Special Operations Squad

244 11 2

Old Scout Regiment Headquarters

Y/N's Point of View

We finished cleaning and were all now gathered in the mess hall drinking tea. I sat beside Eren, my chest poking the corner of the table, refusing to look up at everyone. When I did Petra would send me a smile that simply asked, 'are you okay?' I just nodded and continued my staring match with the table.

"It's safe to assume our standing orders will stretch into next week. Word through the grape vine is we're gearing up for a big mission a month from now. One were a bunch of wet behind the ears graduates are slated to be our main backup" Eld spoke. My head shot up.

"That can't be right. Why do something like that? The cadets have been through enough with the last titan attack. Why subject them to that kind of danger again?" Gunther replied to Eld's statement. "You have to wonder how many of those snivel drop runts peed themselves" Oluo commented. "Surely this can't be the case" Petra spoke up.

"Mission planning isn't my responsibility, but it is Erwin's, and you can bet the mans obsessed over every angle" Levi joined in. "That's a truth. Especially given how unique the situation is. Consider how many people died on the path to take back wall Maria. Then hope comes in a for no one expected. One that were not entirely sure how to deal with" Eld spoke and turned to face Eren.

Eren gasped a bit and I placed my cup down making a 'tink' noise. "You implying something?" I asked with a slight glare and a slightly cold tone. Everyone was now starring at Eren and I slowly reached for my final knife that was attached to my ankle.

"No, were not. It's okay (Y/N)" Petra calmed me, and my hand pulled away from the handle. "Most of us still find it hard to believe. So how does it work? This whole changing into a titan trick, really?" Eld asked.

I looked at Eren. "I wish I could tell you, but the fact is my memory isn't clear. I guess it's kind of like being in a trance. I do know the trigger seems to be hurting myself in some way. Like biting my hand" Eren told them. I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"Your not going to get anything out of him. Apart from what the scribblers laid out in the reports. She probably won't say much either. Not that you know who wont have a go at it-" Levi took a sip of his tea before continuing. "-You'll be lucky to come out of it alive if that one lays into you" Levi finished.

I immediately stood up and grabbed to knife from my ankle. I held it defensively in front of my brother. "Who is going near him?" I asked in a panicky yet aggressive tone. "Of course it's only a matter of time" Levi added. "Who are you talking about?" Eren asked.

Just as he asked someone slammed into the door. A loud 'ow' could be heard from the other side of the door. I repositioned myself in front of Eren to face the door with my knife. Petra got up and opened it.

"I'm so sorry. Good evening team Levi! How is castle life treating everyone?" Hanji asked as she walked into the room. "Tch, your too early" Levi told her. "Am I? Suppose I couldn't help myself" She said as she walked in the doors.

I dropped my knife and ran to her. "Hanji!" I shouted as I ran to her and gave her a hug. Oluo, Eld, Gunther and Petra all made surprise noises. "So, she doesn't just speak threats and has a happy side" Eld spoke shocked. I turned and smiled at him and Gunther.

"Section commander Hanji?" Eren asked as Hanji and I broke apart and she walked over to him. "Hello Eren" she greeted him. Hanji started talking to Eren. I picked up my knife and walked up to the captain.

I held the knife out in font of him and sighed. "Here captain. I may not be able to give you my loyalty now, but I can at least forgive you and lose my grudge. I'm sorry for my disrespect sir" I told him while I looked to the floor. I expected him to take the knife, but he didn't he just brushed it off. "Tch, keep it. I don't exactly trust you but, I can at least give you the benefit of the doubt" He told me.

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