Plan to Retake Trost

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Wall Rose - 850

Y/N's Point of View

Armin and Mikasa went with a few other people to finalize the plan while I went with Eren. Everyone but Pyxis protested against it, knowing where I was coming from. He knows I don't trust anyone with Eren alone at the moment. He let me come and I walked along the wall with Eren and Pyxis.

"It's thought by many that before the titans held sway, mankind consisted of scores of different races, different creeds, all scratching and biting at each other for blood. It's not hard to believe the second part. Some wise men have been known to say, and I'm paraphrasing here, humanity required an enemy greater than itself just to survive. What do you both believe he could have meant?" Pyxis asked us.

"I don't know, sir" I replied. "That's the first time I've heard it, sir. I guess he thought we'd all join forces. Some wise man" Eren replied. Pyxis let out a laugh at Eren's reply. "I like the way your mind works. Your just as twisted and sinical as me" Pyxis laughed. I giggled a bit.

"Well it's obvious to me, the guy didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Come on, here we are with an enemy greater than ourselves baring down and look at us" Eren continued. "Exactly. If we don't pull it together soon, titans will merely be the instrument of our demise. Not the cause." Pyxis explained in greater detail.

I was walking side by side with Eren when a familiar face caught my eyes. Hannes! I ran over and hugged him. "Hannes!" I called as I ran over. "Hey kiddo. What are you doing?" Hannes asked as he hugged back. I broke away and spoke, "So... Most of it is confidential for now but I can tell you, I threatened a lot of garrisons and Woermann. Now I'm up here talking with Pyxis while we finalize our plan to take back Trost!" I blurted with a grin. Hannes just stood there shocked.

"You threatened garrisons?" He asked shocked. "Yup. Don't worry I'm not in trouble and I didn't hurt anyone" I grinned. He sighed, "your as stubborn as your brother." He smiled down at me and patted my head.

He looked over to Eren. "Eren? I'll be damned" He spoke. Eren looked at him and Eren motioned for him to get back to work. I laughed. "He just told you to get back to work" I laughed. "I'm going to go. See you later Mr Hannes!" I called as I walked off. "See ya kid!" He called back.

I ran up and slapped Eren's head. "What was that for?" He asked, surprised by my sudden action. "Don't tell Hannes to get back to work, it's just mean" I scolded playfully. He just rolled his eyes at me.

We continued walking after the commander as he took another swig. "Care for a swig?" He asked, gesturing the flask to me and Eren. I went to say yes but Eren glared. "Fine..." I rolled my eyes.

"Ah, yes sir!" Eren said as he grabbed the flask. "Hey! That's not fair!" I shouted at him. "I'm your older brother, I said no. I'm older so I can drink, you can't" He bragged playfully. "I'm getting you back" I grumbled as Pyxis chuckled at us. Eren took a gulp or two and his face went sour. He quickly spat out the alcohol and gaged. I laughed.

Eren handed the flask back and we continued to walk. We walked up to the edge of the wall, looking over everyone. I had a grip on my blades so if anyone tried to disrespect Eren, they'd think twice. Also cause I am way to overprotective.

Pyxis coughed and then shouted, "attention!" This caught everyone's attention. "Take note! The blueprints for the Trost recovery operation is this! Our primary objection is to reseal the hole. Yes, you heard right! Once more it will be done manually! As for how the task will be done, that's were this fellow and his sister come in!-" Pyxis gestured for me and Eren to come forward. We did so and stood side on with Pyxis.

"-Allow me to introduce cadets Eren Jaeger and (Y/N) Jaeger!-" Eren saluted while I stood at his side with a straight face and defensive blades in front of him. "-Do not let appearances deceive you! This young man is in fact the successful product of cutting edge science! Fantastic as that may sound, cadet Eren Jager posses the ability to fabricate and control a titan body at will! Recall the massive bolder roughly kicked in from the gate, once assumed titan form cadet Jager will hoist said bolder on his back, slap it into the hole and presto!-" Pyxis explained.

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