Stohess Operation (Part 2)

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Stohess – 850

Y/N's Point of View

She had turned into the female titan.

I looked up and saw the blood and bodies at the entrance. Wall and rumble as red as a tomato. Mikasa pulled me back right as a hand entered the tunnel. Annie was searching for us.

I couldn't hurt her knowing damn well I can't break a promise. "Damn it, that ring. She must have known I was lying to her from the very beginning. She knew we were leading her into a trap" Armin blamed himself. "Oi, I was there too. Don't blame yourself" I spoke up. "I could have- I should have taken a different approach" Armin continued to blame himself.

"Armin, right now I am telling you stop blaming yourself! I am in a lot of bloody pain right now, running, with a healing dislocated leg. Stop blaming yourself before I say something I regret!" I shouted at him. That shut him up.

"Save it until we are out of this. (Y/N) get to the commander and the captain as soon as possible. Tell them what has happened. Our question now is what do we do next?" Mikasa spoke as we ran. "Okay, first we all rendezvous with squad three. Then get the hell above ground. (Y/N) can get the commander while we fight her out in the open! That means we are switching to plan B, she's all your Eren!" Armin told us.

"Over here!" A soldier shouted. "Squad three!" I exclaimed. "What happened?! Is plan A, a no go?!" The soldier asked. "Afraid so, yes. As of now we switch to plan B!" Armin answered. Just as Armin answered a foot came through the roof and squashed squad three.

"S-She caved in the celling" Armin and I spoke in union. "We've go to pull them out of there!" Eren cried out. "Eren get back? I told him as Mikasa dragged him. I pulled out my blades. I'm not losing him again.

"What was that? Does she not care if she looses you too?" Mikasa questioned. "She took a chance, it was risky, but she gambled on Eren's being able to survive. We're dealing with someone whose been backed into a corner" Armin explained.

We all started running. "She's desperate, that makes her all the more dangerous" Armin continued to explain. "Listen, I'm going out the exit. There is a chance she'll follow me, which buys you more time. I need to get to the commander" I spoke. "(N/N) no!" Eren called. "I love you guys. Stay safe, okay?" I smiled at the three. "(Y/N) no! Come back!" Eren shouted again.

I ignored him and ran for the rumble filled entrance. I pulled my hood up and ran up the stair well. When the sunlight beamed down on my face I took off on my gear.

I looked back at Annie and we made eye contact. Her icey blue eyes starring into my own (E/C) ones. She seemed to be surveying my moves and seeing if I was going to attack. I sped up and head for the carriages. 'I can't kill her I promised. I promised I'd protect her' a tear slipped my eye as I continued on.

I looked back one last time just to see Mikasa fighting with Annie. As much as I wanted to help, to fight. I knew they had it covered. Especially Mika.

I arrived at the carriages to see frightened MP's surrounding them. I landed on the ground and limped over to the one the commander should be in. "Escort squad have a look! I'll hold this position!" Nile ordered. That bastard. I greased him off as I limped to the carriage.

I watched as the commander and the captain exited a carriage. "Commander Erwin sir! Plan A isn't going to work!" I yelled as I limped over. "Understood, thank you for following orders" he replied, I smiled.

"Nile! Deploy all troops immediately! We should assume that a titan has already appeared!" Erwin called out to Nile. I still had my blades drawn but in a semi-resting position as I stood by the captain. "Are you out of your mind? This is wall Sina! There's no way a titan could just suddenly show up here" Nile told him.

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