Levi Squad V.S. MP Anti-Personal Control Squad

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Trost – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

We dressed Armin up as Historia and Jean up as Eren. I feel so bad. At least I get to walk closer to Jean now. The captain, Armin, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, Jean, and I were walking the streets of Trost. Eren and Historia were in a concealed wagon.

"Try not to walk clustered together. We'll stand out. Eren and Historia, just act normal" the captain ordered. "Why's the royal flag hanging everywhere?" Connie asked. "Today must be the anniversary of the kings coronation. Once a year they hand out extra rations to celebrate" Sasha answered.

"May I have you attention please! King Fritz has heard of the hardships in Trost. He is donating the royal families reserves!" Two MP's spoke. I rolled my eyes. People in the crowd began gasping. "Form a line! There's plenty to go around!" The soldiers told them. "Thank goodness!" A civilian shouted. "Long live king Fritz!" Another shouted.

"All that food and he's just giving it away?" Sasha questioned. "Not everyone can eat as much as you Sash" I giggled. "It's not as if he needs it all. Easier to control people when they're not starving" Levi told us. I mean, he's not wrong.

We continued walking. Jean lightly gripping my hand. I walked slightly in front of him. The captain suddenly stopped. He turned back to face us. "Behind us! Look out!" Levi warned. A wagon came by in a flash, lifting both Jean and Armin onto the wagon.

"Ugh, Armi-" Sasha cut herself off. "Uh, I mean... Krista and Eren! Those bastards are running off with them!" Sasha saved herself. We started running after the wagon.

"Keep your emotions in check. We get you and Kirstein have a thing but calm down" Levi ordered me. "Yes sir" I forced out through gritted teeth.

We followed the people to an abandoned warehouse. Mikasa and I looked in through one of the windows. Jean and Armin were tied to chairs. Armin was getting pawed at. I was fuming. They're fucking touching my best friend.

Mikasa grabbed my arm and dragged me back on top of the roof. That was before I had the chance to do anything. We landed by the captain. Myself in between the two.

"How's everything going inside?" the captain asked. "These people are about to lose their fucking hands" I growled. "If we wait very much longer, they'll see through Armin's disguise. He's... getting pawed at" Mikasa told him. "I see" the captain looked back at us.

"How's your leg?" I asked. "Any better?" Mikasa asked. "I can move well enough. Now then, did you notice? These kidnappers are obviously rank amateurs. Why wouldn't they use professionals for a job like this?" The captain spoke before standing up.

"You can handle the rest on your own. I'm going to make my way to Eren. Jaeger, you're with me. Come and meet up with us when you're done taking out the trash here" Levi ordered. "Yes sir" Mikasa and I replied in union. I stood up and started walking after the captain.

"There's one more thing you should know. Just in case. Tell Armin and the others too. We're fighting people now too" the captain told her. My eyes widened a touch. "Let's go" the captain gestured for me to follow him.

We ran along the rooftops, following the wagon Eren and Historia were in. The wagon came to a stop due to some civilians. The captain and I landed on a rooftop beside Nifa. I was right beside the captain. "Captain" Nifa greeted in a whisper.

"Well?" Captain Levi questioned. "The roads crowded but I've seen nothing unusual. It's not far to commander Pyxis's from here, so I think we're good. But how's the body double mission?" Nifa asked. "A success" Levi answered with a strange tone.

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