Pastor Nick

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Safe House – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

I was cooking with Mikasa, Connie and Historia. Historia was watching the pot as Connie and I peeled the veggies. He peeled potatoes as I peeled carrots.

As we were cooking a set of footsteps entered the kitchen. "What are you doing? You should still be in bed" Mikasa's voice spoke. I lifted my head and made eye contact with Eren. "Eren, how are you feeling?" I asked him. "I'm alright. I already slept a whole day-" Eren began as he stepped up to help peel the veggies

"-Besides, it's my fault the plan got shoved, so the least I can do is help" Eren finished. "No, you tried, didn't you? Don't beat yourself up" Mikasa spoke. "Mikasa's right, don't blame yourself" I added, continuing to peel carrots.

"All I care about, is getting a chance to bring down the beast titan. That hairy bastard took everything from me. I want it dead" Connie growled. "Connie, ease up on the poor potato, will you?" I smiled slightly. Connie's eyes widened and his grip loosened.

"It's about time to switch lookouts. You ready?" Connie asked Mikasa. Mikasa nodded before following Connie out of the room. I sighed quietly, turning my full attention back to the carrots.

"Must be nice" Historia stated out of nowhere. Eren and I looked at her. "You and the others know what you want, even if it won't be easy to get" Historia stated. "Historia?" I questioned. "But with Ymir gone, I've lost my purpose. I don't even know what I'm fighting for anymore" Historia told us.

"Saving her is something to fight for" Eren told her. "Maybe. At the time, I didn't understand what she was doing. I just wanted her to be safe. Since then, I've been thinking. When she left, Ymir chose her own path. I have no right to change that. She doesn't need me to" Historia replied.

"Finally, about time you started talking again" Eren smiled, I slapped him on the arm, "Eren." "Hmm?" Historia turned around to face us. "When we got here, you told us your story, but then you just kept your mouth shut. Stopped smiling too" Eren continued. "Why should I bother?" Historia asked.

"Huh?" Eren questioned. "Sorry, but the sweet little Krista, you thought you knew, well that girl isn't me anymore" Krista told him. "Good. I didn't really like her" Eren told her. I slapped his arm harder. "You idiot" I scolded. "Just wait (N/N)" Eren ordered. "Huh?" Historia gasped. "No ones actually as nice as you pretended to be. It was unnatural and frankly exhausting" Eren told her. I face palmed. 'Remind me how I'm related to this idiot' I internally sighed.

"Oh" Historia sighed. "Now. Well now your just a normal girl. Stupidly honest maybe, but still normal enough. Still, you don't have to decide about Ymir yet. There's a part of me that still thinks-" Eren cut himself off. His eyes widened slightly. "Eren?" I called, no reply. "How did I forget that?" Eren asked himself. "Forget what?" I inquired.

Before I could get my answer Sasha's voice rang through the air. "Hanji and the others are back! We're meeting in the main room!" Sasha told us. "Hanji, Moblit" I smiled. Eren, Historia and I headed into the main room.

"Moblit! Hanji!" I smiled. Hanji looked down, I hugged her anyway, she gave me a brief hug back. Moblit however gave me a small smile and opened his arms for me to hug him. I gave him a long hug and smiled. "Are you okay?" I asked, pulling away. "Just fine, kiddo" he replied, ruffling my hair.

"Now, what's this about?" Captain Levi asked her. Hanji looked towards the captain. "I'm sorry. Pastor Nick... He was murdered" Hanji told him. "What?" I gasped. Sasha gasped as well. I walked over to Jean, who in turn, wrapped his arms wound me, placing his chin on the top of my head. "Today in the Trost Barracks" Hanji stated.

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