Hitch and Marlow

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Inside the Walls – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

"I am not staying here, I'm not a child" I told Mikasa. Mikasa gave me the 'you're still younger than me' look. "You are staying here. You are already hurt and I'm not letting you get more injured" Mikasa replied. "I'm fine, Jean did a great job at patching me up" I groaned. "Please stay here" Armin requested, backing Mikasa up.

"I am helpful, you know?" I rolled my eyes. "You are helpful, yes. But I don't want you anymore hurt" Mikasa repeated. "You're staying here. End of discussion" the captain cut in. "But sir-" I was cut off. "No. I'm not like eyebrows, I don't implicitly want my squad mates dead" the captain spoke monotonaly. I groaned. "Fine" I mumbled under my breath.

"We're going. Come on" Jean directed. I watched as Jean, Armin, and Mikasa walked off. "I could have gone with" I looked to the captain. "I'm not stupid. You are accident prone" the captain rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and Eren's kidnap prone" I muttered under my breath so no one could hear.

"You know (N/N), after all this is over, we should go hunting again" Sasha smiled. "I'd love that Sash" I grinned. "What about me?" Connie whined. "Nope" Sasha and I laughed in union.

"We can go back to my village! Or even find a new place!" Sasha started planning. "Whatever you say, Sash" I chuckled. "Think of the meat" Sasha started drooling. The captain looked slightly disgusted. Connie started talking to Sasha about meats, for some unknown reason. I mean, that's like a death wish.

"Oi, brat" the captain called. Sasha, Connie, and I looked to him. "Jaeger" the captain sighed, turning his head my direction. Sasha and Connie continued on talking about lord knows what, while I listened intently to the captain.

"What is it captain?" I asked. "What did you mean by 'you have my loyalty'?" He asked me. "Exactly as it sounds. When I first met you, I hated your guts. You beat up my brother, can you blame me? Anyway, I watched as you've given up lives to save Eren, time and time again. You've been protecting Eren, thank you. You have my loyalty. I will remain loyal to your choices and I won't let you die, be damned if I let that happen" I explained.

The captain nodded at me. "Good to know. I'm glad you can follow orders at least" he sighed. "Let's just focus on getting Eren back for now" I looked down. "We'll get the brat back" the captain told me. 'Yeah' I internally sighed.

Time Skip

I heard footsteps approaching. As usual, I instinctively went for my knife. "Calm down. It's just the rest of the squad" the captain told me. I sighed and threw my hands out in front of me. Jean, Mikasa, and Armin then came into the campsite. I stood up and started walking towards Jean.

"Captain, we bought the supplies" Jean stated. I hugged him once in range. He hugged back after placing his load of supplies down. Then kissing the top of my head.

Armin walked right up to the captain and handed him a piece of paper. "The MP's were handing out these flyers" Armin told him. The captain took the flyer from his hand and looked it over. Jean and I sat down, me in his lap. This man really was my home. "If this is true, then the scouts will be disbanded. They say they'll be hunting for us in the mountains tonight. They're also posting guards on all the vital roads. No one can get through them without a pass" Armin explained.

"Damn MP's" I growled under my breath. "So captain, what now?" Armin inquired. "We need to hurry and find Eren" Mikasa spoke up. "I'm with Mikasa" I chimed in. "He'll be fine. They're taking him on a wagon. That gives us one day, before they reach Reiss's estate. And we need every second we can get to come up with a plan" the captain told us. "He's right" I rolled my eyes, plonking back into Jean's chest.

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