Reunions: Good and Bad

335 13 2

Trost – 850

Y/N's Point of View

"Mr Hannes" Eren called back to the voice.

I didn't dare turn around. 'How could I face him after the panic I must have put him through' I thought. "Word on the street is that they let you graduate yesterday, either you've grown up or standards have plummeted" Hannes laughed. I stiffened at the voice.

I heard Eren, Armin and Mikasa walk a little further away, probably to meet up with Hannes. "Oh yeah. Like your one to talk. The core of engineers keep their chief in the drink" Eren retorted back. "Watch it" Hannes told him in a half joking voice. I also heard a sound, so I'll assume Hannes flicked his head like he did when we were little.

"So whose your friend?" Hannes then asked. 'Please don't be me, please don't be me, please don't be me' I said over and over in my head. "Oh, her" Eren said, I can assume he pointed at me, I hope he didn't though. "Yeah, the one with the same colour hair as you" Hannes answered. 'Shit' was all I could say in my head.

"Well actually sir, I think you might like to see her" Armin told him. "Oh yeah?" Hannes replied. I went to walk the other direction when a set of arms grabbed me. "Your not getting away that easy. Thanks Mikasa" I heard Eren say. "Why are you trying to run off?" Hannes asked.

Mikasa turned me around and I looked to the ground allowing my (H/L) fall over the front of my face so he couldn't see me. Mikasa began to pull me over to the group. We stopped and I could see some large boots. I gulped again.

"You owe him at least this" Mikasa told me. "C-can you just give me a minute" I asked, my voice raspy and unrecognisable. She squeezed my hand lightly. "T-thank you" I rasped again.

"Anyway while we are waiting. I'm sorry if this is out of the blue but I want you to know that the deaths of your mother and sister still haunt me" Hannes spoke. I heard Eren gasp then speak "me too but it wasn't your fault. We were shooting in the dark back then. But nothing like that is going to happen again, we know what were dealing with now." "So, who are you?" Hannes asked directing his attention to me, his voice seemed to cheer up a bit.

"Come on, enough hiding now" I heard Eren and Armin say. Mikasa gave my hand a light squeeze once again. 'This is it' I thought to myself.

I slowly lifted my head and made eye contact with Hannes. He seemed a taken back. "(Y-Y/N)?" he asked. "Mr Hannes, sir!" I said, saluting him just the way he taught me. "At ease kid" he said. He looked utterly confused and a taken back. I heard Armin and Mikasa chuckle and saw Eren roll his eyes.

"Is it really you?" Hannes asked me. I nodded slowly. He dropped to his knees and hugged me. "I-I thought you were dead. I'm so sorry I left you" He apologised. "I'm sorry I ran off Mr Hannes. You have nothing to be sorry for it was my fault, I ran off. Thank you for saving Eren and Mikasa" I replied. He released me from the hug and stood up.

"So, what exactly happened after you ran off?" He inquired. "I ran for a while until I was cornered by a titan-" I began. His face dropped and formed a reaction of pure horror. "-I thought I was a goner until two scout came and saved me" I finished. He lightened up a bit. "I'm glad your okay kiddo" he said as he ruffled my hair. I giggled.

"I'm really sorry for running off. By the way, you were never a coward" I told him. He smiled a bit. "It's fine kiddo. So it appears you've grown too. How'd you do in- Wait, aren't you to young to have graduated?" Hannes quickly questioned when he realised.

I giggled nervously. "She lied about her age to get in" Mikasa told him. "Blimey, your as bad as Eren" he retorted. "Hey!" I heard Eren yell, followed by Armin chuckling. "How'd you go at least?" He asked. "I tied fifth with Eren" I told him with a giant smirk. "That's good. Anyway, I'm glad your alive. We'll catch up sometime, okay?" "Okay!" I shouted back with joy and excitement.

After that Eren ran off. "I apologise Mr Hannes. We'll talk soon!" I called out, chasing after Eren, I sent Hannes a wave. "See you kid" he called back and gave me a small wave. With that I sprinted off after Eren.

Top of the Trost Wall - 850

Time Skip

After I had chased down Eren we went on to do out chores... Polishing, maintaining and cleaning the cannons. "What?! The hell you mean your joining the scouts?" Eren asked Connie. Connie had just mentioned that he planned to join the scouts. "What happened to the MP's? I thought that was your whole thing" I spoke sarcastically, adding onto my brothers statement.

"Don't worry about it. A guy's aloud to change his mind, okay?" Connie said back. 'Uh huh' I retorted in my head. "I think your speeches yesterday lit a fire under him" Mina said as she walked up to the cannon my brother and I were cleaning.

"No ones talking to you! His temper tantrum had nothing to do with it!" Connie defended. "And me?" I asked with sass. "Your- You- Your little outburst didn't do anything either" Connie told me. I laughed, "so Eren throws temper tantrums and I have outbursts... Works for me" I commented, causing a little giggle to erupt from out group. "Shut it junior" Eren told me. "Nope!" I replied in a sing song tone.

"Take it easy. It's not like you're the only one" Thomas mentioned as he approached. "What? Are you serious?" Eren asked. "I thought just yesterday you called us insane" I replied semi-aggressively as I took a stand beside my brother. "Yeah, sorry about that" Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. "You do realise if not for Armin I would have punched you, right?" I asked smartassly.

He went to reply but was cut off by Sasha. "Can you guys keep a secret? Cause I totally just helped myself to the officers pantry" Sasha asked up. I burst out laughing while everyone else gasped. "Sasha, they can throw your butt in the clink for that" Eren warned her. I stopped laughing and Eren helped me up. "Eren's right Sasha" I backed Eren. "Seriously what's wrong with you?" Sam asked rhetorically. "What isn't wrong with her?" Connie asked in the same tone.

"Don't worry guys I'm willing to share. Can you imagine the sandwiches!?" Sasha rambled whilst drooling. 'Walls' I said in my head. "I can and I hate them" I said sassily. "Put it back!" Connie yelled. "Yeah. Do you have any idea how rare meat has been since wall Maria fell?" Mina added. "Well yeah, a bit" Sasha replied.

"Think of it this way. Soon enough we'll take back all the land we need for livestock" Sasha opened a new point of view. 'Their going to give in, in three... two... one' I thought in my head. "I would really like a slice please!" Sam shouted. "Hey if he gets one so do I. Just so you know" Connie gave in next. "Me too! I'm in on it too" Mina added.

"But-" Eren began and I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Just let them. We'll take back the land soon. Just like they said" I told him. He sighed.

"Come on. If they see us slacking off, we are in for it" Sam said as he went back to cleaning the cannon. I dropped back to my knees and kept scrubbing. "Well, see you guys at lunch time!" Mina spoke as she walked off. Eren just stood there dumb founded, until a smile appeared on him face. I smiled at his smile.

I was still cleaning until I saw a shadow. "Huh?" I commented to no one. I slowly etched closer the to edge to take a look. I got to the edge and the wind picked up slightly. I gripped the wall and looked over. I saw a dark figure about two third of the way down. 'It's to small to be a titan' I thought to myself.

Then a sudden giant flash of lightning appeared, blinding me temporarily. I couldn't open my eyes properly, but I heard Eren gasp. I opened my eyes just in time to see the colossal titan standing and then his steam. It pushed me back into something hard. 'A cannon?' Then it was black...

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