The 57th Expedition (Part 3) Flashback

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Wall Maria – 850

Y/N's Point of View

"Please Eren. This is just like the other day, please" I added.


We were all gathered in a room with Hanji. I sat beside her as the captain spoke. "Good news, there may be a way to stop you without killing you" the captain spoke. "Captain you do realise if you tried to kill Eren I'd kill you, right?" I told him. "(Y/N) enough. Sir?" Eren told me off then questioned the captain.

"In your titan for, we may have some middle ground after all. A fail safe if you will. The idea I've come up with will only leave you mutilated, or at least in theory. Depends on the individual skill" Captain elaborated. "So your saying, you want to mutilate my brother and HOPE he will be fine?!" I asked, slightly angry. "Yes, now be quiet brat. Essentially, we cut the entire nape from the body with you inside. Your arms and legs will be severed halfway down in the process, but you'll survive. As a matter of fact they'll probably just grow back lizard style. Creepy little bastard" the captain explained.

"So you want to cut Eren's limbs down?!" I asked. "Yes. It's that or I can kill him" captain told me. "I could kill you just as easy" I mumbled. "Hold on a sec, I'm not really sure how they do it. I mean they might, but maybe it's not worth the risk they won't" Eren panicked a bit.

"Oh I see. Your only up for this if there's no risk involved whatsoever" captain spoke. "No" Eren spoke back. "The hell are you accusing him of?!" I shouted and got up. Hanji held me back as I went to go at him. "(Y/N) I thought we were past this" Hanji struggled as I tried to break free.

"Then be prepared. Were in the same boat. If you go on a rampage you could kill us. If we go to kill you, she'll try and kill us. So were even" the captain told him, and he nodded, "yes sir. Sounds perfectly fair to me."

"Just to be clear, I have the go ahead, right?" Hanji asked. "We can't afford not to run tests, yes your good. Just try not to let him run rouge right out the gate. And you can release the brat" Levi told her. She let me go and Eren helped me up. "Oh don't worry, I have a plan" Hanji spoke in her scary voice.

'Shit' was all I could think. "Eren, I know your still a mystery to yourself, but we learn as we go. Knowledge is always worth the risk. I believe that" Hanji spoke.

Time Skip

Hanji, captain, and I stood at the top of a well Eren just climbed into. "You all good down there my dear?" Hanji asked. "When we are good to begin, I'll fire off a smoke signal. What happens after that is entirely up to you" Hanji told him while she peaked down the well. I peaked my head over, "be safe Eren" I told him. "You too (N/N)" he replied. I walked away after that.

"Ready when you are commander" Eren told her. "If the boy-" I fake coughed twice. "Right. If Eren loses control this well should hold him until he wares himself out, if not we'll go with Levi's' method. Perfect" Hanji whispered to herself... I think.

We stepped back and Hanji fire of a green flare. We waited a few minutes, and nothing happened. "Section commander Hanji, what's going on?" I asked. "I don't understand. Perhaps he missed the signal" Hanji spoke.

"Perhaps or we were just too naïve to believe he could just turn it on and off" the captain spoke, then slowly started making his way to Eren. "Eren! Enough! We're done for today!" Levi shouted to him. I got off my horse and ran over the well a there was no response. "Eren!" I called out.

I looked over the edge and gasped. Hanji and Levi came up on my right. "Did something go wrong down there?" Hanji asked as she peered over the edge. Then she gasped.

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