Back in Trost

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Trost - 850

Y/N's Point of View

I opened my eyes. My vision was hazy, and the ceiling was plain white. "Well where the hell am I?" I asked myself.

I felt something in my hand, and I looked to my right. Eren was sitting there, holding my hand. Mikasa sat beside him. I smiled at the sight, the two were asleep, sitting up beside each other.

I gave his hand a light squeeze and he looked up at me, his eyes slowly opening. "Hey" I greeted. "Your awake!" Eren exclaimed quietly as he hugged me. I smiled at him. Mikasa woke up at the noise Eren made. "(N/N)!" She exclaimed as she hugged me next.

"What the hell happened?" I asked. My head was pounding slightly. I lifted my hand to my forehead, and I felt a bandage. I looked to my arms which had a few bandages of their own, a little blood had soaked through them, but not much. They were plenty fresher than the ones I had on for the mission to retrieve Eren.

"Oh. How did I get here?" I asked once I realised what had happened. "I was going to ask you the same thing. Armin came and told us you were in here" Eren replied. "Do you remember how you got here?" Mikasa asked. "Nope. The last thing I remember was Jean slowly waking up on the back of Armin's horse" I replied.

Just as I said that a new figure walked in. It didn't take me even a second to recognise who it was. Jean. "You're looking better" I told him. "I'm not the only one" he smiled. "You ever do that or scare me like that again and I swear to the walls I will-" He cut off my threat. "Yeah, I get it" he rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively.

"What are you doing here horse face?" Eren asked. "I don't have a horse face! Anyway I-" Jean cut himself off, I had a pretty good idea on what he was going to say originally. "I came to thank (Y/N)" Jean answered. "Thank me? For what?" I inquired. "You don't remember?" Jean questioned seriously. I shook my head.

"You brought me here. When we got back you brought me to the infirmary, right before you passed out too" he replied. "That explains how I got here" I joked. "It's all good Jean. I'm always here to help" I smiled at him. "Well thank you anyway" he thanked. "It's all good" I responded.

I let go of Eren's hand and sat up and went to get out of the annoying bed. "Where are you going?" Mikasa asked. "Anywhere but here. I'll just tag along with you guys" I responded. "You should be resting" Mikasa and Eren both scolded me.

"You may be my older siblings but your both hypocrites. You got squeezed by a titan and most likely now have broken ribs. You were in a massive fight and need to mentally recover from discovering our friends are traitors. Not to mention Hannes..." I told them with a slight smirk, spitting out the word 'friends' with hate. I pointed at each of them as I spoke. "You're back" Eren rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"I am. Now let's go find Armin" I replied with a smile. "Just don't push yourself to hard" Mikasa spoke. "I'll be careful Mika" I told her.

I looked down at my outfit. I was just in casual clothes. I was in a (F/C) tee and black leggings. I grabbed my black cardigan of the chair and my slip ons, putting them both on. As I put the cardigan on, I flinched at the contact it made with some of my skin and bandages. "Are you alright?" Jean inquired. I just smiled at him.

We left the infirmary and met up with Armin in a hallway sometime after. Mikasa sat on a bench while Armin and Eren stood almost face to face. Jean had his back turned to the three and I leant against the wall beside him.

"I allowed myself to be captured. It's my fault. Because of me the scouts lost over half their veterans. All in a single rescue attempt" Eren spoke. "Eren, don't put this on yourself. If those traitors hadn't have done this... started this... None of this would have happened!" I told him. Images of mum, Hannes, Ian, Marco, playing in my head. A tear slipped from my eye. Jean grabbed my hand. Hidden from Eren's sight thankfully.

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