The Retaking of Trost (Part 2)

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Wall Rose - 850

Y/N's Point of View

"Please, don't talk to me about our last best chance. He's a failure countless soldiers have died because off! Just look at him Ian, are you saying you want more of us to die saving that!?" Rico snapped at him. "He isn't a failure! Yes, he is our last best chance! Yes, we need to protect him! How dare you go blaming their deaths on him! Finally, don't you dare go at Captain Ian" I growled at her.

She looked to Ian. "That's right. To the last man if that's what it takes so be it!" Ian told her. I turned to him and briefly smiled before facing Rico and Mitabi again with a deadly glare. "Ian you can't be serious!" Rico snapped again.

"What other hope against the titans do we have?! You know something I don't!?-" Ian argued, Rico gritted her teeth at him. "-This is it. This all we've got, and you damn well know it! I am making a judgement call here. If you have a better plan speak up! How else are we supposed to get out from under their feet?! I'm all ears here!" Ian continued.

Rico's face calmed down, so I dropped my defensive stance and stood slightly to the side of Ian, keeping ready to attack if needed. "If your asking me how else we'll defeat the titans, obviously I have no idea" Rico told Ian. Ian stood up straight and calmed down a bit.

"See, that's why we can't afford to retreat. Not just yet. We may not know what else is in there but there is hope. And as long as that's the case, were going to fight till the bitter end" Ian told her. "Look at us, always scraping by, always on the run. Don't you- Don't you want it to be over? Don't you want to make a stand? Well this is how it's done" Ian said.

He looked at me, I nodded and gave him a determined look. He looked back to Mikasa and I can guarantee she did the same thing. It was silent.

"This is just- This is madness" Rico said as she started walking back. "Hey!" Ian shouted at her. "I think your right. If we are to stand, this is the only way. Just this once, lets fight a fight that's not just a battle of attrition. Let the bastards taste humanities wrath... Right, my team will address the twelve meter coming in from the rear..." Rico finished as she walked off.

'Ian did it. She's not going to leave him either' I exclaimed in my head. I sent her a nod and a small smile. Rico walked off towards the rear. Then Mitabi walked past us. My stance had completely dropped by now. My arms held my blades at my sides.

"Well, we have the two in front, don't we?" Mitabi commented as he walked past. "Right" a jaw dropped Ian replied. "Thank you, captain Ian. I was right to trust and believe in you" I thanked. "Thank you, captain. That was brave" Mikasa thanked as she walked up.

"No it wasn't. There is no thanks needed-" "But there is sir. You stood up for my brother" I cut him off. "-The fact of the matter is, I was petrified of the mess you were both about to get into" Ian admitted, unsheathing a blade. "But you are free now. So do your things. Make good use of your inborn skill and your heart" Ian told us. "Sir" Mikasa nodded. "Go save the man you love" Ian ordered her. She blushed and I broke out laughing. "It's not like that" she mumbled. "Sure~" I teased.

"Sir. For the record, I was right to trust and believe in you. For protecting Eren you have my loyalty sir," I told Ian right before he went to run off. He nodded and then ran off to fight the titans up front.

I turned to Eren. I gasped, his injuries hadn't healed. 'Why haven't they healed?' I asked myself. I continued to watch Eren closely and I subconsciously grabbed Mikasa's hand.

After a few minutes I heard shouts coming from the direction of Ian and Mitabi's squads. "Shit! Mikasa, those shouts and screams are coming from Ian and Mitabi's squads!" I told her. "Let's go!" She ordered me.

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