Fall of Trost (Part 4) The Flashback

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Trost – 850

Y/N's Point of View

I looked into her eyes and I had a flashback...

Flash Back Start

Dad knocked on the door of the Ackerman's house. "So her name's Mikasa?" Eren asked dad. "Yes, and she is just about your age Eren. A little over a year older than you to (Y/N)-" dad told us. I smiled at him.

This was one of the few times dad has let me and my older brother Eren come with him to a patient. "-so try to get along" dad directed mostly at Eren. "We'll do our best dad!" I told him in a cheery voice. "There aren't that many children around here and I'd rather you both not grow up to be outcasts" dad finished. "If she's nice to me and (N/N) then we wont have a problem" Eren replied. "Eren!" I scolded. "Be quiet (N/N)" Eren ordered me.

It was bucketing down with rain, so I buried my face in my (F/C) scarf. 'Why's Eren always so mean to me' I asked myself. I took a deep breath and calmed down. "Eren look for the bad in people and expect to find it then you will and be nice to your sister" dad told Eren. "I can't wait to meet this Mikasa" I told my dad. He smiled at me.

"Hmm, that's odd. Are they home?-" Dad asked himself as he turned and kept knocking on the door. "Mr Ackerman! It's doctor Jaeger" He called out. Dad then opened the door. "Is anyone there?" Dad asked as he began opening the door. He looked inside and gasped.

"What's wrong dad?" I asked him. "Well, are they, or aren't they?" Eren asked. Dad stayed quiet as he continued to stare in the door. "Dad? What's wrong?" Eren asked. "Dad?" I asked concerned.

We all went inside, and I gasped at the sight. There were two dead people. "D-dad?" I called out for him. I was terrified. He checked the pulse of the raven haired woman on the floor. "Damn it" dad mumbled.

He quickly turned to me and embraced me in a hug. "It's okay (Y/N)" he assured me. I was horrified. "Look around. Do you see the daughter anywhere? Perhaps she's outside?" Dad asked. I looked around from within dad's grasp.

"I can't see her dad" I told him. He released me from the hug and stood up, grabbing my hand. "I don't think so" Eren told dad. "This is bad. I need to alert the military police of this while the trail is still warm. Take your sister and wait for me at the foot of the mountain. Understood? Say that back to me. Word for Word. Eren!" Dad told Eren. Eren just stood there wide eyed.

After Eren repeated the word back to dad he handed me to Eren. With that Eren and I took off the foot of the mountain. We ran most of the way until we came across a cabin. Eren must have seen something I didn't as he took of towards the door.

"Eren! Dad told us to wait at the foot of the mountain" I told my brother. "There's a girl in there that looks like the dead woman. We need to save her" Eren told me. "What if you get hurt Eren?" I asked him. I'm really worried about him. "It'll be okay. I promise" Eren told me. I squeezed his hand and then we crept inside.

Eren found a knife and motioned for me to lean against the wood. I did as I was told and leaned against the wood. Eren then slowly opened the door and it squeaked. I heard two different men gasp.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Eren said. "Hey you! Don't move from that spot you little vermin. How'd you even find this place?!" A tall man with greyish hair slammed the door open wide. My breath hitched as I stayed hidden.

Eren had fake tears in his eyes. "Eh, well I was in the woods and I got lost. I saw your cabin and-" Eren lied. The man looked back over his should then looked at Eren again. "Lost in the woods, huh? A kid your age shouldn't be out there on his own to begin with anyway-" the man said as he ruffled Eren's hair. The man had relaxed to much for me to like. I notice Eren's grip tighten on the knife.

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