Day of the Fall (Part 4)

591 14 21

Shiganshia – 845

Third Person:

Eren and Mikasa ran after (Y/N) but she was out of sight. They stood at the two boxes. Hannes caught up to them quickly. "(N/N)" Eren whispered. They both picked up the boxes and opened them.

Eren's revealed a silver locket with a green gem on it and Mikasa's revealed a silver locket with a purple gem on it. They opened the lockets and they both had two portrait drawings. One was of the drawings was of Mikasa, Eren and (Y/N). The other was of Grisha and Carla. Mikasa held the locket close to her heart then put it on. Eren looked at it before tearing up. He grabbed the locket and put it on.

Hannes walked up and grabbed the two kids hands. They began walking back to the gate. Having just lost their mum and little sister.

Y/N's Point of View:

I continued to run further and further away. I hate this. I lost my mum and my home in one day. I lost my friends and family. I can't lose anyone else. My legs finally gave out. I collapsed on the cold, hard ground.

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. I looked up and saw a titan coming closer and closer. This was it, huh? I saw the titan, it had silver hair and looked to be about eight meters high.

I felt the titans hand draw nearer and nearer. I was terrified. I felt the rough fingertips of the titan close in on my skin. I closed my eyes and waited for my death.

Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and in front of my stood a steaming titan body. I closed my eyes as the steam surrounded me. I began sobbing, quite loudly. "Oh dear, are you alive?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up and saw a woman with messy brown hair in a ponytail walk up to me.

I got scared and backed away. She came closer and closer. Soon I was back against a rock. She walked right in front of me and knelt down. "Sweetie, are you okay? What's your name?" She asked. "(Y-Y/N)" I replied in a quiet voice. "Hi (Y/N), my name is Hanji. Can you walk? I need you to come with me" She told me. I nodded slowly then managed to get on my feet.

She took my hand in hers and then walked towards the nearest wall. It took five minutes but then she stopped. She picked me up and told me to hold on tight. I held on to her as she asked. She launched her 3DMG and took me up the wall.

We arrived up the top of the wall and I let go. She smiled at me. Why was she being nice to me? She took my hand again. "Do you have any family?" Hanji asked. I froze. Tears welt up in my eyes. Hanji seemed to take that as an answer.

"A-are you going to take me to a refuge camp?" I asked. She smiled at me and said "no, I know someone you can stay with" I thanked her. As we walked along the walls another lightning strike appeared.

I saw a large, armoured titan appear and walk to the gate. "No" I whispered. It didn't take long for the titan to begin to run. It ran towards the gate. It broke through. I looked away as Hanji and I kept walking.

Soon a light brown haired man came and walked up to us. "Hanji, who is that?" He asked. I hid behind Hanji. "It's okay (Y/N), this is Moblit. He is one of my friends" Hanji explained to me. He knelt down in front of me and spoke "hi (Y/N), I'm Moblit" I slowly came out from behind Hanji. He gave me a small smile and I looked at his jacket. The wings of freedom.

"Y-your s-scouts!" I exclaimed. They looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, why?" Hanji asked. "I... er... sorry" I stuttered. "What for?" She asked. I then remembered the salute that Hannes taught me. "I'm sorry for not showing you proper respect" I said. I then saluted and their faces were incredibly surprised.

"How do you know how to do that and how old are you?" Moblit asked me. I really don't remember my age, but I remember Eren's. "I'm ten, and a friend taught me that" I told them. "Why did you get so worked up about showing us respect?" Hanji asked. "B-because, you guys are amazing people. Y-you put your lives on the line for u-us. Thank you. I'm sorry for my lac of respect" I told them.

"Hey, it's fine kiddo, not like I'll drop you off the wall" Hanji laughed. Her laugh was scary, so I backed away a bit. "Hanji" Moblit growled. "Right, I'm sorry. Anyway, lets get you to the Ral's" Hanji said, still slightly giggling.

Eren's Point of View:

We sat on the boat. I couldn't believe it. I had lost my mum and my little sister. The one I promised to protect. I watched as another titan broke through the second wall. I hate this.

I grabbed the locket from around my neck and held it. "I promise you (Y/N), I'm going to join the scouts and kill them all for you" I whispered to myself. I can't have let her die in vain.

I heard people mumbling about how we were all going to die. Then I realised. It's gone. It's all gone, our house. It's all gone forever. I'll never be able to tell (Y/N) and mum I love you. I was such a brat.

I got up and walked to the edge of the boat. "I'm going to put a stop to this. I'll kill them all, every last one" I growled leaning over the edge. I could hear Armin calling out to me but I can't deal with him right now.

Y/N's Point of View:

Time skip:

Hanji and Moblit took me to a house inside Wall Rose. She knocked on the door and a man came out. The old looking man came out of the door and greeted Hanji. "Hanji, it's been a while. What brings you here?" "I'm sorry to intrude and ask so much of you Mr Ral but I need a favour" She said. He hummed in response and Hanji pulled me out from behind her. "Can you please look after her. Her name is (Y/N) and she is ten years old. Please, you know me, I couldn't send someone let alone a child go to a refuge camp" Hanji explained.

I tugged on Moblit's jacket and he knelt down next to me. "Why are you both being so nice to me?" I asked. Moblit smiled and said, "we may be scouts but Hanji is incredibly soft and caring. We can only imagine what you have been through. Besides, it's up to you. What do you want to do?" I took a moment to think. "I want to become a scout. I always have" I replied.

Moblit looked at me wide eyed then stood up. "Mr Ral, if I may. You only have to look after her for two years" he said. I smiled up at him and Hanji. Hanji began freaking out. " Moblit, what the hell!? What about after that?!" She shouted. "Hanji calm down. She wants to join the cadet corps. That's in two years" Moblit explained calmly. Hanji sighed. "I think I can do this for you Hanji" Mr Ral spoke up.

"How about it kid?" He asked me. I nodded slowly. "Well we best be off. Don't want to upset the commander" Hanji chuckled. "Thanks Mr Ral" Hanji said. "It's quite alright Hanji. Safe travels" he spoke. I ran up and hugged Hanji and Moblit. "Thank you both for everything" I told them as I saluted them. "It's fine see you around kid" she said. "Bye (Y/N)" Moblit called out.

I watched Hanji and Moblit walk off into the distance. I smiled and then looked up. Mr Ral invited me inside and got me settled.

Hanji Point of View:

I walked beside Moblit as we made out way back to HQ. I was thinking about if I would ever see that kid again. Then I remembered something, her finger. I noticed she would unintentionally hold one of her knuckles out further than the rest. Huh, there may be a chance for me to find her in the future.

I smiled at the thought. "What are you thinking about Hanji?" Moblit asked me. "I realised something with one of her fingers in the salute. She holds it out further than the rest" I showed him an example. "Why does that matter?" He questioned. "Because Moblit. She'd be the only one. We'd be able to find her in the future" I giggled.

"Your right Hanji" he replied. "When am I not" I asked. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "quite often" he answered. I playfully scoffed and pretended to be offended.

We walked until we made it back to base. I really hope that kid stays safe. Anyway time to get back to my duties.  I'm glad I could help that kid, she deserves to live and follow her dreams.

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