Reiner and Bertholdt

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Y/N's Point of View

I looked around more, but this time to find my two friends. I finally spotted the tall, dark haired boy and the slightly shorter blonde. I smiled until I saw Reiner's arm. Guilt immediately ran through me.

I stood up, holstered my blades, and ran to the boys. "Bertholdt! Reiner!" I called out, they turned to face me. I ran up to them and hugged them both. "Hey (N/N)" Reiner greeted. "Hi" Bertholdt spoke. I let go off the boys and turned to Reiner.

"Are you okay?! What happened?! Walls, I feel so guilty" I questioned. "I'm alright, a titan bit me when I pushed Connie out of the way. Krista patched me up" Reiner explained. I frowned at him and punched his good arm. "Ow! What was that for?" Reiner complained. "Damn you! I was scared to death! You need to be more careful!" I scolded. "We're sorry (N/N)" Bertholdt intervened. "It's alright Bertl, as long as you're okay" I smiled, he smiled back.

"What did you mean by you feel guilty?" Bertholdt asked. "Are you kidding? I promised to protect you both and Reiner got hurt. I couldn't protect him" I looked down and spoke sadly. "It's alright. I'm alright" Reiner assured me.

I then turned and hugged Bertholdt. "You're not hurt, are you?" I asked as I hugged him. "No, I'm alright" he assured me. A few tears slipped down my cheeks. "Please, don't die on me I don't know what I do without two of my best friends" I told them as I hugged Bertholdt. Bertholdt smiled softly and Reiner just smiled.

I broke apart from the boys after a moment or two. I looked over my shoulder and saw Hanji and Krista bending down beside a torn body. "Ymir" I muttered, shocked. She was missing an arm and a leg, not to mention her insides were completely scrambled.

I stood with Reiner, Bertholdt, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, Keji, Abel and Connie. "Can't be... She's really..." Armin muttered. Krista whispered something to Ymir before everyone started making preparations to get up on the wall.

I walked up to Connie. "Connie, where is section commander Mike and his squad?" I asked. He stopped. "They... Um... Were eaten" Connie told me. My legs felt weak under me. "Even Mike?" I asked, extremely sadly. "Section commander Mike separated from the group and never came back. He went to take on a hoard of titans on his own" Connie explained.

I wanted to collapse. I wanted to break down in tears. I somehow readjusted my stance and spoke. "I see. I'll go inform section commander Hanji" I spoke, then I walked off towards Hanji.

My bottom lip quivered as I tried not to cry over their deaths. For some reason, when I first met Mike, I trusted him. He was weird but seemed to be a really good squad leader. When we were at the old scout headquarters, he let me help him out a lot. 'Bloody hell! Why does this keep happening!' I internally shouted.

I didn't realise I had stopped looking where I was walking, and I accidently ran into someone. I fell backwards and looked up. It was Hanji, just the person I wanted to see. She helped me up. "What do you need (Y/N)?" She asked. I had to keep it together.

"I apologise for bumping into you section commander" I apologised monotonaly. Hanji clearly noticed my tone change. "What's wrong my little cinnamon roll?" She asked. I wanted to laugh and joke with the nickname she gave me, I just couldn't bring myself to.

"Section commander Mike and squad Mike are deceased" I told her, using every fibre of my being to stop myself from crying. "Oh" Hanji looked down. "Are you okay? I know you trusted Mike like you trust Moblit and I" Hanji asked. I nodded slowly. "Moblit! Get over here!" Hanji shouted as she pulled me in for a hug.

Tear after tear slid down my (S/T) cheeks. I shut my eyes tight. I heard footsteps run closer to us. "What is it section commander?" The voice of Moblit asked as the footsteps ceased.

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