The Retaking of Trost (Part 1)

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Wall Rose - 850

Y/N's Point of View

"Sir!" Ian saluted again. "Finally" I rolled my eyes and giggled.

After a minute or so Ian walked off to get Mikasa. She was on our squad too! He walked off and Rico spoke up.

"So, how did you exactly place in training?" Rico asked me. "I tied fifth with my brother. Apparently, I would have gotten higher if I didn't let my heart get the best of me. The irony is, now we are using my weakness as a strength" I replied. "I see" Rico replied

"By the way Mr Mitabi, my brother isn't a kid, and he has a name" I stated semi-coldly. "Mitabi is fine. I apologise, this situation gets to the best of us" He apologised. I just smiled and nodded.

"Are you really willing to die for your brother? I mean, threatening us all earlier and preparing to kill each of us is something" Rico asked me out of nowhere. "I apologise for my earlier actions. I just didn't want to lose my brother and you were all prepared to take him from me, that is no excuse either way. But yes, I am willing to do anything for my brother. Even die" I told them. "Just don't do it again, okay?" Mitabi responded. "Okay!" I replied with a smile.

"So I guess the things Ian was saying about you earlier were true. I look forward to working with you" Rico mentioned. "Same here" I smiled.

Ian walked back over with Mikasa and Eren. I ran up and hugged Eren and then Mikasa. "I'm so glad Ian wants you on this squad!" I exclaimed as I hugged her. "You better stay safe (Y/N). If your head hurts pull out" Eren told me. I smiled at him in return.

We ran along the wall leading to the front of Trost. It was silent till Ian spoke up, "let's get this straight right now. Whatever you are, all I care about you getting that rock in place. Can we count on you?" "Yes sir. I won't let you down" Eren replied.

"You're absolutely sure you're going to be alright to do this?" Mikasa asked him. I looked back to them as I was running side by side with Ian at the front. "I've got it" Eren told her. "Seriously?" Mikasa asked again. "How many times do you want me to say it? You just do your job and I'll do mine" Eren retorted.

Rico ran up between them. "Look, now's not the time to be playing house" Rico interjected. "Come on, it isn't like that" Eren defended. "I'm going to say what we are all thinking here. The fact the fate of mankind depends on a little brat like you doesn't make me hopeful" Mitabi joined.

I turned back and glared, my hands sliding to the ends of my blades. I notice Mikasa glaring as well. "You wanna call him that again?" I asked coldly. Before he could answer Ian stopped us, "all of you stop it right now. We're about to be in range of the giant boulder. I'm not seeing any titans, the decoy strategy must be working."

I turned back around and quickly looked at Ian. "I'm sorry sir" I apologised. "Just keep calm (Y/N)." "Yes sir" I replied. I turned around to face the front completely and continued running. It was silent once again. Then Rico spoke.

"Something I want you to be aware of Jaeger. Make no mistake, more than a few of our comrades are going to die today trying to pull this off. Their bloods on your hands. I'm talking friends, captains, lieutenants, trainees. Yes, they are soldiers, they are prepared to die. But remember each one of them is a flesh and blood person. Every one of them has dreams, hopes, fears. Everyone of them has a name, Alyosha, Dominic, Fine, Isabel, Ludwig, Martina, Guido, Hans. They're not pawns, they're people. Some of them have been living like family since there cadet years. This may well be the end for them. Whole families snuffed out in a moment. Whatever you think your mission is Jaeger, your first and foremost concern today is making sure their deaths mean something. Whatever happens you keep that lodged in your mind. Take everything that comes with deadly seriousness" Rico lectured. "Right" was all Eren replied.

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