Date (Part 1)

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(Y/N)'s Point of View

I was wondering through the scout regiments halls as usual. I was bored. I hadn't seen Jean all day, Eren was caught up with my cleaning duties, Mikasa was watching over Eren, Armin went to see Annie, Connie and Sasha went to Connie's village to see his mum, and Hanji was doing god knows what while Moblit would try to keep her safe.

If only the captain hadn't of taken away my cleaning duties. Speaking of the captain, I believe he went to the capital today. Historia called for his presence in a meeting about a week ago. That meetings today. It's about Historia's idea to open an orphanage and bring out all of the orphans in the underground. The fact that the captain was supporting this made me happy.

I started humming as I walked through the halls. It so calm now. No upcoming missions, just Hanji's experiments with Eren. I've notice I'm a lot calmer when it comes to people interacting with Eren now. Ever since Historia became queen of the walls, it's so much safer for all of us in the scout regiment.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realised there was someone standing in front of me. I walked straight into the person. I stumbled back a little.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. Jean. "I'm so sorry Jean. I must have been lost in thought again. I'm getting so bored. I'm sorry" I apologised. Jean chuckled and shook his head. "Stop apologising, (Y/N). I don't care. I was actually looking for you" Jean chuckled.

"You were? Did I do something wrong?" I tilted my head up at him. "No! What made you think that?" Jean questioned. "Well your fidgeting" I pointed out. He quickly put his arms behind his back. "Nothing bad I promise!" Jean promised.

I looked at him intently, paying close attention to him. "I was just- I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me tonight?" Jean asked quickly and squeezed his eyes shut. My eyes widened. We hadn't had the chance to go on a date since we got together. It's just been one thing after another.

My lips curved up into a smile and I hugged Jean. "I'd love to!" I exclaimed. I heard him sigh in relief and his shoulders relaxed. I giggled and we broke apart. Jean had his usual, charismatic smile plastered onto his face.

"Alright meet me by the stables at five. I'll deal with the rest" Jean ordered. "Alright. What do you want me to wear?" I asked. He shrugged. "You look good in anything. I don't mind" Jean shrugged. "Helpful" I rolled my eyes.

"In that case, I have stuff to do now. I'll meet you at the stables later. Love you" Jean kissed my cheek before running off. "Love you too" I smiled at him as he ran off.

As soon as he disappeared from sight I jumped into the air. 'I'm so excited! This is one of the best days ever! But wait... I have no idea how to get ready! Shit! What do I do? What do I do?' My thoughts ran wild. That's when an edgy idea popped into my head. Now it's a big risk but... Hanji!

I began running through the halls towards Hanji's office. I ran down the steps and onto the lower level of the headquarters. 'Why is Hanji's office so far away?' I internally groaned. I turned the corner and the familiar wood door, that would either lead to my doom or saviour, came into view.

I ran right up to the door. I quickly caught my breath before knocking. I gently knocked on the door four times. I heard a crash and some stumbling before the door handle began turning. The door opened to reveal Hanji in all her glory.

"Ah! Cinnamon roll!" Hanji exclaimed as she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Hanji... I'd like to... Breath" I gasped out. She let me go and adjusted her glasses. "Right! Sorry" Hanji apologised. I just smiled at her.

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