Ruler of the Walls

98 4 1

Orvud District – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

"All set commander!" Armin alerted the commander. Armin rolled the barrel up front and aimed it at the titans wrist. I stood opposite Mikasa.

"On my mark! Now!" The commander shouted, he shot a red flare into the air. The barrels hooked onto the titans skin. Armin pulled the triggers and the barrels reeled in towards the titan. "Take this!" I heard Sasha shout from the other side.

The barrel exploded on impact. I could see the titans wrists break off, the titan then began to lose balance. "Alright, it's losing balance" Armin commented. The titan fell face first onto the wall. It's head pointing our direction.

"Eren! Do it!" The commander ordered. Eren ran through the smoke and headed straight for the giant titan, net of barrels in hand. "You can do this!" I encouraged.

Eren's titan let out a loud roar as he shoved the net full of barrels into the titans mouth and down its throat. Multiple explosions followed quickly. The nape of its neck started bubbling up. It then completely exploded. It was bright as hell. The chunks of nape began to shower over the city.

"Go! Deploy your ODM gear and finish it off!" The commander ordered. We all used our ODM gear and took off. I shot for the nearest large piece. I sliced through it, nothing. "The hell is it?" I questioned out loud as I sliced through another piece. Another, and another. Still nothing.

I watched as Historia went for a rather large, steaming piece. I watched as she closed in on it. She let out a yell as she sliced through it.

The piece Historia cut exploded. I was sent back a little due to the force of the explosion. On the other hand, Historia was sent plummeting out of the sky. "Historia!" I called. She landed in a wagon of sorts. She seemed to be alright.

I landed on the wall. Eren emerged from his titan's nape almost instantly. "Eren" I called out. He looked at me and smiled. I ran up and hugged him, he hugged back. "We did it! It's alright. Are you okay?" Eren asked me. "I'm fine. I just- I can't lose you" I muttered into him. "I'm not going anywhere" he assured me. I smiled.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Jean's voice shouted. I turned around and ran up to him. When close enough I jumped into his arms. He caught me and placed a passionate kiss on my lips. When we broke apart we pressed our foreheads together. Both of us still soaked in water.

"Do you think that we'll finally get a break? I really want to take you on a real date" Jean muttered. "I hope so. I just want to spend time with you. Well, without worrying about everyone" I replied. He grinned his usual grin. "Let's go?" Jean asked. I jumped down from his arms. "Let's go" I responded.

Time Skip

It was a new day. Historia's coronation day. I was no longer in my soaking, blood ridden, torn clothes. I now wore a dry, clean, white, long sleeved, button up shirt and some dark blue jeans. I had a black jacket draped over my shoulders as well.

I walked out into the halls. "(Y/N)!" I looked to the left, Armin. "Armin!" I smiled and waved. "Historia wants to see you" Armin informed me. "Me? Why?" I questioned. Armin shrugged, "I don't know. She just asked. She's getting ready for the ceremony later" Armin explained. I nodded.

Armin and I walked side by side through the halls. "Armin" I called. "Yeah? What is it?" Armin inquired. "When we retake wall Maria and Shiganshia, do you think we'll finally be able to see the outside world? The ocean?" I asked. He looked down at me. "I thought you forgot about that" Armin replied, he sounded gobsmacked.

"Armin, it's the reason I chose the scout regiment-" I looked up at him. "-I promised you I'd make the outside world safe so that we could visit the ocean. I plan to keep it. You are my best friend after all" I smiled. Armin smiled down at me softly.

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