His Strategic Value

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Wall Rose - 850

Y/N's Point of View

With that Armin set off through the steam...

I got comfier on my knees and then hugged Eren properly for the first time since he became conscious. I hugged him tightly and he hugged back. "Don't do that again. You made me cry in front of everyone" I mumbled into him before breaking apart. He kept one arm wrapped around me. "I'm sorry" he replied. "So you should be. We'll talk later" I finished. I then turned my attention to Armin.

I watched as Armin dropped his gear. 'What is he thinking?' I internally asked myself. I heard everyone gasp. Probably because of the noise it made, it signalled someone was coming out. "Holt! Holt!" Woermann yelled.

"Is this supposed to be your true form, monster? I don't buy it! I'll give the signal to fire, I mean it!" Woermann yelled. I held back the urge to yell something back. 'No one calls my brother a monster!' I growled in my head.

"Eren's not a foe of humanity! We're willing to co-operate with military command and share everything we've learned about his powers!" Armin yelled back. "Your pleas fall on deaf ears! He revealed his true form and because of that threat he cannot leave here alive! If you insist, he's not an enemy of ours then show me proof, otherwise we'll blast him back to whatever nightmare he came out of!" Woermann shouted back. 'For walls sake. What's wrong with this man?' I asked internally.

"You don't need any proof! The fact of the matter is it doesn't matter what we preserve him to be!" Armin retorted. "What!?" Woermann ask-shouted. "The reports say hundred of soldiers saw him! And those who were there say they saw him fight other titans! That means they saw him be swarmed by the titans as well! To put it plainly, the titans saw him as they see each and every human being, as their prey! And it doesn't matter how else you look at it, that is an irreputable fact!" Armin argued.

"Prepare to attack!" Woermann ordered. I don't like where this is going! "I'll be back. Stay here!" I told Eren and Mikasa as I ran off towards Armin. "Wait-" Eren and Mikasa tried to protest but I was gone. They didn't follow me thankfully.

I ran through the smoke and gripped my blades tighter. I came out and stood slightly in front of Armin defensively. "Listen to him! You know he's right!" I yelled, placing my blades defensively in front of Armin. He gasped a bit but continued.

"I said prepare to attack! Don't be swayed by his cunning lines-" I took a protective step forward and growled a bit. Armin gasped at Woermann's words. I watched as all the soldiers picked there positions back up.

"-The titans behaviour has always been beyond our comprehension! I wouldn't put it passed him to assume human form! He speaks our language in an attempt to deceive us! I refuse to let them continue this behaviour unchecked!" Woermann shouted. Everyone now held their weapons pointed at us.

I turned to Armin who was wide eyed. He then looked back to Mikasa and Eren. They both gave him a determined look and nod. He looked to me and I gave a reassuring nod before turning back to the crowd, taking another sight step forward to be ready to protect Armin.

Armin then gave a hearty salute and shouted. "I am a soldier! And I have dedicated my life to the restoration of humanity, sir! Nothing could make me prouder than dying for such a noble cause! If we were to use his titan ability and the manpower we have left, I believe we can do it! We can retake this city! For humanities glory, in what little time I have left to live. I will advocate his strategic value!" Armin shouted. His salute was strongest I've seen to.

I looked to my right then my left. Eyeing down all the solders. I looked up briefly and saw Jean, Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner. I sent them a quick nod and a smile before turning my attention back to the soldiers. I did notice Jean's jaw dropped. I wanted to giggle but now's not the time. I had to protect them all. 'I can't believe I'm fourteen and doing this' I thought.

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