57th Expedition (Part 2)

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Wall Maria – 850

Jean's Point of View

With that I jumped off my horse and flew at the titan.

I aimed and launched my hook at the back of the heel. The titan suddenly turned, and my hook couldn't sink into anything. It then sent it's arm back, creating a gust of wind.

Then it ran over to Armin and knocked his horse out from under him. He screamed and went flying. Landing on the ground. His gear cane flying off as he landed. I ran over to him as fast as I could.

He was face down with the titan standing over him. "Armin!" I shouted as I hooked into the back of the tian, just bellow the shoulder. She then prepared to hit my wire. 'The moves on this one. She's like a damn athlete. We are so screwed' I thought to myself as I rehooked into a lower part of the titan.

I swung around and was now in mid-air. She brought her hand to her nape. 'What!? She's protecting her weak spot??' I though to myself as I hooked in by her nape. "Jean!" I heard Reiner call out to me. I swung around and around the back of the titan.

'Damn it! There's nothing I can do! I'm a dead man! She's going to get my wire!' I internally shouted. She started to swing her arm back when Armin shouted. "Jean! Don't let that suicidal maniac and his sister die in vain!" Armin shouted, she halted her arm immediately. "What the? Why did she stop?" I gasped.

"She did it! She's the one wo killed them! I told him the right wing was suicide and he went anyway! His sister followed! And now they're both dead thanks to her!" Armin shouted as he looked to the titan. I roughly landed and ran over to a tree. The titan had frozen immediately. 'What the hells going on? Of all the times for Armin to get the sense knocked out of him. What's he talking about? Is he referring to (Y/N)?' I thought.

I looked over at Reiner who had taken his hood off and started going for the titan. "Reiner" I muttered. "She crushed my best friends! I saw it with my own eyes! There entrails were stuck to the bottom of her foot!" Armin shouted as Reiner hooked his gear into the nape. 'He's going straight for the nape!' I internally shouted.

'Of course! Now's his chance while she's focused on Armin!' I cheered in my mind. As Reiner flew up, she moved her head and looked at him. She then grabbed him like he was an insect.

Then she moved her fingers and crushed him in her hand. I moved back and gasped in horror as some blood exploded from her hand. "No... Reiner... Oh god" I muttered.

I thought he was a goner when at the last second, he burst out, cutting two of her fingers off. He swung around her and grabbed Armin, running in my direction. She just sat there.

'That beautiful bastard. Mikasa has been hogging so much of the live light these day, I'd let myself forget how much of a badass he is' I thought as I ran with them.

"I'd say we brought the platoon more than enough time! I say we follow suit and get out of here! She doesn't have an appetite for humans like you say, I'm guessing she won't follow us!" Reiner spoke while running, carrying Armin in one arm.

She then stood up and started running a different direction. "Alright, she's in retreat! Poor things running home with her tail between her legs" Reiner shouted. We kept running until we were in a clearing.

Y/N's Point of View

"Smoke signals, green. Oluo pass it on!" The captain spoke. "With pleasure sir!" Oluo exclaimed as he loaded and fired a green flare. I was keeping my eyes peeled when a soldier rode in.

"Reporting sir! An oral message! It appears the right wing spotters have been taken out! The early warning network has been compromised! One of you will need to relay the message down the line!" The soldier shouted. "You heard the man Petra. Go on" The captain ordered. "Sir" she responded then took off.

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