Hand to Hand Combat

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Cadet Corps Training Grounds – 850

Y/N's Point of View

I watched as my brother flipped Reiner over onto his back. I suppressed a giggle as Reiner was my friend, but secretly I wanted to burst out laughing. I decided, since my partner was taken to the infirmary, to go and watch the two boys.

I walked passed all the other groups. I did see Annie as I was walking. I gave her a smile and waved, in which she returned the wave. Over the last couple of years I became a lot more social. I have grown closer with Jean, Reiner, Bertholdt and Marco. Armin was already my best friend so, closer than ever with him. I made a few new friends like Annie and Sasha. Everyone is afraid of Annie, but I managed to get her to talk a little bit. After a while we became good friends, I'll always trust her to have my back.

I moved closer to the boys just in time to see Reiner hand Eren the knife. I looked at Eren and saw he was thinking. My guess would be to when he and Mikasa killed those people. Once Eren saved Mikasa the man almost took me as a replacement, Eren was pissed. Then he almost died, then Mikasa killed the dude. 'Geez we are a messed up family' I thought.

I watched them turn around and there backs were to me. I wasn't passing a chance like this. So I snuck up behind the boys and pushed them both, just enough so they didn't fall. "Ahhh. What the?" Eren reacted. "The hell?" Reiner reacted. They both then looked back at a giggling me.

I opened my eyes just in time to see them give each other a look then they started to approach me. "Eren, Reiner. What are you doing?" I asked cautiously. They remained silent. "Boys?" I tried again. Then suddenly Eren lunged at me, locking my arms in place behind my back. Reiner then came up, ruffled my hair, and zapped my sides. "You little shits" I said to them once I escaped and could face them.

"Language" Eren mothered. "Yes mum" I teased. "So what were you guys talking about?" I asked them. They then turned to face Annie. "As I was saying, if you don't believe me take a look" Reiner spoke. They looked at Annie. "Yeah, what about her? The only thing she is ready for is a chance to slack off" Eren replied.

I glared at him. He just ignored me. "Oh yeah? I guess someone better go talk to her. Teach her a lesson" Reiner said. Eren just gasped while Reiner started to walk off. "Um, Reiner, I don't think that's a good idea!" I warned. He didn't listen. 'Of course. No one listens to Jaegers little sister" I rolled my eyes.

I watched Reiner stop Annie, I approached cautiously till I was standing to the side, in-between the two. "Commandant not beating you down enough?-" Reiner began. 'Oh shit. This isn't going to end well' I thought. "Keep going and you'll end up as flat as the dirt you're walking on. I suggested you think about why you joined in the first place" Reiner finished. I walked over to Annie and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Just ignore him Annie" I tried. She just glared at Reiner.

"What are you doing?" Eren asked as he finished coming over. He looked at Annie, yup she is currently terrifying. I watched as Reiner snuck up behind Eren. 'What is he doing?' I asked myself internally. "Okay, now go get her" Reiner told Eren sticking his hands on Eren's shoulders.

I removed my hand from Annie and walked up to the boys, "are you crazy?!" I whisper-shouted. "You're right. (Y/N) you get her" Reiner said pushing be forward. I looked at Annie and saw her gaze soften when she saw me. "I'm not fighting her." Annie stated simply, yet coldly. "Thank you" I told her. I saw the corners of her mouth lift a little. "Fine. Back to plan A" Reiner told us, and continued pushing Eren forward. "Hey! What the hell!?" Eren shouted at Reiner. I walked up to Annie and spoke quietly, so the boys don't hear. "Scare him. Just please don't hurt him a lot" I requested. "I'll try" she told me. I smiled, "that's all I can ask for. Also after you finish with Eren, kick Reiner's ass to," "will do."

I saw Annie get in her fighting position and Eren do the same. "Right, I hope you don't expect me to hold back. Heads up!" Eren then lunged at her. Annie was quick to react, she had Eren on the ground in less than a moment. "Are we done here?" Annie asked. "Not yet. You know the drill, take the dagger" Reiner told her. Annie almost looked like she was in physical pain as he said that. She then walked back over to Eren, "Wait! This isn't how- Oh crap!" Eren rambled. Annie quickly took the dagger off him and landed Eren on his back.

Annie walked back over to Reiner and threw him the dagger. "There. So you ready to take me on yourself yet or what?" Annie asked. "Not exactly-" Reiner started but was cut off by Eren, "don't you dare. She has a lesson coming, right? You go get her." "Yeah, a soldier can't really afford to back down either. Get ready here I-" Reiner was this time cut off by Annie throwing him to the ground and walking off.

I walked after her, laughing quietly. "That's some technique. Who taught you to fight?" Eren asked, walking after us. "My father" Annie stated coldly. "Did he like pioneer it or-" "Does it really matter? It's pointless, just like all of this." Annie told Eren. "Wait do you mean the training in general?" Eren asked her. 'I am NOT getting into this' I told myself as I stood beside Annie. "Hand to hand combat doesn't exactly count against our final grade. People who are smart just blow it off. It's a crap show anyway. Only the top ten of us get to serve in the interior. The rest of us, forget it. The point is only the idiots like you take this part of training seriously. You sister is smart though. The rest are idiots-" Annie explained, she then pushed the wooden knife towards Eren who blocked it. I wasn't to concerned as I know she wouldn't hurt me by hurting him... badly. "-The first rule of this life kid, the better you are at stopping the bad guys, the better the distance gets put between you. That's what this whole stupid thing is about" Annie finished explaining.

"Sure whatever you say" Eren exclaimed as he went to take down Annie. 'That idiot' I said in my head. Annie was quick to react, putting Eren on the ground in a flash. The dirt around him picked up a little as he fell. Annie then held the wooden knife to his chest again as she kneeled beside him. "Face it. You don't fight the nature of things and win. Look around Eren, all the government expects us to do is play the game. Don't be a pawn" Annie finished as she walked off. I waved to her as she walked off, "talk later!" I shouted at her. She simply raised her hand for a small wave and continued walking.

I lent a hand down to Eren to help him up. He grabbed it and I helped him up. "Yeah well, I still stand by what I said earlier" Reiner commented. "I'm sorry Reiner, I should have just told her to leave you alone" I apologised to Reiner, now feeling a little guilty about the whole ordeal. "Nah, it's okay. I don't blame you. I tried to make you go up against angry Annie. Although I am surprised, it appears she has a soft spot for you" Reiner replied. "And I'm glad for it" I told him with a hint of sarcasm.

I turned to Eren who seemed to be deep in thought. I snapped my hand in front of Eren to wake him from his thoughts. "Come on. Lets go get you cleaned up for dinner. You should come to Reiner" I told them. "I'm good. I'll go and check on Bertholdt, see you later" Reiner said. "Save me a spot at dinner!" I shouted to him. He chuckled and gave me a thumbs up before walking off. "Come on Eren" "Alright..." with that I took Eren to get cleaned up. 'I don't want a death match between Annie and Mikasa' I told myself. 

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