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Wall Rose - 850

Y/N's Point of View

I heard what sounded like hooves riding across the wall. I tried to open my eyes, but I just failed. I felt my body drift from conscious to not. I decided to fight against the unconscious pull. 'Why am I like this? What happened?' I asked myself. After a few moments I remembered. Reiner and Bertholdt. Eren being taken. A could feel a single tear roll down my cheek. 'I need to get up! I need to get Eren!' I told myself.

I heard Moblit's voice as I fought to open my eyes. "It's commander Erwin! With MP's!" Moblit's voice spoke. Voices all around spoke. The horse hooves ceased, and horses neighed.

No matter how much I fought I couldn't open my eyes. A familiar voice snapped me from my thoughts. "(Y/N)! Guys! Where is (Y/N)!?" I heard Jean's voice ask. I did my best to move but I barely did.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me and then nothing. I felt a hand on my forehead and droplets of liquid begin to fall on my face. Next thing I knew I was hearing sobs.

"What happened?" Jean's shaky voice asked. "She was right beside the blast when it happened. She was thrown against the wall" Armin's voice explained. 'Damn it (Y/N)! Get up!' My mind ordered me. I tried my absolute hardest to get myself to move, nothing.

"Is she going to be okay?" Jean's voice then asked. I felt his hand grab mine. A new set of footsteps approached as he spoke. "She'll be alright kid. If there's one thing this girls got, it's determination. She'll pull through" Hannes voice answered. 'Thanks Mr Hannes' I internally thanked.

"Shit. I should have been here" Jean told himself as more tears began to fall onto my face. 'It wasn't your fault Jean' I spoke in my head, trying to force it out loud. "Jean don't beat yourself up about it. There was nothing you could do" Armin told him.

'Damn it! You useless piece of shit! Get up! Your brother has been taken and your boyfriend blames himself! Get up and fight!' My mind shouted at me. 'Come on! Get up and fight! We need to help! Fight!' My mind shouted. "I'm going to get them back for this" I heard Jean growl. His hand was shaking non-stop.

'Damn it all! Move! Do it for Jean, Armin, Mikasa, mum, dad, Marco, Ian. Do it for Eren!' My mind shouted once again. "We need to go" Mikasa's voice chimed in. 'No! Not without me! I'm bring my brother back! Fight!' I internally shouted as I fought the hardest so far to open my eyes.

I managed to get my eyes to open and my hand to squeeze Jean's. "Like hell your going without me" my voice came out raspy. "(Y/N)!" Armin, Jean and Mikasa exclaimed. "I knew you'd pull through kid" Hannes commented. "I knew you had a soft spot for us" I replied. He chuckled at my commented.

I turned to Jean. "Jean?" I asked. "Yeah? What do you need?" He replied and a genuine smile appeared on his face. I scowled. "If I EVER hear you blame yourself like that again so help me. Also, I didn't know you cared so much" I threatened. "Yup, your back" Armin chuckled. "Of course I do! But if I-" Jean started but I cut him off. "No. We'll talk about this later" I told him as I sat up.

"You need to rest" Mikasa told me. I stood up, "I need a spare ODM gear and scout cape over here!" I shouted. I heard someone say 'right'. "(Y/N) Mikasa spoke sternly. "I'll rest when Eren's back. I'm sick of having him taken from me. I'm sick of betrayal. If there is one thing I'm going to do, it's get Eren back from those traitors" I told her. Hannes smiled at me. "There's the kid I remember" he joked, I smirked.

"No! I'm not losing you again!" Jean told me. "You won't lose me Jean. I promise" I told him. Mikasa and Jean sighed. "I love you, you bloody Jaeger" Jean said and then kissed me. "Yeah, yeah, I love you too Kirstein" I smiled.

I Promise (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now