Reunions and Meetings

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Y/N's Point of View

I was running through the halls after the trial to try and find Eren. I checked room after room. Mikasa and Armin left after the trial and I said I had to do something first, so they left without me. I've probably been running around for a few minutes now.

I was about to give up hope when I heard voices behind the door. I threw the door open and burst in. "Eren! Are you okay!?" I asked in a panic as I ran over to him. I hugged him tightly. "I'm okay (N/N), It's okay" He told me as he hugged my back.

"Tch, you can't be in here brat" Levi told he from the other side of the room. "Fuck off asshat" I snapped. "(Y/N)! You can't talk to the captain like that" Eren scolded as he slapped me on the back of the head.

"It's alright Levi, I expected this already" Erwin spoke. "You did?" A tall, dirty blonde haired man asked from the window. "Yes. This, you see, is Eren's younger sister" Erwin explained calmly. I stood up and saluted him. "You have a sister Eren!?" A familiar looking brunette with goggles exclaimed, but I couldn't place it. "Yeah" Eren replied.

"So does it hurt Eren?" She asked turning her attention back to my brother and touching his face with a cotton ball. "Yeah" he sighed. "Yeah! Describe it to me!" She exclaimed. "It's not a good thing!" I shouted at her. "Calm down (N/N), these guys won't hurt me" Eren told me and I sighed. "I apologise" I apologised. "Don't worry, we won't hold it against you. I understand why your worried" Erwin smiled at me.

Erwin then walked over to Eren. "Sorry for all that. But the theatrics did get you placed in our custody" Erwin explained. "No, I understand" Eren told them whilst holding a cloth to his face. "We played our trump card at the right time-" Erwin then kneeled down to Eren's eye level and held out his hand. "-You have my utmost respect. Eren, I'm glad you're on our team" He told Eren.

"Me too! Glad to be here sir" Eren said as he shook Erwin's hand, I smiled. Levi then walked over and sat on the couch right next to Eren. Eren quickly flinched away and my hand went for my knife, only to find it wasn't there. "Looking for that?" Levi asked directing me to the man at the window who held the knife by the blade. "How did you-" "I simply took it and handed it to Mike" Levi told me, and I scowled.

He turned back to Eren. "So Eren" Levi started. "Sir" Eren said in response. "You don't resent me now do you?" Levi asked. "Yes" I growled under my breath causing the brunette, Erwin, and Mike to chuckle. "No, I can see that what you did was necessary sir" Eren told him and I rolled my eyes. "Good, then you understand" Levi spoke.

"Still, don't you think you went a little too far? I mean you knocked his tooth out, neat huh?" The brunette exclaimed as she pulled out the tooth. "Yes, you went too far" I mumbled under my breath again. "You picked it up? How disgusting" Levi rolled his eyes at her.

"This is a precious sample, I'll have you know" She retorted. "Hey, just be glad people like that aren't dissecting you" Levi told him. "Don't you dare compare me with them, I would never even dream of killing him" She told Levi in a warning tone. I smiled at her, she said she would kill him, she seems really familiar though.

"Hey Eren! Let me take a look inside that mouth of yours" She ordered him nicely. He rolled his eyes and opened him mouth. She gasped once she looked inside his mouth. "What is it?!" I asked in a panic. "Your tooth... It grew back" the brunette told him. "Wow" I gasped.

The brunette then turned to me. "So what's your name sweetie?" She asked me. "M-my name is (Y/N) Jaeger" I told her whilst saluting. She looked at my salute and gasped. "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" I asked. She just jumped up and down and ran out of the room.
I turned to Erwin. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked. "No, I'm not sure what has got her so worked up" Erwin told me. I shrugged and turned to Mike, as I learned his name was.

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