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Cadet Corps Training Grounds – 850

Y/N's Point of View

I finished cleaning up Eren. He was covered in dirt and had a small cut from landing on a rock. I helped him out, because he's my brother, and then we both went to dinner.

"I know okay. I'm not saying it's right It's just the way things are. Before wall Maria was compromised ODM experts were extremely rare. Only scouts ever risk going near titans and their regiment-" Armin was speaking to another person whilst I tried to drown it out. I had a growing headache and talking wasn't helping.

I looked up to Eren who was glaring again. 'Who is it now?' I asked myself as I turned to see who was in his eye lines. Jean. 'Of course' I mentally faced palmed myself. I decided to listen in to determine what Jean had down now.

"And that's how you can conserve your fuel, let your momentum do the work for you" Jean explained. 'Oh for Maria's sake' I said in my head. "That's still pretty advanced" one of Jean's table mates said. "Duh, that's what you call having a six sense for the finer points of your gear" Jean boasted. He looked our direction and I just assumed he was looking at Mikasa again. I sighed.

"You got to do the strut if you want to make the cut. The MP's only recruit the best of us" Jean continued. "Wow, man that'd be amazing. A chance to work within a stones throw of the king. There is no greater honour than that" Marco daydreamed. 'At least Marco wants to go to serve the king, not to hide in the interior' I thought.

"Shut up-" Jean told him, slapping the back of Marco's head, causing Marco's drink to go all over his face. "-Were not children. You can stop all the dreamy BS. It's and honour to even be apart of it. You just want a nice cushiony job, playing sentry-" Jean told him. "That's not true! That's not me at all!" Marco cut him off. 'He's right. Marco is a straight ace' I conversed in my head.

I looked back at my food and Eren began talking. Joining in with Jean and Marco to be specific. "Listen to you guys. The interior? Five years ago this was part of it" Eren stated matter-o-factly. "You got a point to make? I'm right here" Jean snapped back. "Boys" my voice came out way to quiet and un heard, as they continued to bicker. "Poor Jean. So misguided. And besides, I don't think your head will fit in the interior anyway" Eren commented back with a slight smirk. I looked at Jean and saw he was getting really angry. "Eren" I tried again, only coming out slightly louder than before, still no one heard. I heard some chuckles and looked back to some of the boys holding in their laughter.

"Very funny" Jean commented through gritted teeth. "Seems backwards to me, sharpening your titan killing skills just for the brass to place you were you'll never see one" Eren told him. "Are you saying you'd rather I was good at getting killed. Thank you but I'll pass. Better to play the system than get chomped on" Jean snapped back. 'Oh for walls sake!' I exclaimed in my head, again.

I looked at Eren who got pissed at this point and was beginning to stand. I held my head as the bench made some noise as he got up. I held my hands to my head and covered my ears. Mikasa seemed to notice this and she dropped her spoon and placed her hand on my arm. "I'm fine" I told her, more so squeaking out to her. She gave me the 'why don't I believe you look' and I just smiled in response.

"You son of a bitch!" Eren yelled as he stood up. "Bring it on you little bastard!" Jean yelled back, also standing up now. The two squared up. Armin looked at me, I was obviously looking more upset and angrier by the second. "Eren please stop it!" Armin tried. I turned my head just to see Eren grabbing Jean by the shirt.

Mikasa then got up and walked over. Placing a hand on my shoulder as she walked. She stood to the right of the boys and grabbed Eren's hand, pulling it away. "Gentlemen please" she asked them. Eren looked at Mikasa and see looked back at him. Eren actually looked like he was going to back down. 'Thank the walls!' Then...

Jean grabbed Eren by his shirt. 'Oh for fucks sake' I then thought, 'yup I'm obviously getting angrier, my language is worsening.' "You think you can judge me!?" Jean shouted at Eren. "You rip my shirt and your dead!" Eren shouted back. "I don't give a damn about your shirt! You pissed me off!" Jean growled back. "What?! Are you crazy?!" Eren shouted then went silent momentarily.

He turned to me, I was still holding my ears shut but only, I was in Mikasa's arms and Armin had moved around to pat my back. I gave Eren a slight smile before doing my best to suppress my pain. Eren then grabbed Jean's wrist and then flipped him on his back. 'Wait! That's Annie's move!' I looked over to Annie whose jaw had dropped slightly.

Jean quickly sat up and Eren turned to face him. "Damn it, What the hell was that move!" Jean shout-asked, whilst rubbing the back of his head. "A little something I picked up this afternoon, while you were busy with your thumb up your ass" Eren answered him. "You honestly believe that the MP's are your ticket to the good life. You're not a soldier, you're just a joke" Eren then added.

"Nope, I'm done,' I picked up my bowl, put it away and began walking towards the door. I had dropped my hands from my head so I could walk properly. Everything was silent until we all heard the door creak. We looked up and saw the commandant looking through the door. "Anyone care to explain that little ruckus I heard just now? I do hope everything is alright" Commandant Shadis said, almost scary.

Everyone was silent. Eren and Jean sat back down. Mikasa then raised her hand and blamed poor Sasha, accusing her of passing some gas. She gasped and everyone muffled there laughs. Shadis was also holding in a laugh. "For the love of god, learn some self-control" Shadis told her before walking out. With that I walked out to.

I decided on going to bed early so I headed back to the cabin. I put on my (F/C) shorts and tee. I then went and curled up on my bed.

Eren's Point of View

(Y/N) had left and I was having a glaring match with Jean. I couldn't help but think back to the position my little sister was in. She was curled up, holding her head, and covering her ears whilst Mikasa hugged her and Armin rubbed her back. She must have had one of those bad headaches. I guess our yelling didn't help much either.

I looked to Mikasa who was shutting Sasha up with a piece of bread. 'Why does she love food so much?' I asked myself. I decided to ask Mikasa what happened to (Y/N) but Jean beat me to it. 'Well this is shocking' I told myself.

"Hey Mikasa, Armin. What was up with (Y/N)?" He asked. 'Why does he care?' Obviously, he saw her to. "We were trying to calm her down to get rid of her headache" Mikasa told us simply. "Your yelling and fighting didn't help" Armin added. "Eren, you know about your sister and her headaches. Your dad informed us about them when we were little" Armin directed at me. 'He still remembers that?' "You still remember that? I thought it was just me" Mikasa commented. "Of course. She is one of my bestest friends and one of my bestest friends little sister. Besides, I wanted to make sure she'd always be ok" Armin told us.

The dinner bell rang, and everyone got up. We all left and got back to our cabins. Back in the boys cabin I heard Jean talking to Marco. I decided to ignore it and get some sleep. A full day of training tomorrow.

I soon heard Armin talking. "So Eren, how are you going to protect (Y/N) when we join the scouts. I don't think the higher ups will understand exactly." 'He's right. I need to find a way to protect her!' "I don't care what they say. I will find a way to protect my sister, no matter what" I told him. "Yeah, I knew you'd say that" Armin told me, I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "She is your sister. I'm sure you'll find a way. I'll be there to help you too, so if you ever need any help, just ask" he added. "Thanks Armin" with that, I drifted off to sleep.

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