Sawney and Bean

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Old Scout Regiment Headquarters

Y/N's Point of View

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping out of my window this morning. The sweet sound filled my ears. I turned to my right to see Mikasa, only to find she wasn't there. I panicked a bit and jumped out of bed. I looked around and realised I was in the old scout headquarters.

No Mikasa. I do have Eren though. Wait... Eren! I quickly got my uniform on and bolted downstairs. I ran all around looking for Eren. I burst into the room we drank tea in yesterday and found Eren looking half asleep while Hanji rambled to him. 'Have they been here all night?' I asked myself.

"Have you guys been here all night?" I asked them. Hanji turned to me and Eren's head shot up. I looked at him and he mouthed the words 'help me.' I giggled and sat down. Hanji smiled at me then continued talking to Eren.

"They did cover this stuff, right?" Hanji asked Eren. "Yes, they did. Every last bit" Eren told her. He was a mess. "Great! We can use that as a jumping off point for my theories! Let us review, shall we?" Hanji exclaimed. Eren jumped when she asked the last part and that followed with a look of torture.

"uh, well I-" Eren began. "Consider how the titans-" This time Hanji was cut off. Moblit had burst through the doors. "Section commander Hanji, come quickly!" Moblit called out to her. We all turned our heads to Moblit. "The test subjects, their dead! Both of them killed!" Moblit told her.

Hanji's eyes widened. Mine did to. She shot up from her chair and started running out of the room. I ran after her as did Moblit. "What a morning" I joked to him. He chuckled a bit as we ran after Hanji. "Now I don't know Hanji very well but I'm assuming she doesn't take well to deaths of her subjects?" I asked him. "Not even slightly" he told me.

I gulped and picked up speed as we ran after her. 'Sorry Eren, this is Hanji we're talking about' I spoke in my head. We all got to the horse's and mounted quickly. The three of us raced out, followed by at least Eren and the captain.

Time Skip

She ran into the area they were being kept in and we followed behind her. "No! Sawney! Bean! How could this happen! Someone tell me this isn't real!" Hanji scream-cried. I approached her from behind and hugged her.

"It's okay Hanji, it's alright" I tried to assure he as she fell to her knees in front on Bean's evaporating bones. She continued to scream. As much as I hate the noise, I'd do this for Hanji. I hate seeing her cheery self like this.

"Sawney!" She screamed. Tears ran down her face as she cried and screamed. I looked back to Moblit, with a look to ask 'what to do,' and he just sighed and shook his head. "Hanji" I tried, turning back to the crying brunette. She just continued to cry.

I sighed and stood up. I walked over to Moblit and stood beside him. "Every time?" I asked. "Every time" he sighed. I pet his shoulder, "At least she won't be eaten right now. You just have to worry about getting her to sleep" I joked. He chuckled, "yeah."

"Well, I have to back. Enjoy the... er, Hanji fun" I told him as I walked off to my squad. "See you (Y/N)" he called back. "Bye executive officer" I teased and ran off to my squad before he could reply.

Time Skip

Eren was feeding the horses while I was petting them and Gunther and Eld supervised Eren. A particular horse, named (H/N), nuzzled into my hand. This specific horse loves me.

"After that whole inspection they didn't turn up with one person who used there ODM gear without permission. So who could have done it?" Gunther commented. "Beats me. Right now I'm more concerned about the recruitment drive tonight. How many cadets are crazy enough to join the regiment with the highest casualties" Eld told him.

I listened in but was more focused on (H/N). "Hey Eren, (Y/N), do you know if anyone I your class is thinking about joining us?" Gunther asked us. "Yeah, I know of at least two" I told him. "Yeah, there are a few. Or at least there were. I'm really not so sure now" Eren answered.

Just as we answered the captain came riding in on his black stallion. Gunther, Eld and I saluted straight up. "Make ready people, were going on patrol" Levi ordered us. "Yes sir!" Eld, Gunther and I replied whilst holding our salutes.

Eren ran over, "good morning captain! Reporting for duty!" I muffled my laughter as I walked over to (H/N). She was a beautiful shade of tan and had white strip on her side. Her mane was a lovely soft white as well. I pet the horse as I listened to Levi and Eren.

"Eren, you are to stay within ten meters of me at all times. The only reason your out of your cell right now is because I'm keeping an eye on you, understood?" Levi told him. I grit my teeth before taking a deep breath. "Yes sir" Eren quickly replied. "Let's ride" Levi ordered.

Levi then rode up to me and handed me something rapped in a cloth. "Brat, here" he said as he handed me the cloth. I unwrapped it and it was my two knives he had confiscated. They had been cleaned. The hell, they were clean! "Thank you, sir," I thanked. "They were filthy" he told me in a disgusted tone, as he turned and rode off. "I cleaned them the day before you took them!" I shouted.

I saddled up (H/N) and rode up with my group. The five of us rode off over the landscape I rode slightly behind Eren. The landscape was beautiful. Trees, grass, hills, clouds, sun... everything. I smiled at the sight.

"So you do smile when Hanji isn't around" Gunther commented. "I smiled last night with you guys" I told him. "Yeah, yeah" he rolled his eyes. "But you've never smiled when the captain has been nearby. Unless Hanji" Eld added. "Idiots don't drag me into this" Levi yelled at us. "And that my friends is why I don't" I told them in a slightly hushed voice. They snickered.

Time Skip

Jean's Point of View

I walked over to Annie, Armin, Connie, and Sasha who were leaning on a wall. As I approached Armin noticed me. "Jean, your really set on the scouts?" he asked me. "Yeah" I simply replied. I had to for Marco, for (Y/N). I need to see her again as well, we still haven't spoken.

"Woah are you serious? I mean, aren't you terrified?" Sasha joined in. I looked at her confused. "Huh? Of course I'm scared. I'm not an idiot here" I told her. "Then why are you- Connie started to ask me and I cut him off. "Because I am scared of the titans, and I want to do something about it" I cut him off, with a slight snap.

"But listen, I understand that joining the scouts isn't for everybody. I won't guilt trip you unlike a certain suicidal maniac" I told them. "Eren huh? Guess he and (Y/N) have been scouts for a while now, haven't they" Connie spoke. I felt a tiny bit of blood rush to my cheeks at her name. "Yeah, well she was offered. She is already an official scout" Armin explained.

"Cadets fall in! Head over to the platform! Time to make your choice! Move it!" A soldier ordered us. 'It's time, isn't it' I thought to myself. Everyone started walking over.

"At the end of the day, there's nothing that anyone could say to persuade you into risking your life, even for the ones you love. Most of that goes for me. So believe me when I say this decision is all mine" I told them as I walked off towards the platform.

'Scouting legion, here I come' I though in my head. 

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