Human or Titan?

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Y/N's Point of View

I heard Eren gasp. I quickly looked back to see him wide eyed, alert and starring at all the soldiers. "Eren! Are you okay? Say something!" I called back. "Are you alright?" Mikasa asked him. "Look at me. Eren, hey, can you move? Can you hear me?" Armin began asking him. "Eren! Say something!" I shouted in a panic.

"Listen you have to tell them everything. Their terrified but will understand" Armin told him. He still hadn't spoken which scares me, but I have to focus on protecting him. "Armin, what-" Eren was cut off by a soldier yelling.

"You hear that he said we're all going to die" the soldier said. "There's not much else you can make of that. Son of a bitch wants to eat us, you watch" another added.

"I swear, you go to touch a hair on him, and I'll kill you were you stand. Don't. Touch. Him." I growled at the soldiers. Holding my blades tighter, my knuckles were going white.

"Cadets Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert and (Y/N) Jaeger, the three of you have jointly committed an act of high treason, whether a swift execution is in order or not depends on you-" Captain Woermann started. "What?" Eren questioned. "Oh please, bite me asshats" I snapped back.

"-Any attempt to move from where you are now or any action that I deem suspicious will be met with cannon fire. Do not test me! Answer carefully! Eren Jaeger, what exactly are you!? Human or titan?!" Woermann yelled at us.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't understand!" Eren yelled back. I looked over my shoulder and smiled a small smile to him before turning back to the soldiers. "Answer me damn you! Evasion will get you nowhere. Don't try and stall and pretend innocence. You don't stand a chance, you'll be blown to hell before you can assume your true form!" Woermann continued to yell at us.

"For walls sake. He's in his true form!" I shouted at them. "What true from?" Eren asked. "Please, loads of us saw it happen. You emerged from the carcass of a fallen titan in full view of your comrades! A creature of unknown origin, ability or allegiance to slip through an infiltrated wall Rose and that creature is you!-" Woermann yelled.

"-Under the circumstances your being sanctioned by his majesty is neither here nor there. You are risk and I'm well within my ranks to eliminate-" "You eliminate, and I'll slice your damn head off" I threatened, cutting him off.

"-I will not let this situation stand! Every moment I spend squalling over your supposed innocence is putting us all in jeopardy from the armoured titan. Hell for all I'm aware you are just diversion for that exact purpose! I'm sorry, humanities fate hangs in the balance. I cannot waste any more time or manpower on you. Do you understand!? My conscious will not falter to watch you die" Woermann shouted at us.

"Sir, please! This may be our best chance. We'll spend far less artillery if he's in human form!" A soldier shouted. I went to speak up again but this time Mikasa cut me off.

"Excuse me, I wouldn't. Not while we're standing here. Unless anyone's feeling up to the task, in which case we're happy to demonstrate our own techniques, on you and every last inch of your traitorous flesh. Both her and me" Mikasa told Woermann, briefly gesturing one of her blades to me before returning then to their original position. We had mirroring looks. I noticed Ian start to whisper stuff to Woermann.

"So, can someone explain to me what's going on now? The hell is all this?" Eren asked us. "Mikasa! (Y/N)! You cant take them all on. Even if you took down a few, there's nowhere left for you to run" Armin told us.

"Whoever comes at Eren deals with me" Mikasa replied. "They want to touch my brother they can take me on" I replied next. "We'll take on the entire regiment if we have to" Mikasa finished. "I don't give a damn what they try to throw at us" Mikasa added on to her statement.

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