Day of the Fall (Part 2)

587 17 3

Shiganshia – 845

Y/N Point of View:

Eren dragged Mikasa and me all the way to the towns main road, were the scouts rode through. We found three crates to stand on. I jumped onto the crates and look at the returning scouts. I keep my excitement hidden, in fear of my family finding out. I hadn't realized how much Eren loved the scouts, he had kept it hidden from me. I wonder why?

We looked upon the returning soldiers and what we saw. Blood. I don't think Eren understands what has happened. I saw it in his eyes, hope. He has so much hope in his eyes. I looked at Mikasa, she seemed to know all too well what this was. The blood, death, and loss.

I looked back over the crowed and hid my smile. These soldiers fought for humanity. They were amazing. Eren smiled over to a tall, blonde man with bushy eyebrows. The mans eyes seemed to widen looking at Eren. He looked at my direction before turning his head away and scowling. I felt sorry for them.

We watched soldier after soldier walk through the streets. So much blood and so many bandages.

I was standing still for to long. I also had a note in my pocket, I had written it for the commander and another soldier of my choice. No one knew so I needed to move away from Mikasa and Eren. "Mika?" I whispered as I tugged on her shirt lightly. "Hmm?" She hummed in response. "I-I am just going to move over there, I can't stand still anymore. I will be back soon" I explained. She looked at me with concern before she reluctantly agreed. I hugged her and then disappeared out of sight. I found a small gap of people where I decided to stand and watch the soldiers.

While I looked at the returning soldiers a woman ran out looking for her son. I tuned out of the conversation when the yelling started. I can't stand yelling. I looked at the man, recognising him as the commander of the scouts. He noticed me looking at him and sort of, froze. I started shaking as he came towards me. This seemed to pique the interest of man with the eyebrows as he got off his horse.

He came closer and closer. Good news is I was far enough away for Mika and Eren to not spot this. The man with the eyebrows came over as well. I was really panicking now. I moved back until I hit the wall. Not to long after the two soldiers where towering over me. I prepared myself to be yelled at and hit. I waited for it but instead the two men kneeled down in front of me.

I refused to look up. "Why?" I then looked up and saw the commander looking at me. "Why do you still smile at us and appreciate us? Why do you have hope in us?" he asked. I was petrified. I slowly spoke "because... Y-you are all amazing soldiers, who put there lives on the line for humanity. I couldn't be more grateful to anyone. Thank you." I prepared to get yelled at like the other woman, but it never came.

The blonde man but his hand on my soldier and smiled. I flinched at first but quickly calmed down. I smiled back slightly before reaching into my pocket. I pulled out two pieces of paper. I handed one to each of the soldiers. I immediately sped off after. I ran. I ran to Mikasa, I was too scared of the hate I would receive.

I made it back to Mikasa as the last of the scouts left. We were about to leave when someone stated to insult the scouts. Mentioning how its annoying to have taxes go towards feeding them. I wanted nothing more than to beat the hell out of him. Apparently Eren is a mind reader, he grabbed a stick a wacked to man on the back of the head hard. Eren had rage written on his face.

Mikasa pulled me behind a wall and gave me a soft smile before turning to retrieve Eren. I heard what sounded like the man going to hurt Eren. I began to panic. I couldn't move. I heard footsteps coming closer until I soft hand was placed on my shoulder. I flinched and looked up. It was Mikasa. She had Eren in tow.

She signalled for me to stand up. I followed closely behind her. "Alright, I get it, stop it already" Eren was trying to escape Mikasa death grip. He was tripping behind her. We walked to the end of the street and then Mikasa sped up throwing Eren into the wall swiftly.

Firewood went everywhere. I immediately ran and started picking up the firewood. "Great! Firewood everywhere!" He exclaimed. Mikasa just stood still. I picked up most of the wood and placed it into the carrier.

Mikasa finally spoke up "so, are you still bound and determined to become one of them... the scouts?" I notice Eren gasp at the statement, then changed the subject. Mikasa helped with the last of the firewood before we took off again.

Time Skip

We finally arrived home. I walked in last, following after Mikasa. "Hey, were home" Eren called out as we entered, his voice board as ever. "Welcome back kids" mum replied. I walked into the door and immediately spotted dad. "Dad!" I yelled as I ran to him. He put the book he was reading down before opening his arms to give me a hug. "I missed you!" I exclaimed. He chuckled lightly, "I missed you too (Y/N)."

Eren went and put the wood away while Mikasa washed her hands. After mum spoke to Eren she came over to me. The sun had adjusted the light in the room, making my cuts and bruises more visible. "(Y/N), what happened! Why are you covered in cuts and bruises?" she asked panickily. This caught Mikasa's attention and she ran over.

Dad immediately pulled out his kit and began to stitch and cover the wounds. "Thanks dad" I said in a sad, yet guilty voice. "(Y/N), what happened?" My mum asked again. I remained silent as I got off my dad's lap.

I was about to walk away when I felt a hand grab mine. I look up and see Mikasa. "(N/N), what happened?" she inquired, worry etched upon her face. I smiled lightly, "I'm fine Mika, don't worry," she wasn't buying it. I sighed then spoke, "the bullies thought it might be nice to pick on me today." I could tell she was fuming. She smiled at me the returned to her seat at the table.

Mum dished up our food and we began to eat. Mum was washing the dishes, then I noticed dad packing his bag. This meant only one thing, he was going away. I felt my heart sink. "Where are you off to dad? A patient?" Eren asked. "Yes, someone in the interior. I should be back in about a week or so" He replied. I felt silent tears stream down my face.

All of a sudden out off of nowhere Mikasa spoke up. "So... um... Eren's thinking about joining the scouts," my eyes widened, and everyone gasped. "Way to keep a secret" Eren shouted. "Get that ridiculous thought out of your head right now young man. No child of mine is going to their death, do I make myself clear?!" She yelled running over to Eren. "Stop yelling at me!" Eren shouted back. I hated the noise and ran behind Mikasa. "Don't you dare-" mum started but was cut off by dad.

"It's a nightmare Eren. The outside. You really have no idea" dad said. "Yeah, I get it but it has to be better than this life! I'm not stupid I know its bad outside, I know its death out there but If we stay like this, then this hell is never going to end" Eren exclaimed. "I see" dad said, then he stood up and grabbed his bag, "excuse me, I'll be late for the fare." I knew this meant dad leaving I ran to him and hugged his leg, while I let out some tears. Mum called out for him "darling, wait! Scold the boy for heaven's sake," "dear please, think about this. Some words aren't going to hold back his curiosity. Eren, behave while am away and I will show you what I have been working on in the cellar."

Eren immediately agreed then dad looked down at me. "I promise I will be back soon; don't worry I will show you too" he said looking down at me. "I love you dad" I said. "Love you too (N/N)" he replied before walking out.

We all waved bye before Eren got into another fight with mum. Eren ran off, mum then turned to Mikasa and asked her to protect Eren and myself. Then we ran after Eren.

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