Nosey Defence

571 17 5

Wall Rose – 847

Y/N's Point of View:

Today was the day. It's been two years since Shiganshia fell. Two years since my mum had died, since, I had seen my siblings and my friend. I wasn't even sure they were alive. I miss them anyway though. Hell was dad even alive?

"(Y/N), come down. We made breakfast for your big day" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mr Ral calling out for me. I put on some denim shorts, a (F/C) shirt and some white socks with shoes. I ran downstairs. The smell of (F/B/F) filled the air. I ran to the kitchen. I was greeted by Mrs Ral and Mr Ral.

"Good morning" I greeted. I sat down at the table with the Ral's and we all ate together. We ate and spoke about our times together all morning. From the day the two soldiers brought me here; the soldiers in which I would never forget, Hanji and Moblit, to the times I had spent with my adoptive sister Petra.

Petra is the most amazing, living person I know. She is a full fledged scout, I'm so happy and proud for her. We speak every time she comes home! I miss Petra when she is away. We always share everything.

The time to leave was approaching. I would head into town to be taken by soldiers to the military training camp. I am extremely excited. I can finally become a scout... and fore fill my promise to Armin and see the sea. I hope Armin is out there somewhere. I hope he is with Eren and Mika, if they are alive.

"(Y/N), we have to leave in fifteen minutes" Mr Ral called. "Just a minute" I replied. I grabbed my bags and finished my packing. I packed a few changes of clothes, a portrait drawing of me and the Ral's, a portrait of me and my biological family as well as Mika, a friendship band, I made with Armin when we were little and a small bag of leaves from my hometown, Shiganshia.

I grabbed my papers and ran down the stairs to find the Ral's already at the door. Mr Ral was taking me to the drop off point. I ran up to Mrs Ral and hugged her. "Thank you for all your kindness over the years Mrs Ral" I said, "It's quite alright dear. Come and visit, will you?" she asked. "Of course" I hugged her one last time then left with Mr Ral.

Mr Ral and I walked to the nearest Military drop off. There was five minutes till the next carriage arrived. "Wow. First Petra and now you, I am so proud of your choices" Mr Ral told me. I smiled at his statement and hugged him. "I'm sure going to miss you my little (Y/N)" he softly spoke. We parted the hug and I faced him. "I am going to miss you so much Mr Ral. Thank you for all your help and support over the years" I mentioned. By now we were both tearing up.

The carriage pulled up and I gave him one last hug, "I will see you soon Mr Ral" I called out, "Bye kiddo" I heard him reply.

I walked up to the man in the uniform. "Papers" he asked. I handed him my approved military papers for him to check over. "(Y/N) Ral. Age: 12. Female?" he asked. "Yes sir" I said doing my signature salute. He smiled a bit at my gesture then handed me my papers back. I thanked him then hoped into the carriage.

Time Skip

Cadet Corps Training Grounds

The ride to the grounds was long and boring. I sat with a quiet group of people. When we arrived I stepped out first and stretched. I looked around. I took in the fact that I was really here. Ready to train to be a scout.

I walked around for a bit. My (H/L) flowing behind me. I looked all around. To the helpers, the training areas, our instructor, he looks awfully familiar, then to... no. I saw a very familiar blonde mop top. It can't be. Armin wouldn't be here.

I slowly walked closer but far enough to be out of sight. I looked to see who he was talking to. I saw a tall, long raven haired girl with blue, grey eyes and a tall brown haired boy with turquoise eyes. No. It can't be.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realised four tall boys walking over. I backed away from the scene before me and ended up in the direct path of the boys. I ended up tripping two of them. They fell down with a loud thud. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the boys.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" I repeatedly apologized. One of the boys on the floor, a dark haired boy with freckles looked up to me as he got off the ground. "It's okay. Don't worry, It's fine. Really" he assured me. I wasn't convinced. The tallest boy, he had dark hair and pale green eyes, held a handout to the tall, muscular blonde one on the ground. "Reiner? Are you okay?" he asked the blonde on the ground. I began apologizing again. As the dark haired boy with freckles got up, he again assured me it was ok.

I was finally calming down. Then a sudden pain hit my cheek. I looked up and a two toned haired boy had punched me. "Look where you are going next time you pathetic idiot" he retorted. After punching me he received a smack on the head from the freckled boy. After smacking the other boy he held his hand out to me, I was hesitant at first but then slowly took it.

He introduced himself and the other boys, "hi my name is Marco, this is Reiner, Bertholdt and Jean. What's your name?" "My name is (Y/N), it's a pleasure to meet you" I replied. I turned to the kid named Jean, who had punched me and punched him in the gut. "You don't ever hit me again, or that'll be a lot worse" I said. I turned and smiled at the boys before running off to the girls dorms.

I was thankful I had managed to get away. What I didn't know was that there was a certain set of ocean blue eyes that caught everything.

Armin's Point of View:

I heard a loud thud as I was talking to Eren and Mikasa. I turned to face the commotion only to see two boys had tripped over a small girl. At first my attention was on the boys until she stepped back, and I saw her. I was shocked at the brown haired girl in my view.

It couldn't be. After all this time. With everything that happened two years ago. I squinted my eyes as to get a better view at the girl. She had (H/L) brown hair, (E/C) eyes and (S/T) skin. She looked identical to (Y/N).

I gave no attention to Eren as he was talking. Fixating my eyes on the girl as she spoke to the boys. She appeared to be calming down as one of the boys punched her. Wait, calming down. Just like (Y/N) used to. No I am getting ahead of myself, she has been dead for two years.

I looked down at my friendship bracelet that we made when we were young and began unconsciously fiddling with it. Mikasa seemed to notice, then alerting Eren. "Armin, what's wrong?" he asked me. What should I tell him. He has only just stopped having nightmares and blaming himself for his sisters death. Surely, I can't tell him what I saw. "Oh, sorry Eren. I was just thinking. That's all" I told him with a smile.

I could tell Mikasa didn't by my story. "How about we head to the mess hall for dinner then" Eren suggested. Mikasa and I agreed. We began walking I looked back at the girl and she was running to the girls dorms. 'I need to see her' I thought to myself.

I caught up with my two friends and walked to the mess hall. When we got there we sat down and ate food. My mind still wondering to (Y/N) and the mystery girl from earlier. 

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