Promise To My Bestfriend

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Cadet Corps Training Grounds – 847

Y/N's Point of View:

I stormed over to the boys...

"No wait. Was it if you're a complete idiot you've gotta leave. Something like that" Connie finished. No one had noticed my presence until I lifted Connie up by the shirt. "Say it again asshat" I spat. I had a look of pure anger on my face. "I-I-I w-was j-just- I-" Connie stuttered. "I can deal with playful banter. I will NOT, take kindly to my family being flat out insulted. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" I spoke with venom lacing my voice. "Y-yes" Connie squeaked. "That's goes for you to Jean" I commented slightly calmer. "I understand" Jean assured me. "Good" I said as I let go of Connie.

"As for you, please be more careful. I love you to pieces" I turned to Eren and hugged him. "I need help, I'm going to fail" he said as he leaned against one of the bedframes. "Eren, it'll be alright" I assured him. "Why don't we try Reiner?" Armin suggested. Eren looked up and gave us a nod.

Time Skip

"Come on! I heard from everyone your both really good at it! Bertholdt? Reiner?" Eren exclaimed as we sat with Reiner and Bertholdt on the bunk. "I'm sorry Eren but there isn't a special trick to just hanging there. If you want advice, I'm not the guy to ask" Reiner told my brother. There was something off in his body language, but I didn't question it. "Alright" Eren spoke with disappointment in his voice.

"Let just hope that it will come to you tomorrow" Armin spoke. "In that case I better go. Mikasa will have my head if I go missing in her eyes again" I chuckled getting up with Armin and Eren. "Wait, hold on. Weren't the two of you originally from Shiganshia?" Bertholdt asked, stopping the three of us in our tracks. We sat back down.

"Yeah, that's correct. All three of us are from Shiganshia" Armin told them. I nodded in agreement. "Then you should know how truly terrifying they are. Why on earth would you want to be soldiers?" Bertholdt asked. I sighed. "I didn't see the sorts of things these two did. They saw the blood lust firsthand, before anyone saw how bad it was. As for me, I knew I couldn't just sit here and watch as the government forced citizens into the failed land retrieval operation. (Y/N) came close to dying to" Armin told them. "I see" Bertholdt said sorrowly. I shook a bit at the memories of that day.

"So where are you two from?" Armin asked changing the subject. "Oh Reiner and I. We were from a small mountain village, just south of wall Maria" Bertholdt told us. For some reason I didn't believe him but chose to trust him. Armin shot up at the answer, "so that means-" "Yeah. Unlike the larger river towns, our village didn't receive word right away. The titans were at our doors before we even knew what was going on... It happened at dawn. All the livestock were extremely restless. Soon after we just heard some strange rumblings that just became louder and louder. I eventually realised those sounds were the sounds of death getting closer. I looked out my window and-" Bertholdt cut himself off.

I gulped along with Armin. "-After that everything is just a blur. I think we all just panicked-" "He easy now, your just getting yourself worked up again" Reiner cut him off. "Sorry" I apologised to the boys. Bertholdt looked especially panicked so I got up and hugged him. He looked dumbfounded and slightly confused before he hugged back. Eren glared holes into Bertholdt. "Eren quit it. Bertholdt needs a hug, I'll hug you after, so fuck off" I mumbled as I hugged Bertholdt. I got a grumble from Eren, a chuckle from Reiner and Armin and a slight giggle from Bertholdt. "You're such a child" Reiner commented. "I'm younger than Eren so yeah, no shit" I spoke, finally releasing Bertholdt and sitting beside him.

"Sorry, I guess what I have been trying to say is that the five of us aren't like, the rest of them" Bertholdt finished. "The rest of them, who?" Armin asked. "The others here who have never witnessed the titans horror" Bertholdt expanded. "Hey" Reiner snapped his friend out of his own thoughts.

Time Skip

"Most of them are here for show. To do just what humanity expects. In a world were you are called a coward if you choose field work by the time your twelve. People demand our service. That being said, I am no different to the others. I joined up hoping for an assignment to the military police, tucked away in the interior, if that doesn't work, I'll give up entirely. I don't really have the mental strength for anything else" Bertholdt told us. I ran up to the front, passed Reiner and patted his back. "There is nothing wrong with caring about yourself, you know. I'd much rather my friends safer than were I'm going" I told him as I rubbed his back, he was way taller than me. "(Y/N)'s right. There is nothing wrong with caring about your life Bertholdt. We all do" Armin backed me.

"Do we? I plan to go back to the home that was taken from me. It's all I care about now. I will do it, no matter what" Reiner said with determination. I looked back at Eren and Armin. Armin gave me a warm smile as I walked alongside Bertholdt.

"What about you guys. Why did you sign up?" Bertholdt asked turning to me then Eren and Armin. "Why'd I join? I decided I have to kill them. I refuse to stop until every single titan is dead and rotting. Dead. Every last one" Eren spoke sounding angrier by the second. Reiner and Bertholdt looked at him slightly fearfully. 'I honestly don't blame them' I thought. "You saw what they are capable of, and you still want to take them on?" Reiner asked Eren. I chose to remain silent. "Damn right. It's just that after screwing up the training I don't know if I'm cut out to be a soldier" Eren replied.

We all stopped on a rock edge as the moon came out. A beautiful full moon. "What about you (Y/N)?" Bertholdt asked me. I looked up at him. This seemed to peak everyone else's interests too. I looked down then back over the lake as the moonlight shone on it. "My reasons aren't as great as yours but, I need to thank those scouts who saved me. Saved me from death but... My main reason is I made a promise. A promise to my best friend, they remain my best friend to this day, I trust them completely. I promised them that one day, I'd make it safe for us to go outside the walls, see the outside world and visit the ocean. I plan to keep my promise" I told them, tears filling my eyes as memories of me and Armin reading the book played in my mind. I looked over the lake not daring to look back at the reactions.

I Suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, and another grab my hand. I looked up at my shoulder and saw Reiner, "I'm sure you'll do it one day" he told me. I then looked to who grabbed my hand. It was my best friend. Armin. He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. "We'll go one day, I'll tell you that" he said to me. Eren grabbed my other hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze and smiled. I looked over to Bertholdt and smiled at him to, he smiled back. "I'm never letting any of guys you die. I promise" I told them. They all just smiled in response. 'They are my friends. I won't let them die. Not Bertholdt, not Reiner, not Eren, not Armin, not Mikasa. I will protect them' I thought to myself. 

"Well then, lets start from step one, belt adjustment. By tomorrow you'll be an expert-" Reiner turned to us and continued, "-I know you have what it takes, I can see it in you. You and your sister, am I wrong?" I smiled at him and Eren answered "no, she has the same if not more of what it takes than me. We won't fail. Thank you, Reiner, thank you" Eren smiled at him. "I'll always keep my promise to you all. Don't you ever doubt it" I smiled at them.

Reiner and Bertholdt then began teaching Eren how to use the belts. 

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