Good Old Days

124 6 0

Wall Rose - 850

Hannes's Point of View

Minutes had passed since the armoured and colossal titan ran off with Eren. We had begun gathering the wounded soldiers and placing them down to rest and recover on top of the wall. I came across Armin who was barely conscious. He sat beside an unconscious Mikasa.

I was walked over to him. He didn't look to injured, just burned. "Armin, you good?" I asked. He nodded. "Hannes, have you seen (Y/N) anywhere?" He asked me. I looked beside them and noticed she wasn't there.

"No but I'll have a look around" I told him. "Thank you" he replied. I nodded and walked off to find (Y/N).

The wounded soldiers where lying in rows. The rows getting longer by the minute. I walked in the middle of them to try and find (Y/N).

After a few minutes I had looked through all the wounded soldiers she wasn't there. "Shit" I muttered. I double checked but I couldn't see her. 'What am I going to tell Armin?' I asked myself internally.

I was about to go back to aiding the soldiers when another soldier called out. "We need a medical kit down here! We have a bleeding soldier!" He shouted. Quickly grabbed a small medical kit with bandages and alcohol. Then I shot down the wall.

When I reached the ground, I ran over to the soldier who was moving a girl away from the wall. I ran up to him. When I got there, I saw the familiar (H/L), (H/C) girl laying in the soldiers lap. It was (Y/N). She was completely unconscious. I noticed red spilling from her head, she was bleeding, a lot. "She must have been closer than Mikasa" I commented to myself as I ran over.

I quickly knelt down beside the soldier and moved her head around a bit. I poured the alcohol onto the wound, as I didn't have time to apply in properly, then I began to bandage her head up. She had a few bleeding cut on her arms, but I'll have to fix them up when we are back on the wall and away from titans.

"Thank you for finding her" I thanked the soldier before shooting back up the wall with (Y/N) in my arms. I grabbed a few more small bandages and ran over to where Armin was. I lay (Y/N) down on the other side of him.

"What happened?" Armin asked in a panic. I saw his eyes widen at the sight of the girl. "She was found right beside where the explosion was. She was closer than Mikasa was" I told him. "Oh no" Armin gasped.

I quickly bandaged up the cuts on her arms. When I was finished I was called back to help the others. "Look after them, yeah?" I asked Armin. He nodded and proceeded to watch the girls.

Ehrmich District

Jean's Point of View

I sat with the scouts that returned from wall Rose. Everyone had come back uninjured. I was drinking some water to rehydrate when I overheard some scouts talking. "Damn, can't believe we didn't see a single one" a scout commented. "You're really saying that there weren't any" I joined in. The scout turned to face me. "I know right. It's unusually quiet out there" he replied.

"I wonder if they're still alive" I thought out loud. All I could really think about right now was (Y/N) and whether she's safe. She was sent with Eren and the others into wall Rose to plug up the breach. I can only hope they're alright. Something in my gut is saying she isn't though.

Almost as I felt that bad feeling, some soldiers returned from wall Rose. One of them was Sasha. Wait, wasn't she with (Y/N) and the others? I grabbed Sasha some water while we waited for commander Pyxis and commander Erwin to show up.

They were pretty fast in getting here. When they did the soldier told us that their was no breach. "So, there was no breach as far as you could tell, correct?" Pyxis inquired. "That's correct sir" the soldier told Pyxis. "As I thought" Pyxis commented.

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