Day of the Fall (Part 3)

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Shiganshia – 845

Y/N Point of View:

We walked after Eren for a bit till he suddenly took off down an alley way. I was confused, but then Mikasa took off to. I followed after. Soon I came up upon a hated sight. The bullies.

It took a while for the victim to come into sight. As soon as I saw the blonde hair and blue eyes I sped up. They were beating Armin up. What's wrong with them? "Back off!" Eren yelled as we ran up to the group.

"Armin!" I called out. He seemed to look at our direction once his name was called. The bullies turned to face us and held there fists up. Well until Mikasa came into view that is. When they spotted Mikasa they ran off. I love having a sister like her.

I ran up to Armin and hugged him. "Armin! Are you alright?" I asked running up and embracing him. "That's all it takes, just a look. I'm just that scary" Eren boasted. I giggled, "well one of you is" Armin confirmed. Armin tried to get up but fell. I was getting worried about him.

"Where'd they hurt you Armin?" Eren asked while he attempted to help him up, but Armin just stared at his hand. Armin began tearing up at this gesture but shook him off. "It's alright. Thank you, I'm ok" Armin said softly. "Armin! Are you alright?" I asked standing up and embracing him again.

"Armin?" I called him quietly. He turned to me and smiled, "yeah (N/N)" he replied, "you know we are your friends. I want to help you" I told him. "I know, but I'm fine (Y/N)" he replied. I don't believe him.

"Anyway, Mika. I'm going to go home now. Is that okay with you?" I asked. "sure, just please be careful" she answered. "I will, bye Armin! See you later Eren!" I called out. With that I ran off towards home.

Time Skip

Third Person:

(Y/N) made it home fifteen minutes after they all parted. She went inside and spent a lot of time with her mum. She loved spending her extra time with Carla.

Meanwhile, Eren, Armin and Mikasa sat by the river on some steps. "They just heard me going on about how humanities future lies beyond the walls, I don't think they even understood half of it" Armin explained. "Idiots why can't people just let us dream" Eren complained as he threw rocks into the river. "The walls are a clever idea; they have kept us safe for a hundred years. Everyone just wants to stay safe in here, I may not agree but I can at least understand why. The rules are just a reflection of our fears" Armin explained.

"Everyone else maybe, I say to hell with them-" Eren began, "someone's gonna hear you, keep it down" Mikasa cut him off. "What do I care you'll tell on me either way" Eren retaliated. "What?" Armin inquired, "I never promised you anything Eren" Mikasa quickly stated.

"Wait your family knows about the scouts?" Armin questioned, "yeah and they aren't too pleased" Eren explained. "Big shock, how'd they react to (Y/N)?" Armin asked. "Huh?" Mikasa and Eren said in unison. "I... er... um" Armin stuttered. "I won't let her" Eren declared. "Eren, that's like her saying that to you. Would you st-" Armin was cut off "I don't care, she is my little sister" he snapped.

"It's amazing what people here exchange for a fleeting sense of security" Armin stated. "Make no mistake it absolutely is fleeting. The walls can't hold forever. It's only a matter of time" Armin explained.

Y/N Point of View

"Mum look at the picture I made" I exclaimed running up to mum. Mum took the picture in her hand and examined it. It was picture drawn with many colours, It hand Mikasa, me, mum, dad and Eren. "It's beautiful dear" mum told me. We both grinned.

Suddenly the ground began to shake violently under my feet, I fell backwards. "Mum! What is going on!" I shouted. "It's ok, it's ok, come here" she replied. I crawled over to mum as the ground slowly stopped shaking.

I stood up and heard... Screaming? Mum and I went outside. I walked out the door, when a bolder flew overhead. It crushed out house. Mum! She was stuck in between wood and rocks and rubble. "No!" I screamed. I ran over to mum and she had her eyes closed. "Mum! Come on, please, please wake up" I tugged on her arm.

I looked over to the direction of the wall and saw, a titan? No way, the wall is fifty meters high. It had no skin, was steamy and red. It was terrifying. I began to try and dig mum out. "Come on damn it. Mum!" I begged.

I was digging when Eren and Mikasa came into the street. He was screaming out for mum. She began to stir awake. He immediately went to the wood and began to lift.

"Eren wait" mum said. "Mum!" I cried out. By now I had tears streaming down my face. "Mikasa hoist with everything you have got" Eren demanded. "Mum, come on, please" I begged. "Sweetie, it's okay, don't cry" she reassured me.

The sound of footsteps got closer. We looked up to the sight of titans walking around. We were going to die. I began to panic. A giant fifteen meter titan began to walk closer and closer. Eren started yelling at Mikasa, "I'm trying" she called out.

"There here, it's really them" I heard mum mumble. "You've got to get out of here. Eren take Mikasa and (Y/N) and run! Go!" She ordered. "I want to more than anything, but I need to know your safe first" Eren replied. "Mum I'm not leaving without you" I told her. "Sweetie listen to me, my legs have been crushed. Even if you can get me out of here, I can't run. There is no time" She explained.

"Whatever, I'll carry you!" He shouted. "Will you just shut up and listen to me for once in your life!" She shouted back. I looked up and saw Mikasa beginning to cry. "I'm asking you for one thing, Mikasa make him" she yelled. "I can't, I'm sorry" she cried. "Do you want all four of us to die?" She asked.

"Mum" I cried. "(Y/N), sweetie listen to me. I love you, please. You need to run" she said quietly. My breath quickened and I began to panic. As everything seemed lost, we heard 3DMG wires. "Hannes! Take the children and get out of here" mum ordered the soldier. "Now come on Carla, that's not our only option, my skills involve killing titans and saving lives" With that he ran off drawing a blade.

He ran in front of the giant, fifteen meter, smiling titan. He froze when he looked at it. He came running back and picked up Eren, Mikasa and myself. "Thank you" mum whispered. "No!" I screamed. "Wait, No!" Eren screamed. "I love you, you here me. Stay alive!" She shouted. I began crying more.

I looked back and saw the titan pick up mum. Mum was kicking and trashing. "Stop it! No!" Eren screamed at the top of his lungs. The titan moved it's hands to mum and killed her in a swift move. Then it lifted her to it's mouth. It bit down and her blood sprayed everywhere. I started crying my eyes out.

Hannes carried us a little further until Eren hit him hard as he screamed at the soldier. Hannes threw Eren to the ground. Mikasa squirmed out of his grip and ran to Eren. Hannes placed me down gently as I was practically frozen. He wrapped an arm around me as he spoke to Eren. "There was nothing you could have done. You're a kid, your weak. I'm worse. When it came down to it, I was to afraid to fight. Your mother died because I'm a coward" he told us.

That's when reality sunk in for me. "I'm sorry" Hannes told us. With that I ran. I ran out of the street and to the titans. "(Y/N)!" Hannes called out. "(Y/N)" Eren screamed my name. "(Y/N)" Mikasa cried out. I ignored them all and kept running. I turned around, tears streaming down my face. I placed two boxes on the ground, the presents, the lockets, I got for them. I saw Hannes running after Eren and Mikasa as they ran after me. I saw them getting closer and began running again. Running to the titans. 

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