Krista Lenz

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Ehrmich District – 850

Y/N's Point of View

We arrived safely at Ehrmich district. I was talking with Moblit currently. I don't know how but he always seems to calm me down and make me feel safe, he's been able to since Shiganshia. Bloody hell, how does he do it!?

"So (N/N), do you think you can ride a horse?" Moblit asked me. "I'll be fine Moblit. My leg can go to hell" I told him. "Not the question" Moblit frowned. "I can ride a horse" I assured him. "Alright, good. You horse is over by Hanji's. Saddle up soon" Moblit told me. "I will" I replied.

Hanji and Eren approached us right after our conversation had ended. "Eren, well enough to ride a horse yet?" Moblit inquired. Hanji and Eren stood right by us. Mikasa and Armin were getting all their last minute preparations sorted mere meters from us. "Yeah, should be able to manage one without much of a hassle" Eren replied. "Saddle up then soldier. There's a horse waiting for you" Moblit informed him. "Right" Eren responded.

We all started walking to Armin and Mikasa when Levi approached with the rat of a pastor. The pastors face had an expression of horror upon it. Hanji and I stopped moving at the sight of them. "Section commander, we're pressed for time" Moblit called to Hanji. "Uh thanks Moblit just give us a second" Hanji replied. "I'll be with Hanji, it'll only take a moment" I assured him before Hanji, and I ran to Levi and pastor Nick.

"So, seem to like it by any chance?" Hanji questioned. Nick just looked down and didn't speak. Shadows casting over his face. "Oh god damn it make up your mind/For walls sake you bloody idiot!" Hanji and I shouted at the same time. "This isn't some spiritual test! Lives are on the line!" Hanji continued yelling. "I should have just thrown you off the damn wagon earlier! You're not being of any help you selfish son of a bitch!" I yelled after. My rage taking over.

"Alas I have no choice. Neither myself nor the others who believe are at liberty to divulge the truth" Nick told us. "Sad lot of help you are! Thanks for keeping us company! It's been fun!" Hanji shouted and began to storm off.

I turned to completely face the pastor. My teeth bared and clenched at the man. "You are an arsehole! You and your bloody wall cultists!" I shouted, then I punched him in the face... Again. I went to punch him again but Moblit and Armin ran over. Both pulling and holding me back, I struggled against their grip. It's safe to say I am pissed.

The pastor held his face were I had punched him. "I'd offer my help if I could but a duty as great as this one is beyond me. The order of the walls abides by the sacred will our faith commands us to obey" Nick told us. "Whose sacred will? You mean like god or something?" Hanji questioned. "I can't answer that" Nick told us.

"You asshat! People are dying because you won't talk! People I need to protect will die you selfish jerk!" I growled at him, struggling harder against the boys grips, but to no avail. "But what I can do is provide you with a name. An individual the sacred will and it's divine wisdom instructed us to monitor" Nick informed us. "Monitor?" Hanji asked. 

I slowly stopped struggling against the boys. Not that they let go, they knew if the pastor said anything that annoyed me, I hit him again. "It's a person you know. Someone who enlisted with the scout regiment as of this year. A child by the name of Krista Lenz" Nick told us. "Krista?" I questioned out loud.

"Woah, no way" Eren gasped. "Uh who?" Hanji asked the four of us. "You must find her with all haste. She is the key. She may know things that we understand but poorly. And with that, we come to the end of what I'm free to share. The rest I leave in your capable hands" Nick finished.

"But if she's in the one hundred and forth cadet corps then she's already on the front lines by now" Hanji spoke. Then it hit me. Reiner and Bertl are on the front lines too! I broke free of the boys grip and ran to my gear.

"Huh? (Y/N)! What's wrong?" Eren called to me as I rushed my ODM gear on. "She's not the only one of the front lines Eren! Think back to three years ago! I promised two people specifically! I can't lose them!" I shouted back in a panic. "Huh?" Everyone questioned confusedly. I sighed. "Reiner and Bertholdt are on the front lines! I can't lose them Eren!" I simplified. "Then let's go! Come on!" Eren spoke as he ran towards me.

"There's no time to lose!" Eren told them, then he bumped into someone. 'Sasha?' I internally questioned. Sasha fell to the ground when they collided. "Watch where you're going" Hanji scolded Eren. "Sasha?" Eren questioned. "Just where did you come from all of a sudden?" Mikasa inquired.

I ran over to the girl and shook her lightly, "are you alright Sasha?" I asked. She jumped and grabbed a scroll of papers, then running up to Hanji. "I was sent to give a message to commander Erwin, who then entrusted me to deliver this to you, section commander!" Sasha told Hanji and help out the papers. "Oh uh, okay then. Excellent work" Hanji praised. Hanji took the scroll of papers and replaced them with a steamed potato. 'Where did Hanji get a potato?' I internally asked.

Hanji ran after Eren, Armin, Mikasa and myself. We were all rushing to put the last of our gear on. "So, who was Nick talking about?" Hanji asked us. "She was the smallest one in our class" Eren informed Hanji. I refilled my gas tanks while we spoke. "Golden hair, blue eyes, in fact she's uh, kinda cute" Armin added. "She is nice to everyone, gives them a chance and trust" I spoke next. "The girl that's always hanging around Ymir" Mikasa finished. Hanji gasped then spoke, "excuse me?" Hanji asked in semi-shock.

After a few minutes we we're all gathered in a hall type room, I'd assume to go over the plan. Hanji was reading the papers Sasha had brought her. I was currently hugging Mikasa. We don't hug enough anymore. I was really, really concerned for my friends on the front lines. Mikasa may not seem like an approachable person but when it comes to me, she has a major soft spot. I looked at Hanji, she had an unusual look plastered on her face. She also made an unusual noise.

Hanji's Point of View

I was reading over Annie Leonhart's background report. I came across to other cadets that are in the one hundred and forth that came from the same reason. I looked at the names 'Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover.'

Wait, aren't those the names (Y/N) is worried about. I sighed, this isn't going to end well. I'll have to get her out before I tell everyone. I sighed again.

"Section commander? Is something wrong?" Eren asked me. "Hanji, what's wrong?" (Y/N) asked from Mikasa's arms. "Oh huh? Oh uh, I was finally able to get my hands on that background report I requested for Annie Leonhart" I spoke. The look on (Y/N)'s face told me she wasn't to happy about the mention of Annie.

"Annie?" Eren inquired. "Yeah" I replied. "What about her?" (Y/N) questioned she sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "It took longer than I was hoping for. The paper trails a bit of a catastrophe at the moment. Bureaucracy, huh? Anyway, according to this, there were two other cadets in the one hundred and forth that hailed from the same region" I informed them.

"I have their names" I told them. "W-who are they?" (Y/N) asked, almost fearfully. That made my heart drop. I had grown rather fond of the girl, she's helpful, adorable, and very kind. I looked to Levi and gestured to (Y/N). Asking him to remove her before I spoke, without even saying a word. He seemed to understand what I was getting at.

"Oi short Jaeger, let's go" Levi told (Y/N). Eren and (Y/N) looked at Levi and he gestured to (Y/N). "No. I'm sorry captain but if there are more people after Eren I need to know who" (Y/N) responded, slightly more confident. "I'm not asking, it's an order" Levi told her. (Y/N) furrowed her browns a bit and looked at Levi, as if she were trying to figure out why.

Moblit looked at me questionably. I looked to Moblit and gave him a look, which he immediately understood. "(N/N) maybe just listen to the captain. I'll even come with you" Moblit encouraged.

"I can't. I need to protect my brother. I won't lose him. He's my only biological family left. Dad's gone, mum's gone. I won't lose my brother" she replied. She is determined to protect him, I understand that. "As I said, it's an order" Levi spoke, harsher this time. "I'm not leaving" She told us. I sighed, this wasn't going to end well. I really don't want to see my little cinnamon roll hurt.

Y/N's Point of View

'Was Hanji trying to get rid of me? Why?' I mentally inquired. "I'm sorry, but I won't leave" I told them once more. Hanji sighed again. "The names are-" Hanji began.

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