw Reiner bite Eren's nape, clean off. "No" I muttered. I looked over and saw Bertholdt emerging from the nape of the colossal, he held Ymir in his arms. He looked back at me briefly, frowned sadly and then shot off onto Reiner. Reiner ran into wall Maria. "No! Eren!" My voice came out as a quiet rasp. Then black.  

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