Give Him Back

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Y/N's Point of View

"She's fast! We're losing her" Jean spoke. "Why would she do that?!" Mikasa questioned. I looked back at her, "it doesn't matter! We follow them until we get to the two lying bastards!" I told her. "What's wrong with you people?! Am I seriously the only person who saw this coming?!" Jean shouted.

"Well, it's clear where her loyalties are now! She and Reiner are on the same side! We were lured into a trap!" Armin shouted. "That traps about to backfire! She's leading us straight to them! And I don't plan on letting them take my brother!" I shouted.

I unconsciously started to move quicker. I was gaining on Ymir as we came up on a break in the forest. I readied my blades.

I saw Reiner jump off the tree. I spotted Bertholdt on the tree branch immediately after. He had something tied to his back. Eren! "Eren!" I screamed. Bertholdt looked at me and we made eye contact. I bared my teeth at him. I must look pretty damn scry right now. Considering my level of anger right now surpassed watching a titan eat my mum, yeah.

Behind him a titan light flashed, Reiner had transformed and started running. I swung towards Berthold. He jumped and hooked onto Reiner. Ymir jumped and landed on Reiner like a bird on a shoulder too.

I immediately went back to my horse and took off after them. I passed everyone else who had only just gotten to the edge of the trees. I heard people riding up behind me. "This ain't over, you hear me?! I'll get him back if it costs me my life" Hannes told us.

I sped up, as fast as my horse would take me. "Reiner's to slow! We've got him!" Jean mentioned. "I won't hesitate this time! I'll kill them without a thought" Mikasa spoke. "If Ymir gets in the way, take her out! I don't care anymore!" I added. "This ends here and now. I swear it" Mikasa and I spoke in union.

I got close enough to hook my gear onto Reiner. I shot to his leg and made my way up. "Ymir, look, in case you hadn't noticed the scouts are closing in. If we'd left earlier, there might have been a decent chance of out running them. Going back for Krista was your idea. You forced us, remember that. We waited, for what? Damn it Ymir, what the hell did we do this for!? You can't have a change of heart! You want her to rot inside the walls!? Does that seem acceptable to you now?! Don't be a fool, think!" Bertholdt spoke.

"Let go! Don't listen to him!" Krista told Ymir. "I can't! I wish I could, I'm sorry sweetie, I know you think I did this for you but at the end of the day, I did it for me. A long time ago, I stole the power of the titans from one of their comrades. Not much I can do against them. Sooner or later, I'm screwed. But they say if I co-operate, hand you over, then maybe I have a shot at leniency, maybe my crime gets overlooked. Your crucial to the church, you know the truth about the walls!-" Ymir spoke. 'That selfish bitch!' I internally yelled.

"-When this world started going to hell, I thought to myself, couldn't hurt to have a bargaining chip in my back pocket. The castles as close to death as I ever want to get. Whole experience traumatized me. Gave me perspective. If I have to play dirty to stay alive, I have to play dirty. Pathetic yeah, doesn't make me the ideal friend. Like I said though, I didn't do this for you. You deserve better but there it is. I need you. Please save me Historia!" Ymir explained. "Well like I said, I'm here! And I will always be your ally!" Krista replied. 'Ymir made her choice' I told myself.

I shot around Reiner's front. "Oi! Give my brother back!" I shouted as I went to strike Bertholdt. He dodged. I saw Eren's eyes open. "Eren!" I shouted, he looked at me. I looked down and saw Hannes try to slice the back of Reiner's calf.

Ymir swung at me but Mikasa sliced her eye. I shouted in frustration. I shot for Bertholdt again. Bertholdt bolted for Reiner's front. "Reiner! Protect us!" He shouted. Reiner's hands came up and covered Bertholdt and Eren, pushing me back into Mikasa. We both found a small gasp in Reiner's fingers. We glared at him, he looked back at us with fear in his eyes. "Give my brother back Bertholdt!" I shouted at him.

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