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Court Room – 850

Y/N's Point of View

Time Skip

I stood in between Mikasa and Armin whilst we waited for Eren to show up. I heard the doors open and I shot my gaze to the door. I saw a cuffed Eren and two guards. I resisted the urge to run to him and hug him.

"Alright, move it" a soldier ordered as they pushed Eren in the back with a rifle. They pushed him to the middle of the room and forced him to kneel, "on your knees now." I took a deep breath to calm down as I just wanted to jump the fence and beat the shit out them. They slammed a pole into the ground to hold him in place.

Eren was looking around the room but his gazed stopped on the three of us. I must look like shit I have a few bruises and a bandage on my arm. Mikasa has a scar across her cheek as well. Just then Darius Zackly walked in and took a seat.

"Alright, shall we begin? Your name is Eren Jaeger, and as a soldier you have sworn to give up your life when called to, for the good of the people. Is that correct?" Zackly asked him. "Yes" Eren replied. "As an enlisted soldier during a time of war, military doctor demands your tribunal be held as a court martial. As commander of our armed forces this matter falls to my discretion. Thus I will decide whether you live or die-" I looked to Eren in a panic. "-Any objections?" Zackly explained. "No sir" Eren replied. 

"Your astuteness is appreciated. Let us procced. As expected, covering up your existence has proven quite pointless. And unless we publicly disclose your existence, one way or another we spread the outbreak of wide civil unrest. A choice must be made and the regiment that takes custody of you will determine your fate. The military police or the scout regiment. To begin the military police will now present their case" Zackly spoke.

"Thank you! My name is Nile Dok, I am the commander of the military police. Our recommendation, following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Jaeger should be disposed of immediately-" Nile began. I growled under my breath as my glare sharpened on him. "-We acknowledge that Jaeger's ability played a part in turning back the latest titan incursion however as has been stated his mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good after we have gathered all the information, we can from him we would see him made a fallen soldier of humanity" Nile finished. 'If this goes your way, you better be sleeping with one eye open Dok' I threatened in my head.

"Unexpectable! This verminous fiend has defined-" I tuned out knowing that I was going to punch this dude for calling Eren that. Good news is he was cut off. "Now I'd like to hear the scout regiments proposed plan" Zackly told everyone.

"Yes sir. As the commander of the survey corps-" Eyebrows began. 'Wait... He's the commander now!?' I yelled in my head. "-I Erwin Smith propose the following. Let Eren join our ranks, reinstate him as a full member of the scouts and we will utilize his titan ability to retake wall Maria. That is all" Erwin, I think, proposed.

Whispers were heard all around. I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue. "Is that it?" Zackly asked. "Yes. With his assistance sir, I'm certain we can reclaim wall Maria. Ergo, I believe our top priority is perfectly clear" Erwin replied. "Quite bold" Zackly commented.

"Assuming you were given clearance, were do you plan to launch this operation from? Commander Pyxis, the wall in Trost district has been completely sealed. Is that correct?" Zackly asked. "Yes. I doubt its gate will ever open again" Pyxis replied. "We'll depart from Calaneth district to the east. From there we'll make for Shiganshia. A new route can be established as we procced-" Erwin was cut off by a civilian.

"That's ridiculous! Our time and money would be better spent sealing up all the gate! There the only parts of the wall the colossal titan can break, right? Let's reinforce the blasted things and wash our hands with the entire affair!" The man spoke.

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