Marco's Dead

218 8 0

Wall Rose – 850

Y/N's Point of View

We had ridden out and were training for the day. It was somewhat late in the afternoon. We were currently discussing out position in the formation. While the captain pet his horse.

"The special ops squad will be positioned here on standby, behind the centre rank" Gunther told us while pointing at a spot on one of the commanders scouting formation maps. Honestly, the commander is a genius. "So we'll be pretty far back then" Eren commented.

"It's for your safety Eren" I told him. "It's the safest position in the formation. The supply wagons don't even get such treatment. Our goal this time around is to simply leave and come back. The expedition will serve as a sort of test run, to see if we got a shot at getting you all the way to Shiganshia" Gunther told him. Oluo yawned in the middle of the explanation.

"Understood. Either way I still don't really know how to use my ability or even control it" Eren replied. "You can do it bro. I believe in you" I told him.

"Eren, do you understand what the commander was asking you about back then?" Gunther asked. "Huh?" Eren replied. I thought back to when the commander asked me a random question out of nowhere, 'who do you think the real enemy is here?' I still don't know what he meant by that.

"What did he mean by that? What do you guys think?" Eren asked. "Not a clue" Eld told him. Eren then turned to Petra who shook her head. "Well if I told you I knew what he meant, I'd be lying to you. That said-" Oluo chimed in.

"It's entirely feasible that this operation has an alternate goal and yet the commander has decided it's best to withhold it from the us. If that's the case leaving and coming back is all we need to concern our selves with. Have faith in the commander" Gunther cut Oluo off then explained whilst rolling up the plans.

"I do have faith in the commander. He is one of few who have my trust and loyalty" I spoke up. "I will" Eren told Gunther. "Today's training is concluded. Return to base" Gunther ordered us.

I helped Eren up off the ground. "Don't stress Eren. I've got you back, just also have some faith in commander Erwin, like I do" I smiled at him. "Your right (N/N)" Eren told me. I just smiled at him.

With that we all headed back to base. The sun began setting behind the hill as we rode. It was a beautiful sight.

Scout Regiment Headquarters

Time Skip

I was sitting in the stables to keep Eren company while he worked. He was currently shovelling horse poop. Honestly, it's hilarious.

"Why don't you have to help?" Eren complained. "Because our squad mates love me and I'm not 'humanities greatest threat'" I snickered. "You should still be helping, I'm your older brother" Eren retorted. "I'm not helping. If you want me to help you that bad why don't you go and ask Oluo to force me" I smirked. I knew he wouldn't.

"Fine then, let's go" Eren challenged me. We walked out of the stables to were Oluo was drinking something in his mug, I'd assume tea. We stopped next to him and I gasped.

Our friends were here! "Woah, I don't believe it" Eren muttered. "Oluo, may we be excused to talk to our friends for a minute?" Eren asked. "She doesn't need permission and fine. Just don't take to long" Oluo told us. I smiled, "thank you!"

With that I started running towards our friends beside Eren. "Hey Mikasa! Armin!" Eren called out. "Mikasa! Armin!" I shouted. They both stopped walking and turned to face us. "Eren, (Y/N)" Mikasa spoke. "Man am I glad to see you guys" Eren exclaimed. "Me too. I'm so happy you're here" I spoke next.

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