She's My Sister

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Cadet Corps Training Grounds – 847

Y/N's Point of View:

"What the fuck are you doing to Mikasa!" a voice boomed through the halls. Footsteps stormed closer to us and we broke apart. We turned to see the source of the footsteps. We saw a brown haired boy, with turquoise eyes storming towards us, rather protectively.

He came right up to my face as he pulled Mikasa away from me. He grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me off the ground. "Eren-" Mikasa tried to protest but was cut of by Eren growling at me. "What the hell did you to Mikasa?!" He questioned me.

I didn't reply. I hadn't done anything wrong. I looked over to Mikasa who had regained her composure and was now standing. "Eren... this is just a misunderstanding" I tried to explain. "Mikasa was crying. What the hell did you do?!" he growled.

I didn't reply again. He balled his fist up and went to punch me. I shut my eyes tight and braced myself for impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw Mikasa had grabbed Eren's fist.

"Eren, put her down" Mikasa ordered him. He dropped me and I fell to the floor. "I see your temper hasn't changed" I stated. He looked down at me and glared. "And how the hell would you know that?" he grumbled. "Because I grew up with you Erey" I exclaimed.

He looked shocked and backed up a bit, dropping his fist. "I don't even know you. Stop trying to get in my head. Did horse face put you up to this?!" he said, his anger rising once again. "Do you seriously not remember me?" I asked. He looked away and gave me a small 'tch.'

I looked towards Mikasa and she gave me a reassuring look. "Eren. Are you really going back on your promise to me" I began to tear up. His jaw dropped and he turned to Mikasa with wide eyes. His eyes seemed to ask the question of 'is it really her.' Mikasa just nodded.

By now I was full blown crying on the floor. Krista attempted to run to me but was held back by Ymir. Most of the girls tried to ignore the situation but I knew Krista and Ymir were watching.

Eren's eyes softened after Mikasa nodded to him. He turned to me and dropped to his knees. His jaw was still dropped, and he wasn't blinking. He pulled me into his embrace. I leaned on his chest and cried.

"(N-N/N)?" he asked. I looked up and him, tears filling my eyes. "Hey big bro" I replied. He hugged me tighter and buried my face in the crook of his neck. His head dropped and he looked at the floor.

After a while of silence he spoke up. "I-I though I l-lost you" he whispered. "As if I'd leave the best big brother in the world" I told him. I smirked a bit and the tears subsided. That's when his overprotective big brother side kicked in.

"What are you doing here?! You're too young!" he asked as he pulled away from me. "Eren, shoosh. Please" I begged him. Mikasa began glaring at the people watching as if saying, 'don't say a word.' Everyone appeared to get the message and looked away, continuing what they were doing.

Eren grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside. Mikasa followed closely and shut the door behind us. "(Y/N) you shouldn't be here its dangerous. You're not even old enough for crying out loud!" He began to rant. "Well what did you expect? Leave me behind?" I questioned him.

"I wanted to kill all of the titans for you and mum. I thought I lost you to those beasts" he replied. "You almost did" I chuckled. "This isn't funny (N/N)" he snapped.

Mikasa stood there watching quietly before she finally spoke up, interrupting Eren's mothering. "(Y/N), what exactly happened?" she asked in a low voice. I felt the blood disappear from my face as I remembered that day.

I remembered everything clear as day, or so I thought. "(Y/N) are you okay?" I heard Mikasa ask. I simply nodded in response and began starring at the ground. "(N/N) what do you remember?" Eren then questioned.

"I remember the ground shaking, then mum and I attempting to get out of the house when a rock came a crushed it. I tried to get mum out then you and Mikasa tried. Then a t-titan with a w-wide s-smile came and a-ate m-m-mum. Hannes took us away from the scene. When it finally set in, I went back for mum not truly believing she was dead. I left two boxed for you guys then ran off. I was running for a while when a titan came out if nowhere and went to eat me. I was then saved by two scouts and taken to live with the Ral family... Why can't I remember those scouts... ugh!" I explained. "No that's good (Y/N), you did well" Mikasa comforted.

"Does Armin know?" Eren asked. I nodded. "(Y/N) I told this Armin and Mikasa a while ago, I won't let you do this" He stated bluntly. "Eren! You can't do this to me! I want to be here, I want to train and join the scouts!" I fired back at my brother. "No." He replied. "Eren, you should understand more than anyone why I want to do this, I need to do this" I reasoned. 

It was silent for five minutes before he spoke up. "If I let you do this, you stay with me, got it? No running off, Mikasa, Armin and I can protect you. You'll stay with us" He ordered. "I promise!" I shouted as I hugged him. He hugged me back tightly as if he were making up for those years apart. I felt his arms around me as I hugged him.

"What the hell is going on here?!" a voice exclaimed. We all turned and saw Jean standing with Marco and Reiner. "Jaeger get your hands off her you suicidal maniac!" Jean shouted, he seemed angry and... Jealous? Jean pulled me out of Eren's grip.

"What the hell do you think you're doing horse face?!" He shouted back at Jean, clearly irritated. Jean walked up to Eren and glared at him. Marco came up and pried Jean back slightly. Mikasa came back up to me and held onto me in a side hug. She knew I hated people shouting.

"What's going on here?" Reiner asked. I looked to Mikasa who remained silent. "What, I can't even hug my sister now?" Eren questioned the trio. They all stood there with their mouths agape.

Marco looked to me and I smiled a small smile and nodded. "(Y/N) is he actually your brother?" Jean asked me. He turned to face me, and his expression softened when we made eye contact. I felt a blush creep to my cheeks, and I looked to the floor, hoping it was too dark to see me red face. I nodded whilst looking at the floor.

"So, you have another adoptive sibling?" Reiner asked Eren. "No, damn it! She is my biological sibling. Her name is (Y/N) (M/N) Jaeger" Eren shouted getting pissed. "Do you not see the resemblance?" He asked.

"Oh, I see it! The same hair colours. But she doesn't have a similar personality. What regiment do you hope to join?" Marco spoke up. "S-scouting legion" I whispered. "So, somethings are the same" Marco expressed. "At least she isn't suicidal like that suicidal maniac" Jean mumbled. "Like your one to talk stupid scared horse face" Eren fired back.

"(Y/N) why don't you try and join the military police, you'd be safe, and you'd be with me..." Jean mumbled that last part under his breath. "I-I have a p-promise to fill. I n-need to join the s-scouts to fore fill it" I explained, thinking about the promise I made to Armin all those years ago.

Jean sighed and looked up at Eren. They glared at each other for about a minute before Jean broke eye contact and smiled at me. After that Reiner, Jean and Marco left back to the boys cabin. Eren turned to face me.

"I really don't approve of you being here, but I will support you. You are my baby sister after all" Eren spoke smiling at me. I gave him a big, long hug, before grabbing Mikasa's arm and walking back inside our cabin. What? It was cold!

We went back inside then walked to our shared bunk. "Well, today was fun" I commented sarcastically. Mikasa chuckled then we both changed into our nightwear. I had a matching (F/C) shorts and tee.

I put my bag away and crawled into my bed. I looked over to Mikasa before falling asleep. It was the best sleep I have had in years.

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