Stohess Operation (Part 1)

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Stohess – 850

Y/N's Point of View

We arrived in Stohess and had already switched Eren and Jean. I sent him a sympathetic look as I limped off behind the real Eren, alongside Mikasa and Armin. Damn it's hard to limp with ODM gear and a crutch.

We travelled behind some buildings as the carriages set off again. We spotted Annie through an alleyway. Armin signalled for Eren and Mikasa to go into a different alleyway. They did as told, and the carriages set through. The soldiers started to run after the carriage. I followed Armin further out to the soldiers while still remaining hidden.

"Annie!" Armin whisper-called. She ran over to us after the other soldiers disappeared and saw Armin and myself. "Annie!" I exclaimed quietly as I limped up and hugged her. "So, you're a full-fledged MP now" Armin mentioned. "I always knew you could do it!" I commented in my usual cheery tone. Annie looked at us wide eyed, "Armin, (Y/N)."

"So what's with the outfit? And what's with the crutch?" Annie asked. "Oh, an abnormal titan threw my into a tree after it killed my squad, and it dislocated my leg. As for our rain gear, it's to hide our ODM gear" I told her, while opening my coat up. Armin did the same.

"What's this about?" Annie asked, seriously. "Annie, we have a plan for Eren to escape and we're hoping that you'll help us" Armin told her. "Wait, escape to where? Inside these walls, were could you hide that they won't find you?" She then asked. "We only need to hide him until we have the evidence to save Eren. Please Annie, I need to save my brother. I need your help" I replied.

"This isn't a mutiny. We have every intention of returning. View this as a few loyal scouts staging an act of protest. As (N/N) explained, we need evidence to save Eren" Armin added. "You're serious about this? How can you be sure the evidence exists and what is it?" She questioned further.

I could see Armin struggling but I couldn't help. I was just as blank as he. "I can't say, I'm sorry" Armin told her. She sighed then spoke, "sorry Armin, (Y/N), I'm going to have to decline. My lips are sealed though. Best of luck."

"Annie please. He's my brother, I need your help. They're going to kill him. I can barely do squat in this form anyway. Please Annie" I begged. "Annie please, they're going to kill Eren. They're going to kill him for no better reason than they don't understand. They don't see that their fear is pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Maybe it's too late to change their minds, but what if we can, we have no choice but to bet everything on that chance" Armin tried as well.

"I'm sorry. The last thing I want is to push boundaries with you Annie. I don't want you any trouble either, believe me. But I need your help to save him. The only way to get him out of here and through the check points is with someone from the MP's but I don't trust any of them but you. Your my friend! Please!" I begged.

Annie turned around. "But why me? Do I really strike you as good person?" Annie asked. "A good person? I don't know. I actually never placed much value in those sorts of labels. The way I see it, good, is only a word that is applied to people who our needs in some way, it's purely subjective. Anyway you look at it, labelling people humanizes them. Regardless if you still choose to say no to this request, then at least in my eyes, that makes you a bad person" Armin explained.

"Annie, you'll never be a bad person in my eyes. You'll always be my friends, either way. I just need your help. I don't trust anyone else" I told her. We stood in silence for a few minutes before Annie took of her rifle. "Alright" Annie told us simply. I limped up and hugged her again. She took out a ring and put it on her finger. "Let's go" she told us.

"Thank you, Annie. Thank you so much" I thanked. We started walking off to were Eren and Mikasa were. After getting them we all followed after Annie through the streets of Stohess. When our trip was almost over Eren started to talk. I was still limping behind with the support of a crutch.

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