The Wagon Ride

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The Walls of Orvud District – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

With that, we took off again, heading for Orvud District.

"Eren, could you try and use your powers to control that titan?" Hanji inquired. "Huh?" Eren looked up. "The same ones he used on the titan that ate mum?" I asked her. "Indeed" Hanji nodded. "Eren?" I looked to Eren. "It's worth a shot" Eren stood up and turned to face Rod Reiss's titan.

Eren threw punches at the titan. "Stop moving now! I said stop! Hey! I'm talking to you! Hey arsehole, you hear me?! Come on you stupid, old bastard, why won't you listen!?" Eren shouted. Right as he said that the captain rode up behind him. Eren's face paled, I bust out laughing, Hanji chuckled a little too.

"It's not working" Eren sighed. "It's alright Eren" I assured him, my smile still present on my face but fading. Eren sat down, defeated.

"Listen, I need to know everything you two know. Start from the beginning" Hanji spoke to Historia and Eren. "My father kidnapped Eren and myself because he wanted me to inherit the founding titan, which resides within Eren" Historia began.

"Well how the hell did he know that?" I questioned. "Apparently his father stole it from my older sister Frieda, by eating her. He also crushed my father's wife and children. He then passed that power onto Eren" Historia explained.

"Dad killed that family. He ate Historia's older sister. Crushed the wife and children, smearing them over the floor. He killed innocent people, children. Like a monster. What he did was evil" Eren spoke. "So... Where's dad?" I looked to Eren. "I... I ate him. That's how I got my powers" Eren explained. "I see" I replied.

Not even a few seconds later I was leaning over the side of the wagon, throwing up. Eren leant over and rubbed my back. I sat back down beside Hanji after a minute or so. I kept my eyes on the ground. "I'm sorry (N/N)" Eren apologised. "Please don't. It's not your fault, Eren" I replied.

"But my father wanted me to inherit the titan because the founding titan can only be used properly by someone of royal blood. A descended of the first king. You can use that titan to wipe everyone's memories. My dad explained though, that when someone with royal blood does inherit the founding titan, they fall under the first kings will. Once under the first kings will, they will refuse to do anything about the titans attacking the walls. He believed this was the way to 'everlasting peace'" Historia explained. "I see" Hanji acknowledged.

It was silent for a few minutes. I decided to help Hanji out. I ripped the cuffs of my shirt off. "What are you doing?" Eren questioned. "Helping Hanji, she's bleeding pretty bad" I answered. "You don't have to" Hanji weakly smiled at me again. "I want to" I smiled back.

I moved her hand before pressing the torn cloth against her wound. She sucked in a harsh breath. "Sorry" I apologised. "It's alright," she looked away, avoiding the sight of her wound.

"Alright, time to think" Hanji stated. Everyone looked at her. "First off, lord Reiss was after the founding titan's power, and that power currently resides within Eren. Thing is, the founding titan can only be used at full potential, by someone with royal blood. But then, when a royal does obtain the founding titan's power, they suddenly take on the first kings ideology, which means they'll refuse to do anything about the titans. Well... This certainly is a conundrum" Hanji spoke.

"So the first king thinks this is true peace, huh? I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with him there" Hanji added. I chuckled slightly. "Bright as always Hanji" I smiled slightly.

"You know, we still have the option to go back. We just need that titan to eat me, then Reiss will become human again. We could still have a true founding titan. It's possible" Eren spoke. "No!" I shouted. "We aren't going with that option. I won't lose anyone else" I spoke quietly, curling into a ball. "Wait, you don't mean..." Mikasa trailed off. "It's worth considering" the captain chimed in.

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