Utgard Castle

128 5 0

Ehrmich District – 850

"-One Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover" Hanji finished. I gasped along with Sasha, Eren and Armin. 'No, no, no! Not again' I shouted in my head. "No!" I cried out loud. Everyone looked at me. "What?" Hanji asked. "There is no way. No. No, no, no! There must be a mistake. They wouldn't do anything!" I answered, tears threatening to spill. Mikasa held me tightly.

"Calm down. Not much survives in the way of records and thanks to the chaos five years ago, what we have on them in unreliable. However, we do know that during the long range scouting formation, their unit was given false intel. They were among those who were intentionally mislead into believing Eren was in the right wing" Hanji spoke.

"Wait just a minute, that's the section Annie attacked" Armin spoke up. "What!?" I gasped loudly. "What? What does that mean?" Sasha gasped quieter than me. "Well, it's entirely possible they told Annie where they thought Eren was" Armin explained.

"What? Why would they do that?" Sasha inquired further. "No, they wouldn't do this! How can you accuse them?! Of all people!" I shouted and broke free of Mikasa's arms. I started pacing back and forth around the room.

"Where are you going with this Armin? You can't just accuse-!" Eren spoke but was cut off by Hanji. "I completely agree. Coincidence doesn't establish relationship" Hanji told us. I stopped pacing and stood, looking directly at Hanji, distancing my self-form everyone else. I wanted to glare but I couldn't bring myself to glare at Hanji.

"Bearing that in mind, I'm curious to know how the three interacted during training. What can you tell me?" Hanji asked us. "I knew Bertholdt and Reiner where from the same region as Annie, but I never saw them act friendly" Armin spoke. "Same with me. You'd never catch them shooting the breeze and when they did talk, it was curt. Plus, it's not like Annie was very social to begin with" Eren added. "Yeah, at meals she almost always seemed to prefer eating by herself, I don't know. Oh! I think I've got something that struck me as weird at the time! I... er... Heard she like sweets!" Sasha spoke next.

"I've got nothing. Except maybe that-" Mikasa spoke but was cut off by Eren. "Guys what are we doing? These are our comrades we're talking about. Yeah sure, Bertholdt never has much to say but Reiner is like everyone's big brother, you know. You really think he's capable of lying to us?" Eren cut her off.

"What do you think (Y/N)?" Hanji asked me. I hadn't spoken deliberately. I sighed, knowing I have too. "(Y/N) you always hung around one of them if you weren't with us of Jean" Mikasa spoke. "Surely you have something" Armin added.

"Annie wasn't fond of Reiner, remember she flipped him during training. She wasn't as bad as everyone thought though. I sat with her some mealtimes and she was rather friendly after a while. Reiner, as Eren said, was like a big brother. Always helping out and being genuinely concerned and kind, not to mention fun. He tired to be nice to Annie. Bertholdt is a bloody BFG. He's kind, considerate. He was always checking in and offered for me to hang out with them when I was alone, same thing he did with Annie. Reiner and Bertholdt also both also saved my life during training" I told them.

"I see" Hanji acknowledged me. "Adding to that what about our second night at the cadet corps. You remember that right Armin? We all went out, Bertholdt and Reiner trained Eren with the gear. We all spoke and shared backgrounds, dreams. This shows that they care and wanted to help. They aren't capable of lying to us, they wouldn't" I added.

"(Y/N) and Eren do have a point. Think about it, Reiner fought the female titan with everything he had. He almost got himself squeezed to a pulp in the process" Armin backed us, then he gasped. "What's the matter?" Eren asked. "Armin, what is it?" I asked.

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