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Old Scout Regiment Headquarters - 850

Y/N's Point of View

We were riding through the forest right by the old scouts HQ, funnily enough to get to the HQ. They consider Eren a safety risk, so we had to move to here. 'Honestly, they are idiots' I thought.

Levi thinks I'm a safety risk to his squad... I don't blame him. He tried to get me put with Hanji but Mike, Moblit and Erwin were against it, Hanji was all for it. Then when he realised, he couldn't get rid of me he took my knife. Idiot didn't realise I have a spares.

We're currently trotting along, me beside Eren. We we're listening to Oluo blabbering on about whatever. I looked back and Levi scowled at me, I scowled back of course. I then decided to tune in on what Oluo was saying.

"An architectural marvel, don't you agree? A proper royal residence once upon a time and more recently, our former headquarters. Fancy yes, but certainly impractical when the scouts got down to business. Much, much to far removed from either river or wall. This was the early days for us you understand, hopes sawing high. Now this opulent marvel is little more than a holding cell-" Oluo spoke.

I grit my teeth at the words 'holding cell.' Eren's not a monster. I looked back at Eren who was looking at Levi who was scowling at him. I really hate this guy.

"-The place were we store our newest toy-" "Will you shut up! He isn't an object he's my brother" I growled, interrupting Oluo. He just ignored me and went onto tormenting us.

"Do not be deceived greenhorns" Oluo told us. "Call me that again and I'll break your nose" I snapped as he got closer to Eren. "Excuse me?" Eren asked Oluo. "Don't be expecting the royal treatment. Whether your titan or human, don't imagine for a second we all share the good captain's-" He was cut off by him biting his own tongue.

"Serves you right" I mumbled under my breath. Eren heard, "oi, what did we talk about?" "I never agreed to it" I smirked at him. "Come on little sis, you know you can't go being rude to superior officers" Eren sighed. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Then Petra spoke. "So what's your name?" She asked me. I had kept my hood up, so she didn't recognise me. She was my older adoptive sister after all. "(Y/N) Jaeger" I told her. "Oh I had a little sister named (Y/N), she was the sweetest thing, wouldn't hurt a fly. Are you Eren's sibling?" She replied. "Yeah, she's my little sister" Eren told her. "Aww, how cute" Petra awed while Oluo was still screaming.

"So (Y/N), why are you here? We all obviously know why Eren's here but not you" Petra then asked. "I'm here to protect my brother" I told her simply. I still hadn't look back at her. I then turned to Eren, "by the way Eren, about respect. The commander never specified human or titan when it comes to protecting you" I smirked. "(Y/N)-" Eren went to scold me but I cut him off. "No. I don't give a damn who it is, well unless it's someone I won't hurt, I will not hesitate" I told him.

"It's going to be harder without your knife" Levi told me while holding my knife. "I know... That's why I have one" I smirked as I pulled of one of my spares from my leg. "I'm taking that when we get there" Shorty grumbled at me. "Yeah, yeah. So I won't 'hurt the squad' or whatever. See this is why you'll never have my loyalty" I told him.

"(Y/N) please stop. You can't hold grudges. Especially not with the captain" Eren told me. "I'll try Eren" I smiled to him.

Time Skip

We had arrived and I had just finished tying my horse off. The place was disgusting. Mum always taught me to keep everything clean, so this is really messing with my head. Eren was tying his horse off now and the captain had taken my second last knife. I decided to go and talk to Petra now.

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