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Wall Maria - 850

Y/N's Point of View

"Bertholdt!" He called. We both looked up at him as he landed on Reiner's head. I saw he had a crazy look in his eye, Hanji level crazy. Then he had a terrifying grin plastered onto his face.

"So, you're okay with this? Leaving your friend behind to face the music?-" Armin asked. Bertholdt's eyes widened. "-I guess Annie was weighing you down-" Armin continued. This time, my eyes widened. 'Annie' I internally gasped.

"-Do you know where she is? Way up north in the Utopia district. Being tortured-" I knew what Armin was saying was a lie, but I felt my legs start to shake at the thought. "-The silent treatment only goes so far. The body my heal but her screams are an object lesson on the limits of endurance-" Armin continued.

I brought my hands over my ears to try and black out the thoughts. My legs gave out momentarily and I fell onto my knees. "-Oh don't worry. There taking special care to make sure she doesn't die... Or get a moments rest. So many methods so little time. Mustn't waste a prize specimen like Annie. She's too precious" Armin spoke. Tears fell from my eyes.

My looked up at Bertholdt briefly. We mad eye contact briefly and he almost looked as if... he still cared? He looked to Armin. "Shut your mouth! Spawn of the devil! I'll kill you!" Bertholdt snapped-shouted at Armin as he pulled from Reiner's grip.

As he pulled out the commander flew up and sliced Bertholdt's chest, cutting the binding and freeing Eren. Eren fell down, I fell after him, uncovering my ears. Mikasa grabbed him and I followed them to the horses. "All soldiers retreat!" Erwin ordered.

We were started riding back, full speed. A sudden titan flew over us and landed on the ground. I looked back from where it came. Reiner was throwing titans!?

"He's tossing titans now?! That son of a bitch has gone berserk!" Jean exclaimed. I rode up next to him. "Are you alright?!" I asked him. "Fine, you? How's your head?" he replied. "Fine. It's fine" I answered.

I looked around for Armin, Mikasa, Hannes and Eren. I heard Armin shout, "Eren! Mikasa!" I finally spotted them. The two had gone flying and were now on the ground. I immediately rode over to them, alongside Armin and Jean.

As we approached the shadow of a titan appeared. The shadow was the most familiar titan to me. "No..." I muttered. As the titan got closer, I could see it's face. One look at its face brought back all the flashbacks of mum's death. Her blood, her body, the bite, the hands, her death. "No... No!" I shouted as it approached them. I pushed my horse faster.

I watched as the titan swung at my siblings. "Get down!" Mikasa shouted as she pushed Eren and herself down. "No!" I screamed. The sound of swords clanking made it's way to my ears. Hannes was blocking the titan.

"Are you insane!?" Eren snapped at him. Hannes just pushed the titans hand away and sliced at it's thumb. "Haha! Can you believe this luck?! Ha! Crazy right?! Watch me, this is the least that I owe your mother! She'll finally have the vengeance she deserves!" Hannes shouted then shot off to attack the titan.

The titan swung at him almost immediately. "Hannes!" I shouted. "No! Hannes!" Eren shouted. "They need back up!" Jean shouted. Two more titans landed in front of us. We pulled back. "Reiner, what the? Doesn't he care if Eren gets eaten?!" Armin questioned. "Move it or lose it arsehole! I'm tired of your shit!" Jean shouted. "We have to get to Eren!" I told them.

We started back up in the direction of Eren. I heard Eren shout. "I have to be the one that kills that thing!" Eren shouted. "I ain't done with you yet!" Hannes shouted as he sliced the titan again. I finally was able to run up to them, just as Eren bit his hand.

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